14 CFR Part 141 PART 141--PILOT SCHOOLS Subpart A--General Sec. 141.1 Applicability. 141.3 Certificate required. 141.5 Pilot school certificate. 141.7 Provisional pilot school certificate. 141.9 Examining authority. 141.11 Pilot school ratings. 141.13 Application for issuance, amendment, or renewal. 141.15 Location of facilities. 141.17 Duration of certificates. 141.18 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. 141.19 Display of certificate. 141.21 Inspections. 141.23 Advertising limitations. 141.25 Business office and operations base. 141.27 Renewal of certificates and ratings. 141.29 [Reserved] Subpart B--Personnel, Aircraft, and Facilities Requirements 141.31 Applicability. 141.33 Personnel. 141.35 Chief instructor qualifications. 141.36 Assistant chief instructor qualifications. 141.37 Airports. 141.39 Aircraft. 141.41 Ground trainers and training aids. 141.43 Pilot briefing areas. 141.45 Ground training facilities. Subpart C--Training Course Outline and Curriculum 141.51 Applicability. 141.53 Training course outline: General. 141.55 Training course outline: Contents. 141.57 Special curricula. Subpart D--Examining Authority 141.61 Applicability. 141.63 Application and qualification. 141.65 Privileges. 141.67 Limitations and reports. Subpart E--Operating Rules 141.71 Applicability. 141.73 Privileges. 141.75 Aircraft requirements. 141.77 Limitations. 141.79 Flight instruction. 141.81 Ground training. 141.83 Quality of instruction. 141.85 Chief instructor responsibilities. 141.87 Change of chief instructor. 141.89 Maintenance of personnel, facilities, and equipment. 141.91 Satellite bases. 141.93 Enrollment. 141.95 Graduation certificate. Subpart F--Records 141.101 Training records. Appendix A to Part 141--Private Pilot Certification Course (Airplanes) Appendix B to Part 141--Private Test Course (Airplanes) Appendix C to Part 141--Instrument Rating Course (Airplanes) Appendix D to Part 141--Commercial Pilot Certification Course (Airplanes) Appendix E to Part 141--Commercial Test Course (Airplanes) Appendix F to Part 141--Rotorcraft, Gliders, Lighter-Than-Air Aircraft and Aircraft Rating Courses Appendix G to Part 141--Pilot Ground School Course Appendix H to Part 141--Test Preparation Courses Authority: Sections 313(a), 314, 601, 602, and 607 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. app. 1354(a), 1355, 1421, 1422, and 1427), and section 6(c) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. app. 1655(c)). Source: Docket No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, unless otherwise noted. Subpart A--General Sec. 141.1 Applicability. This part prescribes the requirements for issuing pilot school certificates, provisional pilot school certificates, and associated ratings and the general operating rules for the holders of those certificates and ratings. Sec. 141.3 Certificate required. No person may operate as a certificated pilot school without, or in violation of, a pilot school certificate or provisional pilot school certificate issued under this part. Sec. 141.5 Pilot school certificate. An applicant is issued a pilot school certificate with associated ratings for that certificate if-- (a) It meets the pertinent requirements of Subparts A through C of this part; and (b) Within the 24 months before the date of application, it has trained and recommended for pilot certification and rating tests, at least 10 applicants for pilot certificates and ratings and at least 8 of the 10 most recent graduates tested by an FAA inspector or designated pilot examiner, passed that test the first time. Sec. 141.7 Provisional pilot school certificate. An applicant is issued a provisional pilot school certificate with associated ratings if it meets the pertinent requirements of Subparts A through C of this part, but does not meet the recent training activity requirement specified in Sec. 141.5(b). Sec. 141.9 Examining authority. An applicant is issued an examining authority for its pilot school certificate if it meets the requirements of Subpart D of this part. Sec. 141.11 Pilot school ratings. Associated ratings are issued with a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate, specifying each of the following courses that the school is authorized to conduct: (a) Certification courses. (1) Private pilot. (2) Private test course. (3) Instrument rating. (4) Commercial pilot. (5) Commercial test course. (6) Additional aircraft rating. (b) Pilot ground school course. (1) Pilot ground school. (c) Test preparation courses. (1) Flight instructor certification. (2) Additional flight instructor rating. (3) Additional instrument rating. (4) Airline transport pilot certification. (5) Pilot refresher course. (6) Agricultural aircraft operations course. (7) Rotorcraft external load operations course. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974; 39 FR 25473, July 11, 1974] Sec. 141.13 Application for issuance, amendment, or renewal. (a) Application for an original certificate and rating, for an additional rating, or for the renewal of a certificate under this part is made on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator. (b) An application for the issuance or amendment of a certificate or rating must be accompanied by three copies of the proposed training course outline for each course for which approval is sought. Sec. 141.15 Location of facilities. Neither a pilot school certificate nor a provisional pilot school certificate is issued for a school having a base or other facilities located outside the United States unless the Administrator finds that the location of the base or facilities at that place is needed for the training of students who are citizens of the United States. Sec. 141.17 Duration of certificates. (a) Unless sooner surrendered, suspended, or revoked, a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate expires-- (1) At the end of the twenty-fourth month after the month in which it was issued or renewed; or (2) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, on the date that any change in ownership of the school or the facilities upon which its certification is based occurs; or (3) Upon notice by the Administrator that the school has failed for more than 60 days to maintain the facilities, aircraft, and personnel required for at least one of its approved courses. (b) A change in the ownership of a certificated pilot school or provisional pilot school does not terminate that certificate if within 30 days after the date that any change in ownership of the school occurs, application is made for an appropriate amendment to the certificate and no change in the facilities, instructor, personnel or training course is involved. (c) An examining authority issued to the holder of a pilot school certificate expires on the date that the pilot school certificate expires, or is surrendered, suspended, or revoked. Sec. 141.18 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. If the holder of a certificate issued under this part permits any aircraft owned or leased by that holder to be engaged in any operation that the certificate holder knows to be in violation of Sec. 91.19(a) of this chapter, that operation is a basis for suspending or revoking the certificate. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-11, 54 FR 34332, Aug. 18, 1989] Effective Date Note: At 54 FR 34332, Aug. 18, 1989, Sec. 141.18 was amended by changing the cross reference "Sec. 91.12(a)" to read "Sec. 91.19(a)", effective August 18, 1990. Sec. 141.19 Display of certificate. (a) Each holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate shall display that certificate at a place in the school that is normally accessible to the public and is not obscured. (b) A certificate shall be made available for inspection upon request by the Administrator, or an authorized representative of the National Transportation Safety Board, or of any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer. Sec. 141.21 Inspections. Each holder of a certificate issued under this part shall allow the Administrator to inspect its personnel, facilities, equipment, and records to determine its compliance with the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, and the Federal Aviation Regulations, and its eligibility to hold its certificate. Sec. 141.23 Advertising limitations. (a) The holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate may not make any statement relating to its certification and ratings which is false or designed to mislead any person contemplating enrollment in that school. (b) The holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate may not advertise that the school is certificated unless it clearly differentiates between courses that have been approved and those that have not. (c) The holder of a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate-- (1) That has relocated its school shall promptly remove from the premises it has vacated all signs indicating that the school was certificated by the Administrator; or (2) Whose certificate has expired, or has been surrendered, suspended, or revoked shall promptly remove all indications (including signs), wherever located, that the school is certificated by the Administrator. Sec. 141.25 Business office and operations base. (a) Each holder of a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate shall maintain a principal business office with a mailing address in the name shown on its certificate. The business office shall have facilities and equipment that are adequate to maintain the required school files and records and to operate the business of the school. The office may not be shared with, or used by, another pilot school. (b) Each certificate holder shall, before changing the location of its business office or base of operations, notify the FAA Flight Standards District Office having jurisdiction over the area of the new location. The notice shall be submitted in writing at least 30 days before the change. For a change in the holder's base of operations, the notice shall be accompanied by any amendments needed for the holder's approved training course outline. (c) No certificate holder may conduct training at an operations base other than the one specified in its certificate, until-- (1) The base has been inspected and approved by the FAA Flight Standards District Office having jurisdiction over the school for use by the certificate holder; and (2) The course of training and any needed amendments thereto have been approved for training at that base. