Jen la rezulto de du bibliografiaj sercxordonoj en du bibliografiaj dosieroj de la kompanio DIALOG: LANGUAGE ABSTRACTS MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY artikoloj EN esperanto 54 2691 artikoloj PRI esperanto 11 24 KAJ interlingvistiko Pro la kostoj ne eblis elekti cxiujn 2691 artikoloj en Esperanto el la dosiero MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY. Tial nur aperas 193 artikoloj el 1990 kaj 1991. Se iu hazarde havas la eblecon peti cxiujn artikolojn el MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY (ekz-e nur titolo, auxtoro kaj gazeto), aux havas la eblecon sercxi aliajn datumarojn laux la samaj temoj, aux estas preta aldoni privatan bibliografion, bv. kontakti min! Mi sxatus pligrandigi tiun cxi dosieron! ---- Derk Ederveen +31-70-3323202 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGE ABSTRACTS: 54 artikoloj EN esperanto --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/5/1 134797 9104088 An International Scientific Academy and International Language: Jan Amos Komensky's Double Project Internacia Scienca Akademio kaj Internacia Lingvo-projektopare de Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius) Barandovska, Vera Volgogradska 41, CS-70400 Ostrava 4 Czechoslovakia Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (GrKG/Humankybernetik) 1990, 31, 4, Dec, 155-158. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The life, scientific activities, & publications by Jan Amos Komensky, a distinguished seventeenth-century Czech philosopher, pedagogue, linguist, & theologian, are presented. Komensky's idea for the creation of an international scientific academy & a universal language that could be used by scientists all over the world is discussed in some detail. Komensky's interest in the language & vocabulary of science led him to compile Lexicon reale pansophicum ([The Real Dictionary of Panscience], no bibliographic information]). Komensky's universalist views were not limited to science & language as he also proposed general education & welfare. 3 References. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1991, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); History of Linguistics (hi1) IDENTIFIERS: Komensky, J. A., universal language conception; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) history of linguistics- history of linguistics (4810) 1/5/2 130032 9009190 Candidacy Dissertation on Interlinguistics in Czechoslovakia Kandidatiga disertacio pri interlingvistika temo en CSSR Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist 1990, 26, 2(160), 33-34. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Stanislav Kosecky's "Problemoj de internacia lingva komunikado kaj planlingvoj, precipe Esperanto" (Problems of International Linguistic Communication and Planned Language, Especially Esperanto) submitted & defended as a candidacy dissertation (academic rank in Czechoslovakia) at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, 12 Sept 1989, is outlined. The work consists of three main chapters: (1) solutions to international communication adopted by various international bodies (UN, European Community Counsel), (2) the relationship between the spontaneous & conscious in a natural language & humans' conscious intervention in language evolution, & (3) Esperanto as a planned language & its morphological peculiarities in comparison with Slovak. Kosecky's interest in planned languages & Esperanto in particular is noted & his publications on this subject & contributions to the Esperanto movement are presented. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Planning (la4a) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto as a planned/international language, S. Kosecky's "Problemoj de internacia lingva komunikado kaj planlingvoj, precipe Esperanto" (Problems of International Linguistic Communication and Planned Language, Especially Esperanto) outlined; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/3 127625 9006783 Academic Studies 1988-1990 Akademiaj Studoj 1988-1990 ---- Akademiaj Studoj 1988-1990, 1-554. CODEN:AKSTEJ PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Some of the topics discussed are language planning, Esperanto word formation, application of computational technology for Esperanto study & use, the structure of specialized terminology for Esperanto use in science, the alphabet & script for Esperanto, Esperanto prefixes & suffixes, Esperanto phonology, specialized terms formation & use in Esperanto, a classification of Esperanto verbs, proper names in Esperanto, & reviews of publications in Esperanto. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Word Formation (wo2b); Special Languages (sp1); Phonology (ph13); Diachronic Linguistics (di1) ; Syntax (sy3); Alphabet (al1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto, linguistic topics; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/4 127624 9006782 The Situation of the Esperanto Movement in Lithuania La situacio de la Litova Esperanto-movado Straznickas, Laimius La Revuo Orienta 1990, 71, 3, Mar, 34-35. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) It is noted that Lithuania has a special relationship to Esperanto: the inventor of the language, L. Zamenhof, resided for a few years in the Lithuanian town of Kaunas where some of his works were published. During the period of Lithuanian independence between 1918-1940, the monthly Litova stelo was regularly published, but many Esperantists were exiled to Siberia following the Russian invasion. The Lithuanian movement had to exist as a part of the Assoc of Soviet Esperantists, even though efforts were made to set up an independent union of Esperantists in Lithuania. This became a reality in 1988, & the independent association is to have its headquarters in the house in which Zamenhof lived. It is estimated that there are some 2,000 Esperanto speakers & 50 Esperanto clubs in Lithuania today. