TOM HARKIN: A NEW GROWTH AGENDA FOR AMERICA George Bush's economic performance has been the worst of any President since World War ll. Under George Bush, the American economy las grown by less than one percent. Eight and a half million Americans are out of work. Real wages of the average American worker have dropped nine percent below what they were in 1979. George Bush and the Republican Party are anti-growth because their supply side trickle-down economics are anti-business. Tom Harkin believes it's time for a new direction, and he has outlined a new economic strategy that will lead to real growth. It's a New Growth Agenda and its centerpiece is resource-based econmics. Resource-based economics are about redirecting our priorities to invest in America, in our physical infrastructure and our human resources. Tom Harkin knows you can't make the economy grow by giving bigger pieces of a shrinking economic pie to the people at the top. That's Bush's plan. And it hasn't woked. Tom Harkin believes you make the econoy grow by investing in the skills of our people, giving the private sector the tools tlley need and investing in infrastructure and new technologies. Then, production and investment that depend on skilled labor will go -- and stay -- where the skilled labor is. That's the high-wage, high-skills, high productivity path to economic grouth. Tom Harkin has proposed a five point NEW GROWTH AGENDA to put America on the path to long-term economic growth. * First, we must take that failed experiment of supply-side economics and throw it on the scrap heap of history along with that other failed experiment called communism. * Second, we need to put in place a program of resource-based economics. That means investments in our physical infrastructure, rebuilding our roads and bridges, developing new high-tech transportation systems, and creating energy efficient technologies. It also demands investing in our human resources, making our schools second to none, and putting more resources into programs like Head Start, WIC, and childhood immunization programs that provide high returns on our investments. * Third, we must stop subsidizing the defense of Europe and Japan and use those funds to start investing in America. With the end of the Cold War, we need to shift spending priorities from military to domestic to make America strong from the inside-out. And we can still maintain the most powerful, modern, high-tech military in the world, provide support for our allies, and reduce our military budget. * Fourth, we need to get tough on trade and stop exporting U.S. jobs. The revolving door for our trade negotiators must shut. Of the top 19 commerce trade agents in the Reagan and Bush administrations, nine are now foreign agents, and seven work for Japan. That practice must end! * Fifth, we need policies that reflect the new realities of American families and the workplace. We need to invest in child care, family leave, pay equity, and adopt a comprehensive health care system where affordable health care is not just a privilege of wealth, but a basic right of every American citizen. Tom Harkin believes it's time for the American people to take back government from the privileged few and special interests and create an economic system that will work for all of us. A Harkin Administration will make the New Growth Agenda a reality!