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-3, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989] Sec. 141.27 Renewal of certificates and ratings. (a) Pilot school certificates. The holder of a pilot school certificate may apply for a renewal of the certificate not less than 30 days before the certificate expires. If the school meets the requirements of this part for the issuance of the certificate, its certificate is renewed for 24 months. (b) Pilot school ratings. Each pilot school rating on a pilot school certificate may be renewed with that certificate for another 24 months if the Administrator finds that the school meets the requirements prescribed in this part for the issuance of the rating. (c) Provisional pilot school certificates. (1) A provisional pilot school certificate and any ratings on that certificate may not be renewed. However, the holder of that certificate may apply for a pilot school certificate with appropriate ratings not less than 30 days before the provisional certificate expires. The school is issued a pilot school certificate with appropriate ratings, if it meets the appropriate requirements of this part. (2) The holder of a provisional pilot school certificate may not reapply for a provisional pilot school certificate for at least 180 days after the date of its expiration. Sec. 141.29 [Reserved. Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11327, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Subpart B--Personnel, Aircraft, and Facilities Requirements Sec. 141.31 Applicability. This subpart prescribes the personnel and aircraft requirements for a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate. It also prescribes the facilities an applicant must have available to him on a continuous use basis to hold a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate. As used in this subpart, a person has the continuous use of a facility, including an airport, if it has the use of the facility when needed as the owner, or under a written agreement giving it that use for at least 6 calendar months from the date of the application for the initial certificate or a renewal of that certificate. Sec. 141.33 Personnel. (a) An applicant for a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must show that-- (1) It has adequate personnel and authorized instructors, including a chief instructor for each course of training, who are qualified and competent to perform the duties to which they are assigned; (2) Each dispatcher, aircraft handler, line crewman, and serviceman to be used has been instructed in the procedures and responsibilities of his employment. (Qualified operations personnel may serve in more than one capacity with a pilot school or provisional pilot school); and (3) Each instructor to be used for ground or flight instruction holds a flight or ground instructor certificate, as appropriate, with ratings for the course of instruction and any aircraft used in that course. (b) An applicant for a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate shall designate a chief instructor for each course of training who meets the requirements of a Sec. 141.35 of this part. Where necessary, the applicant shall also designate at least one instructor to assist the chief instructor and serve for the chief instructor in his absence. A chief instructor or his assistant may be designated to serve in that capacity for more than one approved course but not for more than one school. Sec. 141.35 Chief instructor qualifications. (a) To be eligible for a designation as a chief flight instructor for a course of training, a person must meet the following requirements: (1) Possess a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, (2) Meet the pilot-in-command recent flight experience requirements of Sec. 61.57 of this chapter, (3) Pass an oral test on teaching methods, applicable provisions of the Airman's Information Manual, parts 61, 91, and 141 of this chapter, and the objectives and approved course completion standards of the course for which the person seeks to obtain designation, (4) Pass a flight test demonstrating satisfactory performance of and the ability to instruct on the flight procedures and maneuvers appropriate to that course, and (5) Meet the applicable requirements of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section. However, a chief flight instructor for a course of training for gliders, free balloons, or airships is only required to have 40 percent of the hours required in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. (b) For a course of training leading to the issuance of a private pilot certificate or rating, a chief flight instructor must have-- (1) At least a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, each with a rating for the category and class of aircraft used in the course; (2) At least 1,000 hours as pilot in command; (3) Primary flight instruction experience, acquired as either a certificated flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot primary flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of at least-- (i) Two years and a total of 500 flight hours; or (ii) 1,000 flight hours. (c) For a course of training leading to the issuance of an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges, a chief flight instructor must have-- (1) At least a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, each with an appropriate instrument rating; (2) At least 100 hours of flight time under actual or simulated instrument conditions; (3) At least 1,000 hours as pilot in command; (4) Instrument flight instructor experience, acquired as either a certificated instrument flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot basic or instrument flight training program, or a combination thereof; consisting of at least-- (i) Two years and a total of 250 flight hours; or (ii) 400 flight hours. (d) For a course of training other than those that lead to the issuance of a private pilot certificate or rating, or an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges, a chief flight instructor must have-- (1) At least a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, each with a rating for the category and class of aircraft used in the course of training and, for a course of training using airplanes or airships, an instrument rating on the instructor's commercial pilot certificate; (2) At least 2,000 hours as pilot in command; (3) Flight instruction experience, acquired as either a certificated flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot primary or basic flight training program or a combination thereof, consisting of at least-- (i) Three years and a total of 1,000 flight hours; or (ii) 1,500 flight hours. (e) To be eligible for a designation as a chief instructor for a ground school course, a person must have 1 year of experience as a ground school instructor in a certificated pilot school. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11327, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Sec. 141.36 Assistant chief instructor qualifications. (a) To be eligible for a designation as an assistant chief flight instructor for a course of training, a person must meet the following requirements: (1) Possess a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, (2) Meet the pilot-in-command recent flight experience requirements of Sec. 61.57 of this chapter, (3) Pass an oral test on teaching methods, applicable provisions of the Airman's Information Manual, parts 61, 91, and 141 of this chapter, and the objectives and approved course completion standards of the course for which the person seeks to obtain designation, (4) Pass a flight test on the flight procedures and maneuvers appropriate to that course, and (5) Meet the applicable requirements of paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section. However, an assistant chief flight instructor for a course of training for gliders, free balloons, or airships is only required to have 40 percent of the hours required in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. (b) For a course of training leading to the issuance of a private pilot certificate or rating, an assistant chief flight instructor must have-- (1) At least a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, each with a rating for the category and class of aircraft used in the course; (2) At least 500 hours as pilot in command; (3) Primary flight instruction experience, acquired as either a certificated flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot primary flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of at least-- (i) One year and a total of 250 flight hours; or (ii) 500 flight hours. (c) For a course of training leading to the issuance of an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges, an assistant chief flight instructor must have-- (1) At least a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, each with on appropriate instrument rating; (2) At least 50 hours of flight time under actual or simulated instrument conditions; (3) At least 500 hours as pilot in command; (4) Instrument flight instructor experience, acquired as either a certificated instrument flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot basic or instrument flight training program, or a combination thereof, consisting of at least-- (i) One year and a total of 125 flight hours; or (ii) 200 flight hours. (d) For a course of training other than those that lead to the issuance of a private pilot certificate or rating, or an instrument rating or a rating with instrument privileges, an assistant chief flight instructor must have-- (1) At least a commercial pilot or airline transport pilot certificate and a valid flight instructor certificate, each with a rating for the category and class of aircraft used in the course of training and, for a course of training using airplanes or airships, an instrument rating on the instructor's commercial pilot certificate; (2) At least 1,000 hours as pilot in command; (3) Flight instruction experience, acquired as either a certificated flight instructor or an instructor in a military pilot primary or basic flight training program or a combination thereof, consisting of at least-- (i) One and one half years and a total of 500 flight hours; or (ii) 750 flight hours. (e) To be eligible for a designation as an assistant chief instructor for a ground school course, a person must have one year of experience as a ground school instructor in a certificated pilot school. [Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11327, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Sec. 141.37 Airports. (a) An applicant for a pilot school certificate or a provisional pilot school certificate must show that it has continuous use of each airport at which training flights originate. (b) Each airport used for airplanes and gliders must have at least one runway or takeoff area that allows training aircraft to make a normal takeoff or landing at full gross weight-- (1) Under calm wind (not more than five miles per hour) conditions and temperatures equal to the mean high temperature for the hottest month of the year in the operating area; (2) Clearing all obstacles in the takeoff flight path by at least 50 feet; (3) With the