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Planning (la4a) IDENTIFIERS: Lithuanian Esperanto movement, history/presence, independent (1918-1940)/Soviet periods, current status; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/5 127623 9006781 A Note on Early Interlinguistic Experiments in Munich Noto pri fruaj interlingvistikaj eksperimentoj en Munchen Paech, Karl-Ernst Ahornstr 12, D-8032 Lochham b Munchen Federal Republic Germany Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (GrKG/Humankybernetik) 1990, 31, 1, Mar, 29-30. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Related are experiments conducted by Siegfried Ziegler at the U of Munich at the beginning of the 1950s in which the author was a participant. Poetic (excerpts from J. W. von Goethe's Faust) & prose (unspecified) texts were translated into 15 foreign languages & Esperanto & then translated back into German. It was found that the smallest loss of content with respect to the original was achieved in the Esperanto translation. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Translation and Interpretation (tr5); History of Linguistics (hi1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto translation experiments, Munich, 1950s; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) applied linguistics- translation (4123) 1/5/6 123578 9002736 School Experiment on Facilitation and Transfer in Learning a Foreign Language Lerneja eksperimento pri lernfacileco kaj transfero en la fremdlingvoinstruado Formaggio, Elisabetta Via Privata S. Rufino 32, I-16043 Chiavari Italy Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (GrKG/Humankybernetik) 1989, 30, 4, Dec, 141-151. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) An experiment was conducted to determine whether learning Esperanto facilitates learning another language. In a longitudinal study, Italian students (N = 25) learned Esperanto between the ages of 9 & 11 & then learned French for the next three years. Their performance on language proficiency tasks in both Esperanto & French was compared with results of their peers (N = 17) who learned only French. Results show the facilitating effect & propedeutic value of Esperanto instruction for teaching a modern foreign language. The ease of learning Esperanto as a second language was testified by high performance on proficiency tests. 9 Figures, 8 References. Modified HA (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: Second Language Learning (se3); International Languages (in14); French (fr2) IDENTIFIERS: French as a second language instruction, Esperanto learning facilitating effect; Italian students aged 9-14; SECTION HEADINGS: applied linguistics- non-native language pedagogy (4112) 1/5/7 121764 9000922 String Transformation for Machine Translation La Cenotransfero por masintradukado Qiao Yi Instit Kybernetik, Kleinenberger Weg 16B D-4790 Paderborn Federal Republic Germany Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (GrKG/Humankybernetik) 1989, 30, 2, June, 59-64. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The procedures of analysis, transformation, & synthesis in machine translation are described, & the specifics of machine translation in China are discussed. An approach developed within the 80-TMFC project to translate foreign languages into Chinese is presented, & solutions adopted for the stages of analysis, transformation, & synthesis are described. Lexical parsing & grammatical analysis are outlined, & the task of synthesis as the rearrangement of word order for the target language is discussed. A transformational analysis by which contrastive features of the language pair are worked out in terms of the transformational constituents is at the center of this approach, & there are four domains involved in such constituents: (1) the information for word-order shifting, (2) preposition occurrence, (3) syntactic function, & (4) valency stratum. 2 Figures, 7 References. Modified HA (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: Machine Translation (ma1); Chinese (ch2) IDENTIFIERS: Chinese 80-TMFC machine translation project, analysis/transformation/synthesis stages; SECTION HEADINGS: applied linguistics- translation (4123) 1/5/8 120186 8908227 The Development of the Scientific-Technical Esperanto Movement in China La disvolviganta scienc-teknika Esperanto-movado en Cinio Hou Giping Der Esperantist 1989, 25, 2(154), 32-34. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The history of the Esperanto movement in China is outlined, noting the interest in Esperanto as a medium of communication & exchange of information & ideas by Chinese scientists & technicians. Esperanto instruction offered at various Chinese universities & colleges & the increasing number of organizations of Chinese technicians & scientists who communicate in Esperanto or use it as the language for scientific papers is noted. Esperanto publications in China are listed, & the various scientific disciplines in which Esperanto is found are identified. Meetings of scientists during which the Esperanto language is used as a medium of communication are reported DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Chinese (ch2); Special Languages (sp1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto movement, Chinese scientists/technicians; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/9 120183 8908224 The World Esperanto Center Monda esperanto-centro Dobrowolski, Sanislaw Der Esperantist 1989, 25, 2(154), 29-30. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) A description of the constructing of a world Esperanto center in Bialystok, the Polish city where Ludwig Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto, was born (1859-1917). The complex, to be completed in 1997, will comprise a convention center, library, instruction & research pavilion, tourist services, amphitheater, telecommunication center, Esperanto museum, house of culture, & a monument to Zamenhof. The persons & authorities sponsoring & overseeing the project are listed, & the projected use of the individual units within the Center is briefly discussed DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto, world center complex construction; project report/outline; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/10 117870 8905911 General Linguistics and Esperantology "Generala lingvistiko kaj esperantologio" ---- Der Esperantist 1989, 25, 1(153), 11. