
Purpose of DialogNet

DialogNet is a world wide consortium of people interested in discussing philosophy through computer mediated communication.

It expresses itself as a constellation of email lists located presently at two different sites. These are the Thinknet site and the Freelance Academy site.

There are many email lists on the internet that support discussion of particular philosophers or subjects related to philosophy. What makes DialogNet different is that we support clusters of related lists and are attempting to build a community of people interested in indepth discussion across a broad range of subjects traditionally related to philosophy.


Thinknet is an effort by Kent Palmer, Ph.D. to construct a new universe of discourse. Kent has been interested for a long time in promoting thoughtful conversation in cyberspace. The lists Kent supports cover the range of Postmodern philosophy and related subjects. To find out how to join these lists send a HELP message to listserv@think.net. You can call the thinknet BBS directly at 714-638-0876 to see a backlog of the lists.

Besides philosophy the Thinknet site supports lists on systems theory and disciplines. For instance there is the autopoiesis theory and the systems engineering lists.

Kent Palmer is also the editor of the Thinknet Newsletter which is an occasional publication in the form of an electronic newsletter. It reviews information sources in philosophy and systems theory.

If you have any further questions about Thinknet send a message to dialogue@think.net.

Freelance Academy

The Freelance Academy was started by Lance Fletcher. His philosophical roots go back to an intensive study of Plato. He wants to create a new kind of Platonic Academy in cyberspace. Lance coined the term "slowreading" for the careful commentary and discussion of philosophical texts such as the Republic by Plato. His lists are oriented to group slow readings of important philosophical texts via email list support. His lists cover mostly modern and ancient philosophy sources. To find out how to join his lists send a message HELP to listserv@freelnace.com. You can dial his Freelance Academy BBS directly at 201-963-6019.

If you have any further questions about the Freelance Academy send a message to lance.fletcher@freelance.com.

Internet Philosophy Society

The Internet Philosophy Society (IPS) is an association of people who support the growth and exploration of philosophy in cyberspace. You can join the effort of exchanging information about philosophy in cyberspace and participating by joining this new society. If you join you will receive the IPS newsletter letting you know about the explosion of philosophy related resources in cyberspace. To join a discussion of IPS send the message SUB IPS to listserv@think.net.

History of DialogNet

Kent Palmer and Lance Fletcher live on either side of the United States. They met on Genie Information Services and began a philosophy category there together. DialogNet started in early 1993 and was first just a QWK packet network between their respective philosophy oriented BBSs. Then in October of 1993 they began a series of email lists on the World site (world.std.com). These lists became very popular and over 4000 people subscribed to them. These lists were split up when the World site closed down those philosophy lists in late 1994. This caused a diaspora of lists which were taken over by different people. For spoons consortia lists contact spoons@jefferson.village.virginia.edu.

When the lists at the World site broke up Lance and Kent found a UUCP package to connect their BBSs to the Internet. All the lists that were administrated by them moved to their BBSs.

The Future of DialogNet

Kent and Lance intend to continue to expand the philosophy discussions and resources of DialogNet. There is some talk of becoming a non-profit organization so that we can have a direct presence on the internet via a web server and a more substantial email listserv service. If you would like to cooperate with us to increase the level of service enabling philosophical discussion in cyberspace or to explore new horizons and other approaches please contact us.