powerplant operation and landing gear and flap operation, if applicable recommended by the manufacturer; and (4) With smooth transition from liftoff to the best rate of climb speed without exceptional piloting skills or techniques. (c) Each airport must have a wind direction indicator that is visible from the ends of each runway at ground level. (d) Each airport must have a traffic direction indicator when the airport has not operating control tower and UNICOM advisories are not available. (e) Each airport used for night training flights must have permanent runway lights. Sec. 141.39 Aircraft. An applicant for a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must show that each aircraft used by that school for flight instruction and solo flights meets the following requirements: (a) It must be registered as a civil aircraft of the United States. (b) Except for aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flights in a course of training for agricultural aircraft operations, external load operations and similar aerial work operations, it must be certificated in the standard airworthiness category. (c) It must be maintained and inspected in accordance with the requirements of Part 91 of this chapter that apply to aircraft used to give flight instruction for hire. (d) For use in flight instruction, it must be at least a two place aircraft having engine power controls and flight controls that are easily reached and that operate in a normal manner from both pilot stations. (e) For use in IFR en route operations and instrument approaches, it must be equipped and maintained for IFR operations. However, for instruction in the control and precision maneuvering of an aircraft by reference to instruments, the aircraft may be equipped as provided in the approved course of training. Sec. 141.41 Ground trainers and training aids. An applicant for a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate must show that its ground trainers, and training aids and equipment meet the following requirements: (a) Pilot ground trainers. (1) Each pilot ground trainer used to obtain the maximum flight training credit allowed for ground trainers in an approved pilot training course curriculum must have-- (i) An enclosed pilot's station or cockpit which accommodates one or more flight crewmembers; (ii) Controls to simulate the rotation of the trainer about three axes; (iii) The minimum instrumentation and equipment required for powered aircraft in Sec. 91.205 of this chapter, for the type of flight operations simulated; (iv) For VFR instruction, a means for simulating visual flight conditions, including motion of the trainer, or projections, or models operated by the flight controls; and (v) For IFR instruction, a means for recording the flight path simulated by the trainer. (2) Pilot ground trainers other than those covered under paragraph (a)(1) of this section must have-- (i) An enclosed pilot's station or cockpit, which accommodates one or more flight crewmembers; (ii) Controls to simulate the rotation of the trainer about three axes; and (iii) The minimum instrumentation and equipment required for powered aircraft in Sec. 91.205 of this chapter, for the type of flight operations simulated. (b) Training aids and equipment. Each training aid, including any audio- visuals, mockup, chart, or aircraft component listed in the approved training course outline must be accurate and appropriate to the course for which it is used. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-11, 54 FR 34332, Aug. 18, 1989] Effective Date Note: At 54 FR 34332, Aug. 18, 1989, in Sec. 141.41 paragraphs (a)(1)(iii) and (a)(2)(iii) were amended by changing the cross reference "Sec. 91.33" to read "Sec. 91.205", effective August 18, 1990. Sec. 141.43 Pilot briefing areas. (a) An applicant for a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must show that it has the continuous use of a briefing area located at each airport at which training flights originate, that is-- (1) Adequate to shelter students waiting to engage in their training flights; (2) Arranged and equipped for the conduct of pilot briefings; and (3) For a school with an instrument or commercial pilot course rating, equipped with private landline or telephone communication to the nearest FAA Flight Service Station, except that this communication equipment is not required if the briefing area and the flight service station are located on the same airport and are readily accessible to each other. (b) A briefing area required by paragraph (a) of this section may not be used by the applicant if it is available for use by any other pilot school during the period it is required for use by the applicant. Sec. 141.45 Ground training facilities. An applicant for a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must show that each room, training booth, or other space used for instructional purposes is heated, lighted, and ventilated to conform to local building, sanitation, and health codes. In addition, the training facility must be so located that the students in that facility are not distracted by the instruction conducted in other rooms, or by flight and maintenance operations on the airport. Subpart C--Training Course Outline and Curriculum Sec. 141.51 Applicability. This subpart prescribes the curriculum and course outline requirements for the issuance of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate and ratings. Sec. 141.53 Training course outline: General. (a) General. An applicant for a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must obtain the Administrator's approval of the outline of each training course for which certification and rating is sought. (b) Application. An application for the approval of an initial or amended training course outline is made in triplicate to the FAA Flight Standards District Office having jurisdiction over the area in which the operations base of the applicant is located. It must be made at least 30 days before any training under that course, or any amendment thereto, is scheduled to begin. An application for an amendment to an approved training course must be accompanied by three copies of the pages in the course outline for which an amendment is requested. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-3, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989] Sec. 141.55 Training course outline: Contents. (a) General. The outline for each course of training for which approval is requested must meet the minimum curriculum for that course prescribed in the appropriate appendix of this part, and contain the following information: (1) A description of each room used for ground training, including its size and the maximum number of students that may be instructed in the room at one time. (2) A description of each type of audio-visual aid, projector, tape recorder, mockup, aircraft component and other special training aid used for ground training. (3) A description of each pilot ground trainer used for instruction. (4) A listing of the airports at which training flights originate and a description of the facilities, including pilot briefing areas that are available for use by the students and operating personnel at each of those airports. (5) A description of the type of aircraft including any special equipment, used for each phase of instruction. (6) The minimum qualifications and ratings for each instructor used for ground or flight training. (b) Training syllabus. In addition to the items specified in paragraph (a) of this section, the course outline must include a training syllabus for each course of training that includes at least the following information: (1) The pilot certificate and ratings, if any; the medical certificate, if necessary; and the training, pilot experience and knowledge, required for enrollment in the course. (2) A description of each lesson, including its objectives and standards and the measurable unit of student accomplishment or learning to be derived from the lesson or course. (3) The stage of training (including the standards therefor) normally accomplished within each training period of not more than 90 days. (4) A description of the tests and checks used to measure a student's accomplishment for each stage of training. Sec. 141.57 Special curricula. An applicant for a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate may apply for approval to conduct a special course of pilot training for which a curriculum is not prescribed in the appendixes to this part, if it shows that the special course of pilot training contains features which can be expected to achieve a level of pilot competency equivalent to that achieved by the curriculum prescribed in the appendixes to this part or the requirements of Part 61 of this chapter. Subpart D--Examining Authority Sec. 141.61 Applicability. This subpart prescribes the requirements for the issuance of an examining authority to the holder of a pilot school certificate and the privileges and limitations of that authority. Sec. 141.63 Application and qualification. (a) Application for an examining authority is made on a form and in a manner prescribed by the Administrator. (b) To be eligible for an examining authority an applicant must hold a pilot school certificate. In addition, the applicant must show that-- (1) It has actively conducted a certificated pilot school for at least 24 months before the date of application; and (2) Within the 24 months before the date of application for the examining authority, at least 10 students were graduated from the course for which the authority is requested, and at least 9 of the most recent 10 graduates of that course, who were given an interim or final test by an FAA inspector or a designated pilot examiner, passed that test the first time. Sec. 141.65 Privileges. The holder of an examining authority may recommend graduates of the school's approved certification courses for pilot certificates and ratings except flight instructor certificates, airline transport pilot certificates and ratings, and turbojet type ratings, without taking the FAA flight or written test, or both, in accordance with the provisions of this subpart. Sec. 141.67 Limitations and reports. (a) The holder of an examining authority may not recommend any person for the issuance of a pilot certificate or rating without taking the FAA written or flight test unless that person has-- (1) Been enrolled by the holder of the examining authority in its approved course of training for the particular pilot certificate or rating recommended; and (2) Satisfactorily completed all of that course of training at its school. (b) Each final written or flight test given by the holder of an examining authority to a person who has completed the approved course of training must be at least equal in scope, depth, and difficulty to the comparable written or flight test prescribed by the Administrator under Part 61 of this chapter. (c) A final ground school written test may not be given by the holder of an examining authority to a student enrolled in its approved course of training unless the test has been approved by the FAA Flight Standards District Office having jurisdiction over the area in which the holder of the examining authority is located. In addition, an approved test may not be given by the holder of an examining authority when-- (1) It knows or has reason to believe that the test has been compromised; or (2) It has been notified that the Flight Standards District Office knows or has reason to believe that the test has been compromised. (d) The holder of an examining authority shall submit to the FAA Flight Standards District Office a copy of the appropriate training record for each person recommended by it for a pilot certificate or rating. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-3, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989] Subpart E--Operating Rules Sec. 141.71 Applicability. This subpart prescribes the operating rules that are applicable to a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificated under the provisions of this part. Sec. 141.73 Privileges. (a) The holder of a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate may advertise and conduct approved pilot training courses in accordance with the certificate and ratings that it holds. (b) A certificate pilot school holding an examining authority for a certification course may recommend each graduate of that course for the issuance of a pilot certificate and rating appropriate to that course without the necessity of taking an FAA written or flight test from an FAA inspector or designated pilot examiner. Sec. 141.75 Aircraft requirements. (a) A pretakeoff and prelanding checklist, and the operator's handbook for the aircraft (if one is furnished by the manufacturer) or copies of the handbook if furnished to each student using the aircraft, must be carried on each aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flights. (b) Each aircraft used for flight instruction and solo flight must have a standard airworthiness certificate, except that an aircraft certificated in the restricted category may be used for flight training and solo flights conducted under special courses for agricultural aircraft operation, external load operations, and similar aerial work operations if its use for training is not prohibited by the operating limitations for the aircraft. Sec. 141.77 Limitations. (a) The holder of a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate may not issue a graduation certificate to a student, nor may a certificated pilot school recommend a student for a pilot certificate or rating, unless the student has completed the training therefor specified in the school's course of training and passed the required final tests. (b) The holder of a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate may not graduate a student from a course of training unless he has completed all of the curriculum requirements of that course. A student may be credited, but not for more than one-half of the curriculum requirements, with previous pilot experience and knowledge, based upon an appropriate flight check or test by the school. Course credits may be transferred from one certificated school to another. The receiving school shall determine the amount to be transferred, based on a flight check or written test, or both, of the student. Credit for training and instruction received in another school may not be given unless-- (1) The other school holds a certificate issued under this part and certifies to the kind and amount of training and to the result of each stage and final test given to that student; (2) The training and instruction was conducted by the other school in accordance with that school's approved training course; and (3) The student was enrolled in the other school's approved training course before he received the instruction and training. Sec. 141.79 Flight instruction. (a) No person other than a flight instructor who has the ratings and the minimum qualifications specified in the approved training course outline may give a student flight instruction under an approved course of training. (b) No student pilot may be authorized to start a solo practice flight from an airport until the flight has been approved by an authorized flight instructor who is present at that airport. (c) Each chief flight instructor must complete at least once each 12 months, a flight instructor refresher course consisting of not less than 24 hours of ground or flight instruction, or both. (d) Each flight instructor for an approved course of training must satisfactorily accomplish a flight check given to him by the designated chief flight instructor for the school by whom he is employed. He must also satisfactorily accomplish this flight check each 12 months from the month in which the initial check is given. In addition, he must satisfactorily accomplish a flight check in each type of aircraft in which he gives instruction. (e) An instructor may not be used in an approved course of training until he has been briefed in regard to the objectives and standards of the course by the designated chief instructor or his assistant. Sec. 141.81 Ground training. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each instructor used for ground training in an approved course of training must hold a flight or ground instructor certificate with an appropriate rating for the course of training. (b) A person who does not meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section may be used for ground training in an approved course of training if-- (1) The chief instructor for that course of training finds him qualified to give that instruction; and (2) The instruction is given under the direct supervision of the chief instructor or the assistant chief instructor who is present at the base when the instruction is given. (c) An instructor may not be used in an approved course of training until he has been briefed in regard to the objectives and standards of that course by the designated chief instructor or his assistant. Sec. 141.83 Quality of instruction. (a) Each holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate must comply with the approved course of training and must provide training and instruction of such quality that at least 8 out of the 10 students or graduates of that school most recently tested by an FAA inspector or designated pilot examiner, passed on their first attempt either of the following tests: (1) A test for a pilot certificate or rating, or for an operating privilege appropriate to the course from which the student graduated; or (2) A test given to a student to determine his competence and knowledge of a completed stage of the training course in which he is enrolled. (b) The failure of a certificated pilot school or provisional pilot school to maintain the quality of instruction specified in paragraph (a) of this section is considered to be the basis for the suspension or revocation of the certificate held by that school. (c) The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate shall allow the Administrator to make any test, flight check, or examination of its students to determine compliance with its approved course of training and the quality of its instruction and training. A flight check conducted under the provisions of this paragraph is based upon the standards prescribed in the school's approved course of training. However, if the student has completed a course of training for a pilot certificate or rating, the flight test is based upon the standards prescribed in Part 61 of this chapter. Sec. 141.85 Chief instructor responsibilities. (a) Each person designated as a chief instructor for a certificated pilot school or provisional pilot school shall be responsible for-- (1) Certifying training records, graduation certificates, stage and final test reports, and student recommendations; (2) Conducting an initial proficiency check of each instructor before he is used in an approved course of instruction and, thereafter, at least once each 12 months from the month in which the initial check was conducted; (3) Conducting each stage or final test given to a student enrolled in an approved course of instruction; and (4) Maintaining training techniques, procedures, and standards for the school that are acceptable to the Administrator. (b) The chief instructor or designated assistant chief instructor shall be available at the pilot school or, if away from the premises, by telephone, radio, or other electronic means during the time that instruction is given for an approved course of training. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11328, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Sec. 141.87 Change of chief instructor. (a) The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate shall immediately notify in writing the FAA Flight Standards District Office having jurisdiction over the area in which the school is located, of any change in its designation of a chief instructor of an approved training course. (b) The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate may, after providing the notification required in paragraph (a) of this section and pending the designation and approval of another chief instructor, conduct training or instruction without a chief instructor for that course of training for a period of not more than 60 days. However, during that time each stage or final test of a student enrolled in that approved course of training must be given by an FAA inspector, or a designated pilot examiner. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-3, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989] Sec. 141.89 Maintenance of personnel, facilities, and equipment. The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate may not give instruction or training to a student who is enrolled in an approved course of training unless-- (a) Each airport, aircraft, and facility necessary for that instruction or training meets the standards specified in the holder's approved training course outline and the appropriate requirements of this part; and (b) Except as provided in Sec. 141.87, each instructor or chief instructor meets the qualifications specified in the holder's approved course of training and the appropriate requirements of this part. Sec. 141.91 Satellite bases. The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate may conduct ground or flight training and instruction in an approved course of training at a base other than its main operations base if-- (a) An assistant chief instructor is designated for each satellite base, and that assistant chief instructor shall be available at the satellite pilot school or, if away from the premises, by telephone, radio, or other electronic means during the time that instruction is given for an approved course of training; (b) The airport, facilities, and personnel used at the satellite base meet the appropriate requirements of Subpart B of this part and its approved training course outline; (c) The instructors are under the direct supervision of the chief flight instructor or assistant chief flight instructor for the appropriate training course, who is readily available for consultation in accordance with Sec. 141.85(b); and (d) The FAA Flight Standards District Office having juridiction over the area in which the school is located is notified in writing if training or instruction is conducted there for more than seven consecutive days. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11328, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Sec. 141.93 Enrollment. (a) The holder of a pilot school or a provisional pilot school certificate shall furnish each student, at the time he is enrolled in each approved training course, with the following: (1) A certificate of enrollment containing-- (i) The name of the course in which he is enrolled; and (ii) The date of that enrollment. (2) A copy of the training syllabus required under Sec. 141.55(b). (3) A copy of the safety procedures and practices developed by the school covering the use of its facilities and the operation of its aircraft, including instructions on the following: (i) The weather minimums required by the school for dual and solo flights. (ii) The procedures for starting and taxiing aircraft on the ramp. (iii) Fire precautions and procedures. (iv) Redispatch procedures after unprogrammed landings, on and off airports. (v) Aircraft discrepancies and write offs. (vi) Securing of aircraft when not in use. (vii) Fuel reserves necessary for local and cross-country flights. (viii) Avoidance of other aircraft in flight and on the ground. (ix) Minimum altitude limitations and simulated emergency landing instructions. (x) Description and use of assigned practice areas. (b) The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate shall, within 5 days after the date of enrollment, forward a copy of each certificate of enrollment required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section to the FAA Flight Standards District Office having jurisdiction over the area in which the school is located. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-3, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989] Sec. 141.95 Graduation certificate. (a) The holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate shall issue a graduation certificate to each student who completes its approved course of training. (b) The certificate shall be issued to the student upon his completion of the course of training and contain at least the following information: (1) The name of the school and the number of the school certificate. (2) The name of the graduate to whom it was issued. (3) The course of training for which it was issued. (4) The date of graduation. (5) A statement that the student has satisfactorily completed each required stage of the approved course of training including the tests for those stages. (6) A certification of the information contained in the certificate by the chief instructor for that course of training. (7) A statement showing the cross-country training the student received in the course of training. Subpart F--Records Sec. 141.101 Training records. (a) Each holder of a pilot school or provisional pilot school certificate shall establish and maintain a current and accurate record of the participation and accomplishment of each student enrolled in an approved course of training conducted by the school (the student's logbook is not acceptable for this record). The record shall include-- (1) The date the student was enrolled; (2) A chronological log of the student's attendance, subjects, and flight operations covered in his training and instruction, and the names and grades of any tests taken by the student; and (3) The date the student graduated, terminated his training, or transferred to another school. (b) Whenever a student graduates, terminates his training, or transfers to another school, his record shall be certified to that effect by the chief instructor. (c) The holder of a certificate for a pilot school or a provisional pilot school shall retain each student record required by this section for at least 1 year from the date that the student graduates from the course to which the record pertains, terminates his enrollment in that course, or transfers to another school. (d) The holder of a certificate for a pilot school or a provisional pilot school shall, upon request of a student, make a copy of his record available to him. Appendix A to Part 141--Private Pilot Certification Course (Airplanes) 1. Applicability. This Appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a private pilot certification course (airplanes) required by Sec. 141.55. 2. Ground training. The course must consist of at least 35 hours of ground training in the following subjects: (a) The Federal Aviation Regulations applicable to private pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations; the rules of the National Transportation Safety Board pertaining to accident reporting; the use of the Airman's Information Manual; and the FAA Advisory Circular System. (b) VFR navigation using pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio aids. (c) The recognition of critical weather situations from the ground and in flight and the procurement and use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts. (d) The safe and efficient operation of airplanes, including high density airport operations, collision avoidance precautions, and radio communication procedures. (e) Stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery techniques. 3. Flight training. (a) The course must consist of at least 35 hours of the flight training listed in this section and section 4 of this Appendix. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 5 of the required 35 hours of flight time. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirement of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 2.5 hours of the required 35 hours of flight time. (b) Each training flight must include a preflight briefing and a postflight critique of the student by the instructor assigned to that flight. (c) Flight training must consist of at least 20 hours of instruction in the following subjects: (1) Preflight operations, including weight and balance determination, line inspection, starting and runups, and airplane servicing. (2) Airport and traffic pattern operations, including operations at controlled airports, radio communications, and collision avoidance precautions. (3) Flight maneuvering by reference to ground objects. (4) Flight at slow airspeeds with realistic distractions, recognition of and recovery from stalls entered from straight flight and from turns. (5) Normal and crosswind takeoffs and landings. (6) Control and maneuvering an airplane solely by reference to instruments, including emergency descents and climbs using radio aids or radar directives. (7) Cross-country flying using pilotage, dead reckoning, and radio aids, including a two-hour dual flight at least part of which must be on Federal airways. (8) Maximum performance takeoffs and landings. (9) Night flying, including 5 takeoffs and landings as sole manipulator of the controls, and VFR navigation. (10) Emergency operations, including simulated aircraft and equipment malfunctions, lost procedures, and emergency go-arounds. 4. Solo flights. The course must provide at least 15 hours of solo flights, including: (a) Solo practice. Directed solo practice on all VFR flight operations for which flight instruction is required (except simulated emergencies) to develop proficiency, resourcefulness, and self-reliance. (b) Cross-country flights. (1) Ten hours of cross-country flights, each flight with a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original departure point. One flight must be of at least 300 nautical miles with landings at a minimum of three points, one of which is at least 100 nautical miles from the original departure point. (2) If a pilot school or a provisional pilot school shows that it is located on an island from which cross-country flights cannot be accomplished without flying over water more than 10 nautical miles from the nearest shoreline, it need not include cross-country flights under paragraph (1) of this paragraph. However, if other airports that permit civil operations are available to which a flight may be made without flying over water more than 10 nautical miles from the nearest shoreline, the school must include in its course, two round trip solo flights between those airports that are farthest apart, including a landing at each airport on both flights. 5. Stage and final tests. (a) Each student enrolled in a private pilot certification course must satisfactorily accomplish the stage and final tests prescribed in this section. The written tests may not be credited for more than 3 hours of the 35 hours of required ground training, and the flight tests may not be credited for more than 4 hours of the 35 hours of required flight training. (b) Each student must satisfactorily accomplish a written examination at the completion of each stage of training specified in the approved training syllabus for the private pilot certification course and a final test at the conclusion of that course. (c) Each student must satisfactorily accomplish a flight test at the completion of the first solo flight and at the completion of the first solo cross-country flight and at the conclusion of that course. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974; 39 FR 25473, July 11, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-1, 47 FR 46066, Oct. 14, 1982; Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11328, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Appendix B to Part 141--Private Test Course (Airplanes) 1. Applicability. This Appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a private test course (airplanes) required by Sec. 141.55. 2. Experience. For enrollment as a student in a private test course (airplanes) an applicant must-- (a) Have logged at least 30 hours of flight time as a pilot; and (b) Have such experience and flight training that upon completion of his approved private test course (airplanes) he will meet the aeronautical experience requirements prescribed in Part 61 of this chapter for a private pilot certificate. 3. Ground training. The course must consist of at least 35 hours of ground training in the subjects listed in section 2 of Appendix A of this part. 4. Flight training. (a) The course must consist of a total of at least 10 hours of flight instruction in the subjects listed in section 3(c) of Appendix A of this part. (b) Each training flight must include a preflight briefing and a postflight critique of the student by the instructor assigned to that flight. 