Text of Democratic censure resolution WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, December 9) -- The following is a censure resolution to be offered by Judiciary Committee Democrats, Reps. Rick Boucher (D-Virginia), Thomas Barrett (D-Wisconsin) and William Delahunt (D-Massachusetts), as an alternative to impeachment: JOINT RESOLUTION: It is the Sense of the Congress that - On January 20, 1993, William Jefferson Clinton took the oath, prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, faithfully to execute the Office of President; implicit in that oath is the obligation that the President set an example of high moral standards and conduct himself in a manner that fosters respect for the truth; and William Jefferson Clinton has egregiously failed in this obligation, and through his actions has violated the trust of the American people, lessened their esteem for the office of the President and dishonored the office which they have entrusted to him, Be it resolved that: 1. The President made false statements concerning his reprehensible conduct with a subordinate; 2. The President wrongly took steps to delay discovery of the truth; 3. No person is above the law, and the President remains subject to criminal and civil penalties for this conduct; 4. William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States, by his conduct has brought upon himself and fully deserves the censure and condemnation of the American people and the Congress; and by his signature on this Joint Resolution, the President acknowledges this censure. [53]Investigating the President AllPolitics' [54]in-depth look at the investigation into the president's relationship with Monica Lewinsky. DOCUMENTS Full text of the proposed articles of impeachment, pages: [55]1 | [56]2 | [57]3 | [58]4 | [59]5 | [60]6 | [61]7 | [62]8 (12-9-98) [63]Text of Democratic censure resolution (12-9-98) [64]White House's 184-page defense report (12-8-98) [65]Clinton's answers to Judiciary Committee's 81 questions (11-27-98) [66]Read the Starr report. [67]MORE DOCUMENTS TRANSCRIPTS [68]Closing arguments by Lowell (12-10-98) [69]Closing arguments by Schippers (12-10-98) [70]Hearing transcripts from two-day Clinton defense (12-8-98, 12-9-98) [71]MORE TRANSCRIPTS SCHEDULE Tentative impeachment hearing schedule December 10: Committee counsels will make closing arguments. Members deliver opening statements. December 11-12: Committee to debate and vote on four proposed articles of impeachment. December 17: Full House debate, vote. VIDEO Majority counsel David Schippers presents summation (12-10-98) Real: [72]28K | [73]56K, Windows Media: [74]28K | [75]56K Minority counsel calls witnesses through multi-media for the committee (12-10-98) Real: [76]28K | [77]56K, Windows Media: [78]28K | [79]56K Clinton deposition: Lawyers discuss definition of sexual relations, as submitted in the Paula Jones case (12-10-98) Real: [80]28K | [81]56K, Windows Media: [82]28K | [83]56K [84]MORE VIDEO POLLS [85]Public says censure Clinton, don't impeach him (12-9-98) [86]Most Americans do not think Clinton will be impeached (12-8-98) [87]Tracking Clinton's standing with the public [88]MORE POLLS HEADLINES [89]Republicans lay out case for impeaching Clinton (12-10-98) [90]Gingrich warns House to be ready to be called into session (12-10-98) [91]Democrats respond to proposed articles of impeachment (12-10-98) [92]Analysis: Hearings lack Watergate drama (12-10-98) [93]LaHood selected to run House impeachment debate (12-10-98) [94]Judiciary Committee unveils four articles of impeachment (12-9-98) [95]White House lawyers wrap up Clinton defense (12-9-98) [96]MORE STORIES BIOS [97]Profiles of the attorneys for Clinton and the committee [98]Who's who on the Judiciary Committee? [99]Cast of characters MESSAGE BOARD [100]Clinton impeachment hearings