[ Submitted by Nick Nicholas (nsn@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au), whose translations and comments are also herein included. ] >From PLANLINGVISTIKO, Yr 1 No 1, Spring 1982. A LA VINKITI DI LA HOM-HISTORIO (Andreas Juste) A la Vinkiti di la hom-historio, A ti qui tiraneso ne admisis, E qui pro to la morto mem subisis Pro la pretexto di legal teorio, A ti qui perdis lia teritorio Quan brutaleso teknikal submisis, A ti qui vane luktis e perisis Kun kordio pur, sen esperar la glorio, A ti qui ocidesis per tormento, A la viktimi di la violento Da tro potent e hipokrit adversi, A ti quin fine sternis en la tombi L' universala yuro di la bombi, Homaje me dedikas mea versi. Translation: To the Defeated of human history, to those who did not allow tyranny, and who suffered death itself because of this because of the pretext of legal theory, To those who lost their territory which was sacrificed by technical brutality, To those who struggled and perished in vain with a pure heart, without hoping for glory, To those who were killed by torture, to the victims of violence by too strong and hypocritical enemies, To those who were laid in tombs early by the universal law of bombs, I dedicate my verses in homage. (Note: OK, so I can't speak English. But the rhymes and diction of this do seem to me kinda stiff. Legal Theory? Stylistically this is rather distant from Esperanto, a version in which, trying to stay as close as possible to the original lexically, follows: Traduko: Al la venkitoj de la homhistorio, Al tiuj kiuj tiranecon ne allasis, kaj kiuj pro tio la morton mem suferis pro la preteksto de legxa teorio, Al tiuj kiuj perdis sian teritorion [I think the Ido should have had the reflexive possessive here too] kiun brutaleco teknika oferis, Al tiuj kiuj vane luktis kaj pereis kun koro pura, sen ke ili esperus gloron ['sen esperi gloron' is also OK] Al tiuj kiujn oni mortigis per turmento, [the passive is avoided in Esp, but one could say 'kiuj estis mortigitaj'] Al la viktimoj de la perforto fare de tro potencaj kaj hipokritaj kontrauxuloj, Al tiuj kiujn frue sternis en la tomboj la universala juro de la bomboj, omagxe mi dedicxas miajn versojn. There's also a short interview with the poet.