5. Stage and final tests. Each student enrolled in the course must satisfactorily accomplish the final tests prescribed in Sec. 5 of Appendix A of this part. Written tests may not be credited for more than 3 hours of the required 35 hours of ground training, and the flight tests may not be credited for more than 2 hours of the required 10 hours of flight training. Appendix C to Part 141--Instrument Rating Course (Airplanes) 1. Applicability. This Appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a training course for an Instrument Rating Course (airplanes) required by Sec. 141.55. 2. Ground training. The course must consist of at least 30 hours of ground training instruction in the following subjects: (a) The Federal Aviation Regulations that apply to flight under IFR conditions, the IFR air traffic system and procedures, and the provisions of the Airman's Information Manual pertinent to IFR flights. (b) Dead reckoning appropriate to IFR navigation, IFR navigation by radio aids using the VOR, ADF, and ILS systems, and the use of IFR charts and instrument approach procedure charts. (c) The procurement and use of aviation weather reports and forecasts, and the elements of forecasting weather trends on the basis of that information and personal observation of weather conditions. (d) The function, use, and limitations of flight instruments required for IFR flight, including transponders, radar and radio aids to navigation. 3. Flight training. The course must consist of at least 35 hours of instrument flight instruction given by an appropriately rated flight instructor, covering the operations listed in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section. Instruction given by an authorized instructor in a pilot ground trainer which meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 15 hours of the required flight instruction. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 7.5 of the required 35 hours of flight time. (a) Control and accurate maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments. (b) IFR navigation by the use of VOR and ADF systems, including time, speed and distance computations and compliance with air traffic control instructions and procedures. (c) Instrument approaches to published minimums using the VOR, ADF, and ILS systems (instruction in the use of the ILS glide slope may be given in an instrument ground trainer or with an airborne ILS simulator). (d) Cross-country flying in simulated or actual IFR conditions, on Federal airways or as routed by ATC, including one such trip of at least 250 nautical miles including VOR, ADF, and ILS approaches at different airports. (e) Emergency procedures appropriate to the maneuvering of an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments. 4. Stage and final tests. (a) Each student must satisfactorily accomplish a written test at the completion of each stage of training specified in the approved training syllabus for the instrument rating course. In addition, he must satisfactorily accomplish a final written test at the conclusion of that course. The written tests may not be credited for more than 5 hours of the 30 hours of required ground training. (b) Each student must satisfactorily accomplish a flight stage test at the completion of each operation listed in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of section 3 of this Appendix. In addition, he must satisfactorily accomplish a final flight test at the completion of the course. The stage and final tests may not be credited for more than 5 hours of the required 35 hours of flight training. Appendix D to Part 141--Commercial Pilot Certification Course (Airplanes) 1. Applicability. This Appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a commercial pilot certification course (airplanes) required by Sec. 141.55. 2. Ground training. The course must consist of at least 100 hours of ground training instruction in the following subjects: (a) The ground training subjects prescribed in section 2 of Appendix A of this part for a private pilot certification course, except the private pilot privileges and limitations of paragraph (a) of that section. (b) The ground training subjects prescribed in section 2 of Appendix C of this Part 141 for an Instrument Rating Course. (c) The Federal Aviation Regulations covering the privileges, limitations, and operations of a commercial pilot, and the operations for which an air taxi/commercial operator, agricultural aircraft operator, and external load operator certificate, waiver, or exemption is required. (d) Basic aerodynamics, and the principles of flight which apply to airplanes. (e) The safe and efficient operation of airplanes, including inspection and certification requirements, operating limitations, high altitude operations and physiological considerations, loading computations, the significance of the use of airplane performance speeds, the computations involved in runway and obstacle clearance and crosswind component considerations, and cruise control. 3. Flight training--(a) General. The course must consist of at least 190 hours of the flight training and instruction prescribed in this section. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 40 hours of the required 190 hours of flight time. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 20 hours of the required 190 hours of flight time. (b) Flight instruction. The course must consist of at least 75 hours of instruction in the operations listed in subparagraphs (1) through (6) of this paragraph. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 20 hours of the required 75 hours. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 10 hours of the required 75 hours. (1) The pilot operations for the Private Pilot Course prescribed in section 3 of Appendix A of this part. (2) The IFR operations for the Instrument Rating Course prescribed in section 3 of Appendix C of this part. (3) Ten hours of flight instruction in an airplane with retractable gear, flaps, a controllable propeller, and powered by at least 180 hp. engine. (4) Night flying, including a cross-country night flight with a landing at a point more than 100 miles from the point of departure. (5) Normal and maximum performance takeoffs and landings using precision approaches and prescribed airplane performance speeds, including operations at maximum authorized takeoff weight. (6) Emergency procedures appropriate to VFR and IFR flight and to the operation of complex airplane systems. (c) Solo practice. The course must consist of at least 100 hours of the flights listed in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this paragraph. Flight time as pilot in command of an airplane carrying only those persons who are pilots assigned by the school to specific flight crew duties on the flight may be credited for not more than 50 hours of that requirement. (1) Directed solo practice on each VFR operation for which flight instruction is required (except simulated emergencies). (2) At least 40 hours of solo cross-country flights, each flight with a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original departure point. One flight must have landings at a minimum of three points, one of which is at least 150 nautical miles from the original departure point if the flight is conducted in Hawaii, or at least 250 nautical miles from the original departure point if it is conducted elsewhere. (3) At least 5 hours of pilot in command time in an airplane described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, including not less than 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop. (4) At least 5 hours of night flight, including at least 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop. 4. Stage and final tests--(a) Written examinations. Each student enrolled in the course must satisfactorily accomplish a written test upon the completion of each stage of training specified in the approved training syllabus for the commercial pilot certification course. In addition, he must satisfactorily accomplish a final stage test at the completion of all of that course. The stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 6 hours of the required 100 hours of ground training. (b) Flight tests. Each student enrolled in a commercial pilot certification course (airplanes) must satisfactorily accomplish a stage flight test at the completion of each of the stages listed in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5), of this paragraph. In addition, he must satisfactorily accomplish a final test at the completion of all of those stages. The stage and final tests may not be credited for more than 10 hours of the required 190 hours of flight training. (1) Solo. (2) Cross-country. (3) High performance airplane operations. (4) IFR operations. (5) Commercial Pilot Course test, VFR and IFR. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-1, 47 FR 46066, Oct. 14, 1982] Appendix E to Part 141--Commercial Test Course (Airplanes) 1. Applicability. This Appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a commercial test course (airplanes) required by Sec. 141.55. 2. Experience. For enrollment as a student in a commercial test course (airplanes) an applicant must-- (a) Hold a valid private pilot certificate; (b) Hold a valid instrument rating, or be enrolled in an approved instrument rating course; and (c) Have such experience and flight training that upon completion of his approved commercial test course he will meet the aeronautical experience requirements prescribed in Part 61 of this chapter for a commercial pilot certificate. 3. Ground training. The course must consist of at least 50 hours of ground training instruction in the following subjects: (a) A review of the ground training subjects prescribed in section 2 of Appendix A of this Part 141 for a private pilot certification. (b) A review of the ground training subjects prescribed in section 2 of Appendix C of this Part 141 for an instrument rating course. (c) The Federal Aviation Regulations covering the privileges, limitations, and operations of a commercial pilot, and the operations for which an air taxi/commercial operator, agricultural aircraft operator, and external load operator certificate, waiver or exemption is required. (d) Basic aerodynamics, and the principles of flight that apply to airplanes. (e) The safe and efficient operation of airplanes, including inspection and certification requirements, operating limitations, high altitude operations and psysiological considerations, loading computations, the significance and use of airplane performance speeds, and computations involved in runway and obstacle clearance and crosswind component considerations. 