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The Ninth Interlinguistic Seminar "Generala lingvistiko kaj esperantologio - rilatoj - rezultoj - problemoj" (General Linguistics and Esperantology: Relationships, Results, Problems) held in Ahrenshoop, East Germany, 30 Oct-3 Nov 1988 is reported. Various East German universities, polytechnics, pedagogical colleges, & other educational institutions were represented by 19 participants who addressed the following issues: the basic objectives & methods of interlinguistics, demographic prognostics & the problem of world language, Esperanto as the European Latin, sociolinguistic aspects of translation, machine translation as the task of interlinguistics, evolutionary & planned languages, tense, aspect, & voice in Esperanto, terminology principles & terminological normalization, design of textbooks for Esperanto instruction at the university level, & linguistic interference as the source of errors in Esperanto acquisition by English speakers DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); General Linguistics (ge1a) IDENTIFIERS: Esperantology/general linguistics, Ninth Interlinguistic Seminar report, 1988; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/11 117867 8905908 The Second International Academic Conference on Science and Technology in Esperanto [IAKSTE] La 2-a Internacia Akademia Konferenco pri Scienco kaj Tekniko en Esperanto (IAKSTE) Starke, Elmar Der Esperantist 1989, 25, 1(153), 14-15. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The Second International Academic Conference on Science and Technology in Esperanto held in Beijing, 10-16 Aug 1988, is reported. The sponsorship & organization of the meeting by the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China are discussed, & papers delivered by members of the Academy are presented. Esperanto use as a communication medium in various scientific disciplines, technology, medicine, economy, commerce, & education was the general theme of the conference. Some of the resolutions adopted were (1) the foundation of the Chinese Science-Technology Esperanto Federation, (2) the foundation of an International Network of Esperanto Application in Science & Technology, (3) preparatory works toward the foundation of an International Information Center on Esperanto in Science & Technology, & (4) the establishment of International Esperanto Science & Technology U DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto/science/technology relationship, Second International Academic Conference on Science/Technology in Esperanto, Beijing, 1988; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/12 117795 8905836 Models of Expert Systems for Natural Language Processing Modeloj pri ekspertaj sistemoj por la procezado de natura linvajo Minnaja, Carlo Dept Pure & Applied Mathematics U Padova, I-35100 Italy Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (GrKG/Humankybernetik) 1989, 30, 1, Mar, 3-11. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1989 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Expert systems are discussed, & their application in computer-aided analysis of natural languages is examined. A classification of expert systems is proposed based on the type of task they perform: interpretation, prognosis, diagnosis, projection, planning, monitoring, repair, instruction, & control. An overlap of some of these functions is noted, & syntactic, semantic, & pragmatic analyses via expert systems are exemplified. The application of parallel processors in syntax analysis is discussed, & the speed of the parallel process is evaluated in comparison with the serial process. An expert system based on the theory of conceptual dependency is studied in detail. 8 References DESCRIPTORS: Computational Linguistics (co7b); Computer-Generated Language Analysis (co7aa); Natural Language (na3a) IDENTIFIERS: expert system, computer-aided natural language analysis/processing; typology, parallel/serial process comparison, conceptual dependency theory; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- computational and mathematical linguistics (5113) 1/5/13 115522 8903563 Why Not English? Kial ne la angla? Wells, John C. La Revuo Orienta 1988, 69, 9, Sept, 4-8. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) An interview with John C. Wells in which he opposes the role of English as an international language due to its nonnormalized pronunciation, word-formational shortcomings, ambiguous morphology in the domain of tense & participle forms, & complex syntax. The advantages of Esperanto in these areas are noted, & the historically, politically, culturally, & economically motivated superiority of English as an inernational language is acknowledged. It is stressed, however, that Esperanto is not only easier to learn than English, but also it is a culturally & politically neutral language without any chauvinistic or nationalistic connotations that would obstruct its adoption as a medium of international communication. The prospects of Esperanto being accepted as a world language are assessed positively. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1989, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); English ; (see also TESOL, Germanic Languages) (en2) IDENTIFIERS: English/Esperanto as world languages, English's disadvantages/Esperanto's advantages; interview; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/14 115521 8903562 The Zagreb Method-A Method to Teach Esperanto La Zagreba Metodo-unu metodo instrui Esperanton Stimec, Spomenka La Revuo Orienta 1988, 69, 11, Nov, 29. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) It is noted that Yugoslavia is a multinational country, & the interest in Esperanto as a medium of international communication is growing. Described is a method of teaching Esperanto developed at the International Culture Service in Zagreb in 1978 & called the Zagreb method. Two textbooks containing 500 words each for the beginning & advanced levels, respectively, were designed, & the course consists of 24 instruction hours held on the weekend. Song lyrics & fiction novels are used as supplementary material, & grammar problems are explained in the students' native language. The method is claimed to be very effective & stimulating, & its application in Japan is recommended. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1989, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Second Language Learning ; (see also Bilingualism, Plurilingualism, TESOL, FLES) (se3); Language Teaching Methods ; (see also specific teaching methods) (la7) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto as a second language instruction, Zagreb method described; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/15 113463 8901504 Akademiaj Studoj Akademiaj Studoj ---- CONTRIBUTOR(S): Albault, A.; Behr, Michael; Bujdoso, Ivan; Dasgupto, Probal; De Smet, W. M. A.; Eichholz, Rudiger; Garcia Blazquez, Felix; Golden, Bernard; Halvelik, Manuel; Kamaco, G.; Kiselman, Christer O.; Major, J.; Maul, Stefan; Pal, Syam Sundar; Portmann, Doug; Reiersol, Olav; Sekelj, Tibor; Wennergren, Bertilo; Xie Yu-ming Akademiaj Studoj 1987, 1-203. CODEN:AKSTEJ PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA Problems related to word formation, onomastics, & normalization of orthography & pronunciation of Esperanto are addressed in this issue of Akademiaj Studoj: the pronunciation of foreign words in Esperanto, the normalization in the domain of geographic & country names in Esperanto, the elaboration of terminological norms, developments in computer technology & implications for studies of Esperanto, the application of modern methods to teaching/learning Esperanto, the aspect-tense r in Esperanto, etymological studies of Esperanto vocabulary, the adaptation of international nomenclature to Esperanto, & terminology problems specific to Esperanto as an international language DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Word Formation (wo2b); Special Languages (sp1); Language Planning (la4a); Onomatology, Onomastics ; (Name, Naming) (on1a); Orthography (or5); Pronunciation Accuracy ; (see also Foreign Accent) (pr9) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; word formation, onomastics, terminology, orthography/pronunciation normalization; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/16 113462 8901503 One Cannot Solve Linguistic Problems in Isolation Oni ne povas aliri la lingvan problemon en izolo Tonkin, Humphrey Der Esperantist 1988, 24, 2(148), 27-28. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Difficulties in international communication resulting from the lack of an appropriate medium of communication are noted, & the value of Esperanto as a neutral language that carries no specific cultural values or ethnic superiority is noted. It is argued that, at the international level, communication in one of the so-called official languages (English, French) is unsuccessful because these languages carry connotations of cultural superiority. Multilingualism also has drawbacks, as it is very difficult & costly to produce documents in several linguistic versions, & problems of the hierarchy of languages persist. Esperanto favors no specific ethnic or cultural group & provides a culturally neutral vocabulary that can be used in an unthreatening manner in international communication DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Interpersonal Behavior (in15) ; Language and Culture (la2); Vocabulary (vo1); Ethnolinguistics (et2) IDENTIFIERS: international communication, Esperanto value, culturally/ethnically neutral vocabulary/communication medium; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/17 112842 8900883 A Comparative Study of Case Markers and Chinese Lexicase Devices La kompara esploro de kazomarkoj kaj cinlingvaj leksemkazaj rimedoj Yi Qiao Instit Linguistics Chinese Academy Social Sciences, 5 Tianguomennei Dajie Beijing Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft (GrKG/Humankybernetik) 1988, 29, 3, Sept, 115-121. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Case marking is a universal device in natural languages, & explicit (prepositions, postpositions, desinences) & implicit (word order, V valency) case markers can be distinguished. A comparative study of Chinese case markers is conducted; a specific class of location words used as case-marking devices are treated as a subclass of samples & subjected to localistic lexicase analysis to achieve their proper classification. It is found that location words that directly follow samples & have a flexible productivity are case localizers, but different from inflectional suffixes in that no morphophonemic changes occur when a case is marked by such a localizer. Overall, the Chinese case-marking system can be accounted for in terms of morphology. The relevance of this study to research in machine translation involving Chinese is emphasized. 7 References DESCRIPTORS: Syntax ; (see also Grammatical Analysis) (sy3); Machine Translation ; (see also Translation and Interpretation) (ma1); Chinese (ch2); Case (ca3) IDENTIFIERS: Chinese case-marking system, morphological description; machine translation research relevance; SECTION HEADINGS: syntax- syntax (4310) descriptive linguistics- computational and mathematical linguistics (5113) 1/5/18 111218 8808798 Is Esperanto a European Language? Cu Esperanto estas europa lingvo? Sonnenfeld, Ernesto La Revuo Orienta 1988, 69, 4, Apr, 4-8. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) It is argued that although heavily influenced by IE vocabulary & syntax, Esperanto is not a European language. The following characteristics of Esperanto grammar are cited to prove this claim: (1) agglutinating word formation, (2) obligatory accusative (only a few IE languages have the accusative case & they use it selectively), (3) the grammatical scheme is not based on any IE language, & (4) the system of numeral formation is a non-IE one. It is acknowledged that Esperanto vocabulary is based on IE roots but the infiltration of words & neologisms derived from non-IE bases is increasing DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Synthetic Languages (sy4); Indo-European Languages ; (see also Celtic, Germanic, Indic, Romance, Slavic Languages) (in1a) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto as a European language, counterevidence; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/19 111216 8808796 Word and Culture Vorto kaj Kulturo Hugimoto, Tacuo La Revuo Orienta 1988, 69, 2, Feb, 20-22. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The relationship between natural language & culture is examined in terms of the claim that Esperanto is a language without a culture. It is argued that Esperanto relates to world culture & is supported by it as a communicative medium. Refuted is Matazi Kido's assertion ("Vortoj fremdaj, mallongigoj kaj propraj nomoj" [Foreign Words, Abbreviations, and Proper Names], La Revuo Orienta, 1987, May, 17-18) that the "mizere deformitaj" (pitiful deformation) of the world's most famous biographic names (eg, Sopeno = Chopin) & the prevailing disagreement among Esperantists about how to write & pronounce proper names testify to the lang's cultural sterility & lack of established tradition. It is noted that proper names are assimilated with phonetic & orthographic modifications in individual natural languages & no one claims that these languages have no culture DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language and Culture (la2); Synthetic Languages (sy4); Natural Language (na3a) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto as a cultureless language; Matazi Kido's claim refuted; natural language/culture relationship; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/20 111141 8808721 The Achievements and Prospects of DLT Atingoj kaj perspektivoj de DLT Schubert, Klaus; Witkam, Toon Der Esperantist 1988, 24, 1(147), 14-18. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Presented is A. P. M. Witkam's Distributed Language Translation (DLT) system that uses modified Esperanto as a mediating language (Distributed Language Translation. Feasibility Study of a Multilingual Facility for Videotex Information Networks, Utrecht, The Netherlands: Buro voor Systeemontwikkeling, 1983). Its basic structure & functioning scheme are outlined. The evolution of the system & successive improvement are discussed. Major achievements in 1985 & 1986 are listed, planned elaboration is announced, & prospects of successful implementation are assessed DESCRIPTORS: Computational Linguistics (co7b); Machine Translation ; (see also Translation and Interpretation) (ma1); International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Distributed Language Translation system, Esperanto modification/application; project's achievements/prospects; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- computational and mathematical linguistics (5113) 1/5/21 111128 8808708 The Computer: Language-Word-Text Komputiloj: linvgo-parolo-teksto Lennartz, Michael Der Esperantist 1988, 24, 1(147), 7. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) A concise presentation of the possibilities afforded by the personal computer in the domain of language processing: text & word processing, speech synthesis & analysis, machine translation, language statistics, content analysis, & expert systems (artificial intelligence). Programs working with Esperanto are mentioned DESCRIPTORS: Computer-Generated Language Analysis (co7aa); Machine Translation ; (see also Translation and Interpretation) (ma1); Speech Synthesis (sp9); Statistical Analysis ; (for pre-1988 entries, see Experimental Data Handling) (st2a) IDENTIFIERS: personal computer-assisted linguistics, text/word processing; speech synthesis/analysis; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- computational and mathematical linguistics (5113) 1/5/22 111111 8808691 The DLT Project of Double Machine Translation Using Modified Esperanto DLT-projekto de duonautomato lingvotradukado helpe de modifita Esperanto Behr, Michael Der Esperantist 1988, 24, 1(147), 8-13. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Presented is the Distributed Language Translation project (DLT), A. P. M. Witkam's machine translation project that uses modified Esperanto as a mediating language (Distributed Language Translation. Feasibility Study of a Multilingual Facility for Videotex Information Networks, Utrecht, The Netherlands: Buro voor Systeemontwikkeling, 1983). General information about information systems is provided & new technologies in information processing are described. The underlying scheme of a machine translation system is outlined & translation programs based on direct conversion of a source language into target language & mediation through an interlang are described. The DLT's advantages & disadvantages are identified. The modified Esperanto used in the DLT is characterized & the major changes introduced into Zamenhof's rules are discussed. 3 References DESCRIPTORS: Computational Linguistics (co7b); Machine Translation ; (see also Translation and Interpretation) (ma1); International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Distributed Language Translation project, modified Esperanto as mediating language; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- computational and mathematical linguistics (5113) 1/5/23 110415 8807995 Management of Interpretation Services in the United Nations Direktado de interpretadaj servoj en la sistemo de Unuigintaj Nacioj Efimov, Alexander S.; Schumm, Siegfried Joint Inspection Unit, United Nations Geneva Switzerland Language Problems and Language Planning 1988, 12, 2, summer, 152-168. CODEN:LPLPDP PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA In June 1986 the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations (United Nations) published its report on the administration of interpretation services in the United Nations system (document JIU/REP/86/5). The report offers a general overview of the interpreting services, with attention to costs & training. More detailed examination of the problem of recruitment & preparation of interpreters, comparative costs of regular versus free-lance interpreters, the organization of conference calendars, videoconferencing, & computer-assisted management follows. The report ends with a summary of conclusions & recommendations. Although the complete text of the report already exists in the languages of the United Nations, Charles Power has provided an Esperanto translation of the introductory sections & of the chapter on videoconferencing because they will be particularly interesting to Esperanto readers. 