US News and World Report rankings of PhD programs in History, 1992. 137 History department heads and directors of graduate study ranked each program in terms of "reputation for scholarship, its curriculum and the quality of its faculty and graduate students." The highest score = 5 = "Distinguished"; "Strong" = 4; "Good" = 3; "Adequate" = 2 "Marginal" = 1. (Bad schools presumably got a 1.) An abridged version of the report appeared in US News & World Report on March 23, 1992. This listing comes from Change magazine (Nov/Dec 1992) pp 20-45 esp pp 28-30 (see also some highly critical letters, pp 46- 52.) Economics, English, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology departments are also ranked. Departments that surged or fell 20 places or more from a similar survey in 1982 are noted. Richard Jensen CAMPBELLD@APSU.bitnet Rankings (same score = tie, listed alphabetically) RANK POINTS SCHOOL CHANGE since 1982 1 4.9 Berkeley (up or down 20+ places) 1 4.9 Princeton 1 4.9 Stanford 1 4.9 Yale 5 4.6 Chicago 6 4.5 Harvard 6 4.5 Johns Hopkins 6 4.5 Michigan 9 4.4 Columbia 9 4.4 Cornell 9 4.4 UCLA 9 4.4 Wisconsin 13 4.3 North Carolina 14 4.2 Duke 15 4.1 Penn 16 4.0 Brown 16 4.0 Indiana 16 4.0 Northwestern 16 4.0 Virginia 20 3.9 Texas 21 3.8 Illinois- Urbana 21 3.8 Rutgers 23 3.7 Minnesota 23 3.7 Washington (Seattle) 25 3.6 Emory 26 3.5 Iowa 27 3.4 Brandeis 27 3.4 Cal-Irvine up 43 27 3.4 Cal-San Diego 27 3.4 CUNY Graduate School 27 3.4 Maryland 27 3.4 Ohio State 33 3.3 Cal/Davis 33 3.3 Cal/Santa Barbara 33 3.3 Claremont 33 3.3 NYU 33 3.3 Pitt 33 3.3 Rice 33 3.3 Rochester 33 3.3 Vanderbilt 33 3.3 Washington (St Louis) 42 3.2 Florida up 27 42 3.2 William & Mary 44 3.1 Binghamton 44 3.1 Carnegie Mellon up 21 44 3.1 Kansas 47 3.0 Arizona 47 3.0 Colorado up 21 47 3.0 Stony Brook 47 3.0 Tulane 51 2.9 Boston U 51 2.9 Georgetown up 35 51 2.9 Illinois-Chicago 51 2.9 Michigan State 51 2.9 Notre Dame up 25 51 2.9 Southern California 57 2.8 SUNY Buffalo 57 2.8 Cal/Riverside up 26 57 2.8 Cal/Santa Cruz 57 2.8 Delaware 57 2.8 Mass-Amherst 57 2.8 Missouri down 22 57 2.8 Oregon 57 2.8 Syracuse 65 2.7 Boston College up 21 65 2.7 Connecticut 65 2.7 Louisiana State 65 2.7 Nebraska 65 2.7 New Mexico 65 2.7 Penn State 71 2.6 Bryn Mawr 71 2.6 Hawaii 71 2.6 Kentucky 71 2.6 Purdue 71 2.6 Temple down 23 76 2.5 American 76 2.5 Case Western Reserve 76 2.5 Fordham 76 2.5 George Washington 76 2.5 Oklahoma 76 2.5 South Carolina down 21 82 2.4 Cincinnati down 21 82 2.4 Miami (Ohio) 82 2.4 New Hampshire 82 2.4 Northern Illinois 82 2.4 Tennessee 82 2.4 Utah 88 2.3 Alabama 88 2.3 Arizona State 88 2.3 Catholic 88 2.3 Houston 88 2.3 Kent State down 26 88 2.3 Texas A&M 88 2.3 Washington State 88 2.3 Wayne State 96 2.2 Florida State down 21 96 2.2 Kansas State 96 2.2 Loyola (Chicago) 96 2.2 Marquette 96 2.2 St Louis 101 2.1 Brigham Young 101 2.1 Howard 103 2.0 Miami (Florida) 103 2.0 West Virginia 105 1.9 Arkansas 105 1.9 Auburn 105 1.9 Colorado-Denver 105 1.9 Toledo down 23 109 1.8 Ball State 109 1.8 Bowling Green 109 1.8 Drew 109 1.8 Texas Christian 109 1.8 Texas tech 114 1.7 Akron 115 1.6 Illinois State 115 1.6 Memphis State 115 1.6 Mississippi State 115 1.6 North Dakota 115 1.6 North Texas down 25 120 1.5 Northern Arizona 121 1.3 Southern Baptist Seminary 121 1.3 Southwestern Baptist Seminary 123 1.1 Middle