4. Flight training--(a) General. The course must consist of at least 25 hours of flight training prescribed in this section. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 20 per cent of the total number of hours of flight time. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 10 per cent of the total number of hours of flight time. (b) Flight instruction. The course must consist of at least 20 hours of flight instruction in the subjects listed in subparagraphs (1) through (3) of this paragraph. Instruction in a ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 4 hours of the required 20 hours. Instruction in a ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 2 hours of the required 20 hours. (1) A review of the VFR operations prescribed in section 3 of Appendix A of this part for a private course. (2) A review of the IFR operations prescribed in section 3 of Appendix C of this part for an instrument rating course. (3) A review of the VFR operations prescribed in section 3(b)(3) through (6) of Appendix D of this part for a commercial pilot certification course. (c) Directed solo practice. If the course includes directed solo practice necessary to develop the flight proficiency of each student, the practice may not exceed a ratio of 3 hours of directed solo practice for each hour of the flight instruction required by the school's approved course outline. 5. Stage and final tests--(a) Written tests. Each student enrolled in the course must satisfactorily accomplish a stage test upon the completion of each stage of training specified in the approved training syllabus for the commercial test course. In addition, he must satisfactorily accomplish a final test at the conclusion of that course. The stage and final tests may not be credited for more than 4 hours of the required 50 hours of ground training. (b) Flight tests. Each student enrolled in the course must satisfactorily accomplish a final test at the completion of the course. However, if the approved course of training exceeds 35 hours he must be given a test at an appropriate stage prior to completon of 35 hours of flight training. The flight tests may not be credited for more than 3 of the required hours of flight training. (c) Total flight experience. The approved training course outline must specify the minimum number of hours of flight instruction and directed solo practice (if any) that is provided for each student under the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of section 4 of this appendix. The total number of hours of all flight training given to a student under this section and the minimum experience required for enrollment under section 2 of this appendix must meet the minimum aeronautical experience requirements of Sec. 61.129 of this chapter for the issuance of a commercial pilot certificate. Appendix F to Part 141--Rotorcraft, Gliders, Lighter-than-air Aircraft and Aircraft Rating Courses A. Applicability. This appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a pilot certification course for a rotorcraft, glider, lighter-than-air aircraft, or aircraft rating, required by Sec. 141.55. B. General Requirements. The course must be comparable in scope, depth, and detail with the curriculum prescribed in Appendices A through D of this part for a pilot certification course (airplanes) with the same rating. Each course must provide ground and flight training covering the aeronautical knowledge and skill items required by Part 61 of this chapter for the certificate or rating concerned. In addition, each course must meet the appropriate requirements of this appendix. C. Rotorcraft--I. Kinds of rotorcraft pilot certification courses. An approved rotorcraft pilot certification course includes-- (a) A helicopter or gyroplane course--private pilots; (b) A helicopter or gyroplane course--commercial pilots; and (c) An instrument rating--helicopter. II. Helicopter or gyroplane course: Private pilots. (a) A private pilot certification course for helicopters or gyroplanes must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--35 hours. (2) Flight training--35 hours, including the following: (i) Flight instruction--20 hours. (ii) Solo practice--10 hours, including a flight with landings at three points, each of which is more than 25 nautical miles from the other two points. (b) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 3 hours of the 35 hours of ground training, and for not more than 4 hours of the 35 hours of flight training required by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. III. Helicopter or gyroplane course--commercial pilots. (a) A commercial pilot certification course of training for helicopters or gyroplanes must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--65 hours. (2) Flight training--150 hours of flight training at least 50 hours of which must be in helicopters or gyroplanes. The flight training must include the following: (i) Flight instruction--50 hours. (ii) Directed solo--100 hours (including a cross-country flight with landings at three points, each of which is more than 50 nautical miles from the other two points). (b) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 5 hours of the required 65 hours of ground training, and for not more than 7 hours of the required 150 hours of flight training prescribed in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. IV. Instrument rating--helicopter course. (a) An instrument rating-- helicopter course of training must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--35 hours. (2) Instrument flight training--35 hours. Instrument instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 10 hours of the required 35 hours of flight training. Instruction in a ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 5 hours of the required 35 hours. The instrument flight instruction must include a 100-mile simulated or actual IFR cross-country flight, and 25 hours of flight instruction. (3) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 5 hours of the 35 hours of required ground training, and not more than 5 hours of the 35 hours of instrument training. D. Gliders--I. Kinds of glider pilot certification courses. An approved glider certification course includes-- (a) A glider course--private pilots; and (b) A glider course--commercial pilots. II. Glider course: Private pilot. A private pilot certification course for gliders must consist of at least the following: (a) Ground training--15 hours. (b) Flight training--8 hours (including 35 flights if ground tows are used, or 20 flights if aero tows are used). The flight training must include the following: (1) Flight instruction--2 hours (including 20 flights if ground tows are used or 15 flights if aero tows are used). (2) Directed solo--5 hours (including at least 15 flights if ground tows are used or 5 flights if aero tows are used). (c) Stage and flight tests may be credited for not more than one hour of the 15 hours of ground training, and for not more than one-half hour of the 2 hours of flight instruction required by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. III. Glider course: Commercial pilot. (a) An approved commercial pilot certification course for gliders must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--25 hours. (2) Flight training--20 hours of flight time in gliders (consisting of at least 50 flights), including the following: (i) Flight instruction--8 hours. (ii) Directed solo--10 hours. (b) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 2 hours of the 25 hours of ground training, and for not more than 2 hours of the 20 hours of flight training required by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. E. Lighter-than-air aircraft--I. Kinds of lighter-than-air pilot certification courses. An approved lighter-than-air pilot certification course includes-- (a) An airship course--private pilot; (b) A free balloon course--private pilot; (c) An airship course--commercial pilot; and (d) A free balloon course--commercial pilot. II. Airship--private pilot. (a) A private pilot certification course for an airship must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--35 hours. (2) Flight training--50 hours (45 hours must be in airships), including the following: (i) Flight instruction--20 hours in airships. (ii) Directed solo, or performing the functions of a pilot in command of an airship for which more than one pilot is required--10 hours. (b) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 5 hours of the 35 hours of ground training, and not more than 5 hours of the 50 hours of flight training required by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. III. Free balloon course; private pilot. (a) A private pilot course for a free balloon must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--10 hours. (2) Flight training--6 free flights, including-- (i) Two flights of one hour duration each if a gas balloon is used, or of 30 minutes duration if a hot air balloon is used; (ii) At least one solo flight; and (iii) One ascent under control to 5,000 feet above the point of takeoff if a gas balloon is used, or 3,000 feet above the point of takeoff if a hot air balloon is used. (b) The written and stage checks may be credited for not more than one hour of the ground training, and not more than one of the 6 flights required by paragraph (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section. IV. Airship course--commercial pilot. (a) A commercial pilot course for an airship must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--100 hours. (2) Flight training--190 hours in airships as follows: (i) Flight instruction--80 hours, including 30 hours instrument time. (ii) 100 hours of solo time, or flight time performing the functions of a pilot in command in an airship that requires more than one pilot, including 10 hours of cross-country flying and 10 hours of night flying. (b) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 6 hours of the 100 hours of ground training, and not more than 10 hours of the 190 hours of flight training required by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2), respectively, of this section. V. Free balloon course; commercial pilot. (a) A commercial pilot certification course for free balloons must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--20 hours. (2) Flight training--8 free flights, including-- (i) 2 flights of more than 2 hours duration if a gas balloon is used, or 2 flights of more than 1 hour duration if a hot air balloon is used; (ii) 1 ascent under control to more than 10,000 feet above the takeoff point if a gas balloon is used, or to more than 5,000 feet above the takeoff point if a hot air balloon is used; and (iii) 2 solo flights. (b) Stage and final tests may be credited for not more than 2 hours of the 20 hours of ground training, and not more than one of the flights required by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2), respectively, of this section. F. Aircraft rating course--I. Kinds of aircraft rating courses. An approved aircraft rating course includes-- (a) An aircraft category rating; (b) An aircraft class rating; and (c) An aircraft type rating. II. Aircraft category rating. An aircraft category rating course must include at least the ground training and flight instruction required by Part 61 of this chapter for the issuance of a pilot certificate with a category rating appropriate to the course. However, the Administrator may approve a lesser number of hours of ground training, or flight instruction, or both, if the course provides for the use of special training aids, such as ground procedures, trainers, systems mockups, and audio-visual training materials, or requires appropriate aeronautical experience of the students as a prerequisite for enrollment in the course. III. Aircraft class rating. An aircraft class rating course must include at least the flight instruction required by Part 61 of this chapter for the issuance of a pilot certificate with a class rating appropriate to the course. IV. (a) An aircraft type rating course must include at least 10 hours of ground training on the aircraft systems, performance, operation, and loading. In addition, it must include at least 10 hours of flight instruction. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(1) may be credited for not more than 5 of the 10 hours of required flight instruction. Instruction in a pilot ground trainer that meets the requirements of Sec. 141.41(a)(2) may be credited for not more than 2.5 of the 10 hours of required flight instruction. (b) For airplanes that require type ratings, the aircraft type rating course must include ground and flight training on the maneuvers and procedures of part 61, appendix A that is appropriate to the airplane for which a type rating is sought. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11328, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. ***************************************************************************** Appendix G to Part 141--Pilot Ground School Course 1. Applicability. This appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum for a pilot ground school course required by Sec. 141.55. 2. General requirements. An approved course of training for a pilot ground school course must contain the instruction necessary to provide each student with adequate knowledge of those subjects needed to safely exercise the privileges of the pilot certificate sought. 3. Ground training instruction. A pilot ground school course must include at least the subjects and the number of hours of ground training specified in the ground training section of the curriculum prescribed in the appendixes to this part for the certification or test preparation course to which the ground school course is directed. 4. Stage and final tests. Each student must pass a written test at the completion of each stage of training specified in the approved training syllabus for each ground training course in which he is enrolled. In addition, he must pass a final written test at the completion of the course. The stage and final tests may be credited towards the total ground training time required for each certification and test preparation course as provided in the curriculum prescribed in the appendixes to this part for that course. Appendix H to Part 141--Test Preparation Courses 1. Applicability. This appendix prescribes the minimum curriculum required under Sec. 141.55 of this Part 141 for each test preparation course listed in Sec. 141.11. 2. General requirements. (a) A test preparation course is eligible for approval if the Administrator determines that it is adequate for a student enrolled in that course, upon graduation, to safely exercise the privileges of the certificate, rating, or authority for which the course is conducted. (b) Each course for a test preparation must be equivalent in scope, depth, and detail with the curriculum for the corresponding test course prescribed in Appendices A, B, C, and D of this Part 141. However, the number of hours of ground training and flight training included in the course must meet the curriculum prescribed in this appendix. (The minimums prescribed in this appendix for each test preparation course are based upon the amount of training that is required for students who meet the total flight experience requirements prescribed in Part 61 of this chapter at the time of enrollment.) (c) Minimum experience, knowledge, or skill, requirements necessary as a prerequisite for enrollment are prescribed in the appropriate test preparation courses contained in this appendix. 3. Flight instructor certification course. (a) An approved course of training for a flight instructor certification course must contain at least the following: (1) Ground training--40 hours. (2) Instructor training--25 hours, including-- (i) 10 hours of flight instruction in the analysis and performance of flight training maneuvers, which for students enrolled in a flight instructor airplane certification course and a flight instructor glider certification course includes the satisfactory demonstration of stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery techniques in an aircraft of the appropriate category that is certificated for spins; and (ii) 5 hours of practice ground instruction; and (iii) 10 hours of practice flight instruction (with the instructor in the aircraft). (b) Credit for previous training of experience: A student may be credited with the following training and experience acquired before his enrollment in the course. (1) Satisfactory completion of two years of study on the principles of education in a college or university may be credited for 20 hours of the required 40 hours of ground training prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (2) One year of experience as a full-time instructor in an institution of secondary or advanced education may be credited for 5 hours of the required practice ground instruction prescribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. (c) Prerequisite for enrollment. To be eligible for enrollment each student must hold-- (1) A commercial pilot certificate; (2) A rating for the aircraft used in the course; and (3) An instrument rating for enrollment in an airplane instructor rating course. 4. Additional flight instructor rating courses. (a) An approved course of training for an additional flight instructor rating course must consist of at least the following: (1) Ground training--20 hours. (2) Instructor training (with an instructor in the aircraft). 20 hours, including-- (i) 10 hours, or 10 flights in a glider in the case of a glider instructor rating course, performing analysis of flight training maneuvers, which in the case of an airplane instructor rating course and a glider instructor rating course includes the satisfactory demonstration of stall awareness, spin entry, spins, and spin recovery techniques in an aircraft of the appropriate category that is certificated for spins; and (ii) 10 hours of practice flight instruction, or, in the case of glider instructor rating course, 10 flights in a glider. 5. Additional instrument rating course (airplane or helicopter). (a) An approved training course for an additional instrument rating course must include at least the following: (1) Ground training--15 hours. (2) Flight instruction--15 hours. (b) Prerequisites for enrollment. To be eligible for enrollment each student must hold a valid pilot certificate with an instrument rating, and an aircraft rating for the aircraft used in the course. 6. Airline transport pilot test course. (a) An approved training course for an airline transport pilot test course must include at least the following: (1) Ground training--40 hours. (2) Flight instruction--25 hours, including at least 15 hours of instrument flight instruction. (3) In airplanes that require type ratings, the course must include ground and flight training on the maneuvers and procedures of Part 61, Appendix A that are appropriate to the airplane for which a type rating is sought. (b) Prerequisites for enrollment. To be eligible for enrollment each student must-- (1) Hold a commercial pilot certificate with an instrument rating and a rating for the aircraft used in the course; and (2) Meet the experience requirements of Part 61 of this chapter for the issuance of an airline transport pilot certificate. 7. Pilot certificate, aircraft or instrument rating refresher course. (a) An approved refresher training course for a pilot certificate, aircraft rating, or an instrument rating must contain at least the following: (1) Ground training--4 hours. (2) Flight instruction--6 hours, which may include not more than 2 hours of directed solo or pilot in command practice. (b) Prerequisites for enrollment. To be eligible for enrollment each student must hold a valid pilot certificate with ratings appropriate to the refresher course. 8. Agricultural aircraft operations course. (a) An approved training course for pilots of agricultural aircraft must include at least the following: (1) Ground training--25 hours, including at least 15 hours on the handling of agricultural and industrial chemicals. (2) Flight instruction--15 hours, which may include not more than 5 hours of directed solo practice. (b) Prerequisite for enrollment. To be eligible for enrollment each student must hold a valid commercial pilot certificate with a rating for the aircraft used in the course. 9. Rotorcraft external-load operations course. (a) An approved training course for pilots of a rotorcraft with an external-load must contain at least the following: (1) Ground training--10 hours. (2) Flight instruction--15 hours. (b) Prerequisite for enrollment. To be eligible for enrollment each student must hold a valid commercial pilot certificate with a rating for the rotorcraft used in the course. [Doc. No. 12547, 39 FR 20152, June 6, 1974, as amended by Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11328, Mar. 15, 1991] ***************************************************************************** 56 FR 11308, No. 51, Mar. 15, 1991 SUMMARY: This final rule amends the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) governing pilot and flight instructor initial and recurrent training and the operations of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificated pilot schools. The amendments address concerns identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the public, and issues raised in petitions for exemption from the rules. This action is intended to update standards of pilot and flight instructor performance and to respond to technological advances in pilot training since the current rules were issued. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 15, 1991. *****************************************************************************