2 Tables DESCRIPTORS: Translation and Interpretation ; (see also Machine Translation) (tr5); International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: interpretation services, UN system; Esperanto use; SECTION HEADINGS: applied linguistics- translation (4123) 1/5/24 108911 8806491 The Birth Certificate of Esperanto La naskiga dokumento de Esperanto Wollenberg, Fritz Der Esperantist 1987, 23, 6(146), 121-127. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) In celebration of the centennial of Esperanto, the history of the language & the biography of its creator are presented. The publication of the booklet Internacia Lingvo (The International Language) in a Russian edition by Lazar Ludwig Zamenhof on 26 July 1887, & in Polish, French, & German editions (Internationale Sprache. Vorrede und vollstandiges Lehrbuch [The International Language. An Introduction and Complete Manual], Warsaw: Gebethner et Wolft, 1887) the same year is discussed. The medical background & linguistic interests of Zamenhof are outlined. The success of his planned language is ascribed to the international vocabulary, simple grammar, & productive word-formational patterns that have made Esperanto open to change & lexical enrichment DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); History of Linguistics (hi1); Language Planning (la4a) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; history, creator, linguistic structure; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/25 108900 8806480 The Achievements and Problems in the Centennial of Esperanto: The Sociopolitical Aspects Atingoj kaj problemoj de la 100-jara Esperanto: sociopolitikaj aspektoj Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist 1987, 23, 6(146), 131-134. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The success of Esperanto as an international language is ascribed to both its linguistic simplicity & versatility & its ideologically neutral character. It is noted that Esperanto is an artificial, planned language not embedded in any ideology or cultural framework, & it is thus very appealing as a medium of international communication. Linguistically, it has not only an ample modern vocabulary, but also word-formational models that are simple & productive enough to satisfy every expressive need. However, some sociolinguistic & language-political problems need to be addressed to secure Esperanto's successes in its second century: (1) Esperanto should be popularized to make its communicative potentials known to both the lay public & professionals dealing with languages (language planners, linguists, educators); (2) linguistic, sociolinguistic, & glottodidactic research in Esperanto ought to be intensified; (3) the tasks, function, & work methods of the Esperanto Academy must be defined in light of contemporary requirements imposed on a planned language; & (4) extra efforts should be made to popularize Esperanto in publications of various styles & domains DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Sociolinguistics (so2); Language Planning (la4a); Language Policy (la5); Language and Culture (la2) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto centennial; achievements/problems, linguistic simplicity, cultural neutrality, popularization efforts/policies; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/26 108876 8806456 The Swiss German Diglossia Svisgermana diglosio Baur, Arthur Herrenbergstr 5, CH-8006 Zurich Switzerland Language Problems and Language Planning 1987, 11, 3, fall, 350-352. CODEN:LPLPDP PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA German-speaking Switzerland is traditionally included in the territory of the German language. This affiliation, however, is a mystification as Standard German is used in Switzerland only in writing whereas it is never used by Swiss German speakers in oral communication. The so-called colloq German that suppressed dialects in Germany & Austria is nonexistent in Switzerland. Swiss German (Schwyzertutsch) is linguistically considered to be a dialect but is an official "standard" language in German Switzerland. Because of this, there are many problems for those Swiss from Italian & French parts of Switzerland who learned Standard High German in school & are unable to communicate in it in daily contacts with Swiss Germans. Morphologically, Schwyzertutsch is a modern linguistic type; phonologically, however, it represents an early stage of language development. 8 References DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); German ; (see also Germanic Languages) (ge4); Standard Dialect (st1); Nonstandard Dialect (no4); Diglossia (di4aa); Oral Language (op2); Written Language (wr2); Dialectology ; (see also Standard Dialect, Nonstandard Dialect) (di3); Register (re8) IDENTIFIERS: Swiss German diglossia, written-oral German, High German-Schwyzertutsch, standard/dialect/colloquial relationship; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- dialectology (5117) 1/5/27 106835 8804415 Information and Language Informacio kaj lingvo Strombach, Werner CONTRIBUTOR(S): Loose, H. Hessenbank 16, D-4600 Dortmund 50 Federal Republic Germany Grundlagenstudien aus Kybernetik und Geisteswissenschaft 1987, 28, 4, Dec, 155-160. CODEN:GSKGBP PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) NOTE: Translated by H. Loose. The question of the informative aspect of language is addressed, against the background of a discussion between K. O. Apel ("Dei Logosauszeichnung der menschlichen Sprache. Die philosophische Tragweite der Sprechakttheorie" [The Logos Distinction of Human Language: the Philosophical Significance of Speech Act Theory] in Perspektiven auf Sprache [Perspectives on Language], Bosshardt, H. G. [Ed], Berlin: de Gruyter, 1986) & K. R. Popper (Objektive Erkenntnis [Objective Knowledge], Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1973) concerning the problem of "logos distinction" of human language. The relationship between the symbolic nature of language & its capability to convey information is examined & various dimensions of the information concept are differentiated. Actual, potential, objective, & subjective information are distinguished & the notion of information as applicable to natural & artificial languages is discussed. 