Tennessee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- US News and World Report rankings of PhD programs in History, 1992, with comparisons to 1982 rankings 137 History department heads and directors of graduate study ranked each program in terms of "reputation for scholarship, its curriculum and the quality of its faculty and graduate students." The highest score = 5 = "Distinguished"; "Strong" = 4; "Good" = 3 "Adequate" = 2; "Marginal" = 1. (Bad schools presumably got a 1.) Column 1 = column 5 - column 2 = Gain/Loss in rank in 10 years. Column 2 = relative rank in 1982 (blank = not rated) Column 3 = Quality score in 1982 (z-score). Column 4 = Effectiveness score in 1982 (z-score) Column 5 = relative rank in 1992 Column 6 = Score in 1992 (5 = high, 1 = low) Column 7 = Zscore version of column 6; comparable to col 3 & 4 Column 8 = Change in score (col 7 - average of col 3&4) Columns 1, 2 and 5 are relative ranks: Note that a department can drop in rank if a new PhD program squeezes in ahead of it. Columns 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 are NOT relative ranks; they are absolute score with average = 100 and standard deviation = 10. Like IQ scores. Change in col 8 indicates improvement/decline relative in terms of criterion of history professors. Richard Jensen CAMPBELLD@APSU [thanks to Dan Smith for coding '82] (blank = no report for 1982; 3 schools overlooked in 1992.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rank82 EffecRank'92 Z '92 Gain Quality '82 Score'92 Z change 114 1.7 89 Akron 88 2.3 95 Alabama 8 84 90 89 76 2.5 97 7 American 2 49 99 100 47 3.0 102 2 Arizona 88 2.3 95 Arizona State -19 86 88 88 105 1.9 91 3 Arkansas -11 94 86 83 105 1.9 91 6 Auburn 109 1.8 90 Ball State 21 86 88 89 65 2.7 99 10 Boston College -13 38 102 100 51 2.9 101 0 Boston U 109 1.8 90 Bowling Green -9 18 111 110 27 3.4 106 -5 Brandeis 101 2.1 93 Brigham Young -1 15 112 113 16 4.0 112 0 Brown -22 49 99 102 71 2.6 98 -3 Bryn Mawr -15 12 113 108 27 3.4 106 -5 CUNY Graduate School 0 1 121 119 1 4.9 121 1 Cal/Berkeley 39 72 93 93 33 3.3 105 12 Cal/Davis 7 34 103 104 27 3.4 106 2 Cal/Irvine -28 29 106 106 57 2.8 100 -6 Cal/Riverside 43 70 94 92 27 3.4 106 13 Cal/San Diego -7 26 107 108 33 3.3 105 -3 Cal/Santa Barbara 57 2.8 100 Cal/Santa Cruz 0 11 114 112 11 4.4 116 3 Cal/UCLA 20 64 96 98 44 3.1 103 6 Carnegie Mellon 2 78 92 95 76 2.5 97 3 Case Western Reserve -16 72 93 93 88 2.3 95 2 Catholic 0 5 118 115 5 4.6 118 2 Chicago -23 59 97 97 82 2.4 96 -1 Cincinnati 16 49 99 97 33 3.3 105 7 Claremont 19 66 95 94 47 3.0 102 7 Colorado -4 5 118 116 9 4.4 116 -1 Columbia -20 45 100 100 65 2.7 99 -1 Connecticut 6 15 112 113 9 4.4 116 4 Cornell -12 45 100 101 57 2.8 100 -1 Delaware 97 97 85 84 1.9 91 6 Denver ("Colorado-Denver" 109 1.8 90 Drew in US News) 7 21 110 110 14 4.2 114 4 Duke 13 38 102 105 25 3.6 108 5 Emory 24 66 95 94 42 3.2 104 9 Florida -24 72 93 94 96 2.2 94 0 Florida State 9 85 89 88 76 2.5 97 8 Fordham 2 78 92 93 76 2.5 97 4 George Washington 35 86 88 94 51 2.9 101 10 Georgetown 45 45 100 98 overlooked Georgia -3 3 120 117 6 4.5 117 -1 Harvard -5 66 95 93 71 2.6 98 4 Hawaii 88 2.3 95 Houston -7 94 86 85 101 2.1 93 7 Howard 115 1.6 87 Illinois State -17 34 103 102 51 2.9 101 -2 Illinois-Chicago 8 29 106 108 21 3.8 110 3 Illinois-Urbana -4 12 113 113 16 4.0 112 -1 Indiana -2 24 108 108 26 3.5 107 -1 