Kent D. Palmer, Ph.D. is a Software Engineering Technologist for a major aerospace firm. He received this B.Sc. in Sociology and East Asian Studies from the University of Kansas, USA and a Ph.D. in Sociology from London School of Economics, University of London, UK. His dissertation title was THE STRUCTURE OF THEORETICAL SYSTEMS IN RELATION TO EMERGENCE which concerned how new things come into existence within the Western scientific tradition. He has been engaged in Work Process Engineering for the last few years studying Software Engineering and Systems Engineering work in an industrial setting. He is the administrator for many Internet Email lists on Philosophy and Systems Theory including the Autopoiesis list. You may receive information about these Email lists by sending the message HELP to He may be reached at or

He is actively involved in research in ontology and autopoietic social systems theory. Some papers related to these subjects are available for review directly from the author included in the following series:

His major project over the last few years is a book on the foundations of the Western worldview called THE FRAGMENTATION OF BEING AND THE PATH BEYOND THE VOID.

He is currently writing a summary of his recent research called HOLONOMICS: BETWEEN SYSTEM AND META-SYSTEM