Recent acquisistions at (since 20 April 1993): As always, thanks are in order for Larry Jewell for his many contributions. Also, credit must go to Loomis Mayfield and Samuel A. Fletcher for their offerings. 1. WHATSNEW.TXT file The file WHATSNEW.TXT in the pub/history subdirectory will contain brief descriptions of the latest acquisitions to (this file). 2. Graphics images (.GIF files) We have received and stored a large number of .GIF graphic files on a variety of topics, including aviation and maritime history as well as the Vietnam War. Check the indices (.idx files) in the /pictures subdirectories of the appropriate directories (ex: pub/history/military/vietnam/pictures), or look for files with the .gif suffix. Directories containing .GIF files include: pub/history/diplomatic pub/history/maritime/pictures pub/history/military/airforce/pictures pub/history/military/civil_war_usa pub/history/military/vietnam/pictures pub/history/military/wwi pub/history/military/wwii pub/history/political/united_states/presidency One caveat: these .GIF files take up loads of disk space. I cannot, therefore, guarantee that they will remain for long. If you are interested in retrieving them, I suggest that you do so soon. They might disappear without notice. 3. Government Printing Office Two files in the pub/history/general subdirectory, gpo_order.txt and gpo_stores.txt, give information on finding and ordering from US Goverment Printing Office bookstores. 4. pub/history/military/airforce subdirectory A new subdirectory has been created to house the USAAF WWII chronology (now in the pub/history/military/airforce/ wwii_chronology subdirectory), graphics images and other related information. It also contains a list of upcoming airshows in North America (airshows.txt) 5. pub/history/military/civil_war_usa subdirectory This new subdirectory has been created and so far stores only relevent graphics images. Look for other files related to the American Civil War in the future. 6. We The People: Windows Hypertext A Windows Hypertext package, We The People, is now stored as wtp.txt and in the pub/history/political/united_states subdirectory. 7. JFK's Berlin Address Kennedy's Berlin Address is contained in the file jfk_berlin.txt in the pub/history/political/united_states/ presidency subdirectory 8. Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural Addresses Lincoln's First and Second Inaugural Addresses are in the files lincoln1.inaug and lincoln2.inaug in the pub/history/ political/united_states/presidency subdirectory. 9. WWII documents in the pub/history/military/wwii directory axis_distrib.txt describes the distribution of Axis forces in Europe on 6 June 1944, eisenhower_dir.txt contains the directive given to Eisenhower for the D-Day Invasion and overlord.txt contains the Overlord Digest. Justice.pap is an undergraduate paper by Samuel A. Fletcher about courts in the 3rd Reich. 10. Conversion of historical US dollars The file dollars.txt in the pub/history/general subdirectory contains methods for converting historical dollars to constant dollars. 11. Internet resources The file holocaust.txt in the pub/history/internet subdirectory contains access instructions for the Victoria Freenet Holocaust and Fascism Archives. In the pub/history/internet/library subdirectory, the files lib_congress.txt and ucal_bookstore.txt contain information on Telnet access to the Library of Congress and the University of California Bookstore, respectively.