Iowa 3 9 116 117 6 4.5 117 1 Johns Hopkins -6 38 102 102 44 3.1 103 1 Kansas 96 2.2 94 Kansas State -29 59 97 94 88 2.3 95 -1 Kent State -17 54 98 99 71 2.6 98 -1 Kentucky -1 64 96 100 65 2.7 99 1 Louisiana State -10 86 88 87 96 2.2 94 6 Loyola (Chicago) 90 90 87 89 overlooked Maine 96 2.2 94 Marquette 5 32 104 103 27 3.4 106 2 Maryland 2 59 97 98 57 2.8 100 2 Mass-Amherst 115 1.6 87 Memphis State 103 2.0 92 Miami (Florida) 15 97 85 90 82 2.4 96 8 Miami (Ohio) -1 5 118 117 6 4.5 117 0 Michigan -2 49 99 101 51 2.9 101 1 Michigan State 123 1.1 82 Middle Tennessee 3 26 107 109 23 3.7 109 1 Minnesota -14 101 83 84 115 1.6 87 4 Mississippi State -23 34 103 104 57 2.8 100 -4 Missouri -1 32 104 106 33 3.3 105 0 NYU -6 59 97 99 65 2.7 99 1 Nebraska -10 72 93 99 82 2.4 96 0 New Hampshire 65 2.7 99 New Mexico 2 15 112 113 13 4.3 115 3 North Carolina 115 1.6 87 North Dakota -25 90 87 86 115 1.6 87 1 North Texas 120 1.5 86 Northern Arizona 82 2.4 96 Northern Illinois 2 18 111 111 16 4.0 112 1 Northwestern 21 72 93 94 51 2.9 101 7 Notre Dame 11 38 102 104 27 3.4 106 3 Ohio Stata -22 54 98 98 76 2.5 97 -1 Oklahoma 94 94 86 83 Overlooked Oklahoma State 9 66 95 98 57 2.8 100 3 Oregon 13 78 92 90 65 2.7 99 8 Penn State -3 12 113 112 15 4.1 113 1 Pennsylvania 5 38 102 104 33 3.3 105 2 Pitt 2 3 120 118 1 4.9 121 2 Princeton 71 2.6 98 Purdue 5 38 102 104 33 3.3 105 2 Rice -15 18 111 111 33 3.3 105 -6 Rochester 5 26 107 108 21 3.8 110 3 Rutgers 33 90 87 86 57 2.2 94 7 Saint Louis 54 54 98 97 2.5 97 -1 South Carolina 1.3 84 Southern Baptist Seminary -6 70 94 94 76 2.9 101 7 Southern California 121 1.3 84 Southwestern Baptist Semi -43 8 117 118 51 4.9 121 4 Stanford -72 49 99 99 121 3.1 103 4 Suny Binghamton -37 59 97 98 96 2.8 100 2 Suny Buffalo 33 34 103 103 1 3.0 102 -1 Suny Stony Brook -3 54 98 98 57 2.8 100 2 Syracuse -26 45 100 109 71 2.6 98 -7 Temple -10 72 93 93 82 2.4 96 3 Tennessee 3 23 109 109 20 3.9 111 2 Texas 88 2.3 95 Texas A&M -9 100 84 83 109 1.8 90 6 Texas Christian -7 102 83 84 109 1.8 90 6 Texas tech -27 78 92 90 105 1.9 91 0 Toledo 7 54 98 97 47 3.0 102 4 Tulane -4 78 92 93 82 2.4 96 3 Utah -2 31 105 105 33 3.3 105 0 Vanderbilt 5 21 110 112 16 4.0 112 1 Virginia 1 24 108 109 23 3.7 109 1 Washington (Seattle) 5 38 102 103 33 3.3 105 2 Washington (St Louis) 9 97 85 87 88 2.3 95 9 Washington State -10 78 92 89 88 2.3 95 4 Wayne State -13 90 87 85 103 2.0 92 6 West Virginia 42 3.2 104 William & Mary 1 10 115 114 9 4.4 116 2 Wisconsin 0 1 121 121 1 4.9 121 0 Yale An abridged version of the report appeared in US News & World Report on March 23, 1992. This listing comes from Change magazine (Nov/Dec 1992) pp 20-45 esp pp 28-30 (see also some highly critical letters, p 46-52.) Economics, English, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology departments are also ranked. For 1982: National Academy of Sciences, AN ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH- DOCTORATE PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES: SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (Washington: National Academy Press, 1982), Table 6.1, pp. 90-101. QUALITY (col 3) Mean ranking of scholarly quality of program faculty TRAINING (col 4) Effectiveness of program of program in educating research scholars. The scores in col 3, 4, 7 are standardized z-scores with mean of 100 & standard deviation of 10.