HSWP-1, Help for White Pages Page 1 Note: the system described by this sheet is purely experimental. This sheet tells you how to use the White Pages, a distributed, automated directory of electronic-mail addresses. Different Ways: There is no one way to use White Pages. All ways, so far, are based upon a program called fred to which you can type commands that search for entries and display the results. Your computer might have the fred program. If not, there are various ways you can reach one through the network: (1) Using "telnet wp.nyser.net" with username fred (no password necessary). (2) Using the network facility "whois" with server "wp.nyser.net". (3) Sending mail to whitepages@wp.nyser.net. Using fred: fred gives you the prompt fred> at which time, it expects commands described below under "Basic White Pages Command Syntax". Also included are the commands "help", "manual" (which provides a longer help-text), and "quit". Using telnet: When you telnet to wp.nyser.net and give it username "fred", it will not prompt you for a password, but will immediately run fred for you and will end your telnet session when you terminate fred. Using whois: Whois is a network service available to any computer on the Internet though not all have the software to use the service. Most Unix systems come with a "whois" command. You can direct a single command to fred running on wp.nyser.net through the Unix command: whois -h wp.nyser.net 'YOURCOMMAND' Note that if your command is more than one word that the single-quotes are necessary. YOURCOMMAND represents any of the basic commands described below. Using Electronic Mail: Send a message to whitepages@wp.nyser.net with no message body but with a single basic white-pages command (described below) as the subject. You will receive an answer from daemon@wp.nyser.net. Basic White Pages Command Syntax: whois input-field [record-type] [area-designator] [output-control] input-field is one of: name NAME e.g., surname "smith", or fullname "john smith" handle HANDLE e.g., handle @c=US@cn=Manager JMW 12/89 HSWP-1, Help for White Pages Page 2 mailbox LOCAL@DOMAIN e.g., mailbox postmaster@nisc.nyser.net record-type is one of: person or -title NAME e.g., -title scientist organization unit (a division under an organization) role (a role within an organization) locality dsa (white pages server) area-designator is one of: -org NAME e.g., -org nyser -unit NAME e.g., -unit engineering -locality NAME e.g., -locality rensselaer -area HANDLE e.g., -area "@c=US@o=NYSERNet Inc." and may be followed by -geo HANDLE, e.g., -geo @ce=GB output-control is any of: expand - give a detailed listing, followed by children subdisplay - give a one-listing listing, followed by children full - give a detailed listing, even on ambiguous matches summary - give a one-line listing, even on unique matches Defaults: The default values depend upon what White Pages server you are using. If you are using fred, which allows you to do multiple commands, there are ways to change the defaults for your session. wp.nyser.net's defaults are the following: input-field type - "surname". record-type - unspecified: all record-types will be searched. area-designator - "-area @c=US@o=NYSERNet Inc." output-control - unspecified: unambiguous matches will yield a detailed listing, ambiguous matches will yield a one-line listing for each matching entry. Examples of Usage: whois surname smith looks for any entries with surname "smith" in the default area. whois fullname "John Smith" looks for any entries with full name "john smith" in the default area. whois smith how it takes "smith" depends upon the default input-field. whois surname smith -org nyser looks for any entries with surname "smith" in any organization including the string "nyser". JMW 12/89 HSWP-1, Help for White Pages Page 3 whois surname smith -area "@c=US@o=NYSERNet Inc." looks for any entries with surname "smith" in the area with handle "@c=US@o=NYSERNet Inc.". whois mrose@rebel.nyser.net looks for any entries with mailbox "mrose@rebel.nyser.net" in the default area. whois -title operator looks for any entries who are operators. whois -org * lists all registered organizations. whois -org * -geo @c=GB lists all registered organizations in geographic area "@c=GB". Example Usage with fred: % fred ... fred> whois schoffstall -org nyser Trying @c=US@o=NYSERNet INc. ... 2 matches found. 2. Marvin Schoffstall marv@nisc.nyser.net 3. Martin Schoffstall schoff@nisc.nyser.net fred> whois !3 Martin Schoffstall (3) schoff@nisc.nyser.net ... fred> quit % JMW 12/89