EXHIBIT CATALOG INFORMATION The book "Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture" serves as catalogue for the exhibit of the same name at the Library of Congress, which will present for the first time outside of Rome a selection of objects from the Vatican Library's remarkable collections. This beautiful book, which contains over 200 color illustrations, introduces the reader to the Vatican Library and examines in particular its development during the Renaissance. Distinguished scholars discuss the Library's holdings and the historical circumstances of its growth, presenting a fascinating cast of characters--popes, artists, collectors, scholars, and scientists--who influenced how the Library evolved. "Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture" (336 pages, 200+ color illustrations) is available in hardcover from Yale University Press for $55.00. To place an order, please write to the Special Sales Department at 92A Yale Station New Haven, CT 06520 attn: Orders or fax to 800-777-YALE. A paperbound edition of "Rome Reborn" is available for $25.00 directly from the Library of Congress. It is for sale in person at the Library of Congress Sales Shop and by mail through the Library of Congress Publishing Office Box J Washington, DC 20540 Write to this office for information on shipping and handling charges.