8.0 Advertising Meta is a for-profit and freely redistributable magazine. As such, its revenues are derived from advertising. 8.1 Who should advertise in Meta? Any entity that needs to reach an extremely net- and computer-saavy audience should consider advertising in Meta. META is particularly well suited to the needs of Internet service providers, as many of Meta's readers will be students who have only short-term accounts and BBSers who are certain to buy into the Internet in the near future. Other groups who should be very interested in Meta due to its content and readership include free software distributors, developers, hardware dealers and purveyors of cool merchandise. Why? Because you will reach an extremely high-quality audience for very little investment. 8.2 Readership Most publications' advertising rates are based on their readerships' numbers and characteristics. One of the problems with a freely redistributable electronic publication is that it is very hard to track the publications' readership. We understand the desire of advertisers to weigh their marketing budget. We will conduct surveys of Meta readership which will be available to potential Meta advertisers and hopefully provide them with information that will help them decide whether Meta will be an effective marketing vehicle for them. 8.3 Netcom? A few potential advertisers (Internet providers) have expressed concern about the current Meta ftp site being on Netcom. Netcom is expanding into many cities across the US and is or will be a direct competitor to many potential advertisers. As noted above, Meta has _no_ connection to Netcom, other than Meta's publisher having an account on Netcom. Linksvayer pays Netcom for this account like any other subscriber and does not endorse Netcom or any other net service provider. 8.4 Rates Meta has standard prices for three sizes of ads. Nonstandard shapes and sizes are available at slightly higher rates. Note that all rates are for ads that generate 50k or less of PostScript code. Greater amounts are priced on a prorated basis (e.g., a 70k full-page ad costs $217). Full page 7.5" x 9.5" $155/issue* 1/2 page 3.625" x 9.5" $85/issue* or 7.5" x 4.75" 1/4 page 3.625" x 4.75" $45/issue* 7.5" x 2.375" Classified: $0.50/word, $10 minimum.* *Rates subject to change without notice. 8.5 Artwork Artwork is designed or imported by Meta at no extra charge. Contact Meta for information about formats. 8.6 Deadlines Advertising for the next month's Meta is due with payment and artwork on the last day of the month preceding publication (November 30th for the December issue). All payments must be in US funds and made payable to: Meta Magazine 1800 Market Street #31 San Francisco, CA 94012-6227 USA Questions? EMAIL: mlinksva@netcom.com VOICE: +1 415 431 0775 FAX: +1 415 327 7629