16 References. Ha Tr & Modified by Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: Philosophy of Language (ph2); Natural Language (na3a); Synthetic Languages (sy4); Logic of Language (lo2) IDENTIFIERS: language, informative aspect; language symbolic nature/information transfer capability relationship, "logos distinction," natural/artificial language; SECTION HEADINGS: philosophy of language- philosophy of language (6010) 1/5/28 106397 8803976 The Purging of Esperanto: Not Always Easy Purigita Esperanto ne ciam estas facila Tani, Hiroyuki CONTRIBUTOR(S): Nagata, Akiko La Revuo Orienta 1987, 68, 9, Sept, 11-12. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) NOTE: Comment, 13-14. Nagata Akiko's proposals to purge Esperanto of "Europeanisms" & internationalisms (Esperanto, 1972) are supported, but difficulties with carrying out the project are noted. It is observed that such purging might result in a semantic confusion within Esperanto vocabulary & cause many problems to Esperanto learners & speakers. Many so-called Europeanisms share the same Latin roots with Esperanto but they would differ, if Akiko's proposals were to be implemented, in affixes, eg, konsento `consent' changed into kunsento. In La respondo estas "jes" kaj "ne" (The Answer Is "Yes" and "No"), Akiko responds that Esperanto is a European language in its lexical heritage, but it is not a property of Europe. Word formation in Esperanto should follow L. Zamenhof's rules rather than be based on international-European patterns. The differences between Europeanisms & pure Esperanto formations are illustrated with some incorrect & correct formations, eg, liberalismo versus liberismo `liberalism'. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Word Formation (wo2b); Language Planning (la4a); Affix (af1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto word formation, "European" vs pure Esperanto patterns; debate; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/29 103932 8801511 Academic Studies 1986 Akademiaj Studoj 1986 ---- CONTRIBUTOR(S): Albault, Andre; Asvinikumar'; Dehler, Wera; Eichholz, Rudiger; Eichholz, Vilma Sindona; Garcia Blazquez, Felix; Golden, Bernard; Halvelik, Manuel; Kamaco, Georgo; Markheden, Malte; Perko, Klaus; Pilger, Wouter F.; Pioro, Jan; Portmann, Doug; Reiersol, Olav; Schubert, K.; Nagata, Akiko; Werner, Jan Akademiaj Studoj 1986, 1-298. CODEN:AKSTEJ PUB. YEAR: 1986 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA In over 40 contributions, both original & reprinted from other Esperanto publications, the following topics are discussed: Esperanto phonology, onomastic formations in Esperanto, the standardization of Esperanto place names, the relationship between a planned language & international normalization of terminology, the system of participles in Hindi, computer-assisted processing of Esperanto texts, computational projects in Esperanto, neologisms in Esperanto, the assimilation of foreign words to Esperanto, the Latin basis of Esperanto, Esperanto in Japan, Esperanto use in science, & semantic problems of Esperanto numbers of cases. Reviews, reports of seminars, rebuttals, & brief notes are also included. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; 1986 papers collection; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/30 103931 8801510 Academic Studies 1985 Akademiaj Studoj 1985 ---- CONTRIBUTOR(S): Song-san, Ahn; Albault, Andre; Bormann, W.; Bujdoso, Ivano ; Cool, G.; Eichholz, Rudiger; Garcia Blazquez, Felix; Golden, Bernard; Sjueli, Gu; Halvelik, Manuel; Harry, L. R.; Knoedt, Leopoldo H.; Lapenna, Ivo; Malovec, M.; Mattos, Geraldo; Mi, Lorenc'; Perko, Klaus; Pilger, W. F. ; Portmann, Doug; Reiersol, Olav; Stop-Bowitz, C.; Uusink-Nagata, Akiko; Vaitilavicius, A.; Wennergren, Bertil; Werner, Jan Akademiaj Studoj 1985, 1-242. CODEN:AKSTEJ PUB. YEAR: 1985 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA In some 50 contributions, original & reprinted from other Esperanto publications, the following topics are discussed: the evolution of Esperanto, machine translation & Esperanto as an interlingua, Esperantists' contributions to dialectological studies, onomastic formations in Esperanto & the underlying principles of word formation in a planned language, Esperanto in Korea & problems related to its propagation & teaching in Korea, the thesis of eurocentrism of Esperanto, translations from natural languages to Esperanto, an official list of country names in Esperanto, specialized terminology in Esperanto, stabilization & normalization of Esperanto terminology, punctuation marks & rules in Esperanto, passive participles in -ata/-ita, V aspect in Esperanto, computer-aided processing of Esperanto, & the gender of some Esperanto numbers of cases. Reports of Esperanto conventions, meeting announcements, book reviews, commentaries, & rebuttals are also included. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; 1985 papers collection; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/31 103930 8801509 Academic Studies 1984 Akademiaj Studoj 1984 ---- CONTRIBUTOR(S): Albault, Andre; Bertin, Christian; Eichholz, Rudiger; Golden, Bernard; Guma, Salvador; Kavka, J.; Pumpr, T.; deKock, Edwin; Mechelynck, Antono J.; Lorenc', Mi; Mimo, Luis; Plehn, H. J.; Portmann, Doug; Sulco, Rikardo; Vaitilavicius, A. Akademiaj Studoj 1984, 1-135. CODEN:AKSTEJ PUB. YEAR: 1984 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA The following problems are discussed in over two dozen contributions, both original & reprinted from other Esperanto publications: Esperanto morphology & toponymy, participle use in Esperanto, majuscule writing & its normalization for Esperanto texts, the tense system of Esperanto & its original conception by L. Zamenhof, the orthography of proper names, V aspect in Esperanto, & the formation of country names in Esperanto. Reports by the Esperanto Academy, reviews, & rebuttals are also included. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; 1984 papers collection; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/32 103929 8801508 Academic Studies 1983 Akademiaj Studoj 1983 ---- CONTRIBUTOR(S): Albault, Andre; Bormann, Werner; Eichholz, Rudiger; Eichholz, Vilma Sindona; Fischer, Rudolf-Josef; Golden, Bernard; Luin, Franko; Munnich, Antal; Portmann, Doug; Reiersol, Olav; Schnell, Roland; Sherwood, Bruce Arne Akademiaj Studoj 1983, 1-200. CODEN:AKSTEJ PUB. YEAR: 1983 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Canada LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA In two dozen contributions, both original & reprinted from other Esperanto publications, the following problems are discussed: Esperanto toponymy, linguistic feminism in a planned language, sexual discrimination in Esperanto, the terms komputilo, komputoro, or komputero for designating `computer' in Esperanto, majuscule writing in Esperanto, letters with diacritic signs in informatics, the treatment of diacritic signs in computer-aided text processing, Esperanto teaching & its normative & dialectal varieties, Eng hydrocarbon & its Esperanto terminological equivalence, Esperanto chemical terminology, mathematical & statistical terms in Esperanto, a normative Esperanto alphabet for computational purposes, & computer-aided treatment of Esperanto texts. Announcements by national chapters of the Esperanto Academy, reviews, & critiques are also included. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; 1983 papers collection; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 1/5/33 101975 8707519 How Are Japanese Pronouns Spelled? Kiel literumi japanajn pronomojn Yamasaki, Seiko La Revuo Orienta 1987, 68, 6, June, 22. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) NOTE: Reply, 22. The orthography of the title of a section in the Esperanto journal La Revuo Orienta is questioned & arguments are produced to substantiate the claim. The distinction between words that carry a full semantic meaning & function words is discussed in the context of Japanese orthography. The use of various signs for polite & nonpolite address by means of pronouns is illustrated with examples. In Redakcia noto (Editor's Note), an explanation is provided for why the proposed changes were not introduced either in the past nor in current issues of the journal. Typesetting difficulties are given as the primary reason for not following Yamasaki's advice which, it is admitted, is very correct. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: Orthography (or5); Japanese (ja2); Pronoun (pr7); International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Japanese pronoun orthography; polite/nonpolite spelling, changes proposed; editor's reply; SECTION HEADINGS: orthography, writing systems- orthography, writing systems (5310) 1/5/34 099909 8705453 On the Specifics of the Esperanto Movement in Some European Socialist States Pri specifajoj de la Esperanto-movado en kelkaj europaj socialismaj landoj Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist 1986, 22, 6(140), 121-125. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1986 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The various forms of the Esperanto movement in the USSR, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, & the German Democratic Republic are presented. The popularity of Esperanto as a second/international language in each of these countries is discussed & statistical data concerning membership of Esperanto organizations are provided. Publications & broadcasts in Esperanto are characterized & it is noted that political & cultural centers in these countries consider Esperanto not as a fad of uncertain future but a permanent component in their educational systems & cultures. Esperanto conferences & meetings & international cooperation in the exchange of Esperanto programs & initiatives to spread the language as a medium of international communication are presented. The common objectives of Marxist-Leninist internationalism & the internationally oriented Esperanto movement are noted. The contribution of the Esperanto movement to world peace is acknowledged. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Dialectical Materialistic Linguistic Theory (di2a); Language and Culture (la2) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto movement; socialist states; Marxist-Leninist/Espera nto movement common objectives; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/35 098778 8704322 Psikologio kaj metodiko de Esperanto-instruado. [Gvidilo por Esperanto-instruistoj] "Psikologio kaj metodiko de Esperanto-instruado. (Gvidilo por Esperanto-instruistoj)" ---- Der Esperantist 1986, 22, 6(140), 125-131. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1986 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) B. V. Tokarev's book Psikologio kaj metodiko de Esperanto-instruado (Gvidilo por Esperanto-instruistoj) (Psychology as a Method in Teaching Esperanto [A Guide for Esperanto Teachers], no further bibliographic reference) is outlined. The book presents various approaches to teaching Esperanto as a second language & stresses the importance of psychological factors in a didactically successful teaching method. I. P. Pavlov's studies (no bibliographic reference) on reflex conditioning are presented & their application in teaching is recommended. The relationship between stimulus, emotion, instinct, & reflex is examined & adaptations to learning are considered. Spontaneous conversation in the target language, literature reading, & grammar instruction are suggested as the main components of a successful program & deductive & inductive approaches to presentation of grammar are discussed. The psychological principles of A. Cseh's approach (no bibliographic reference) are presented & the role of the textbook is discussed. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: Second Language Learning ; (see also Bilingualism, Plurilingualism, TESOL, FLES) (se3); International Languages (in14); Psycholinguistics (ps3); Language Teaching Methods ; (see also specific teaching methods) (la7); Language Teaching Materials (la6) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto as a second language instruction; materials/methodology; B. V. Tokarev's Psikologio kaj metodiko de Esperanto-instruado. (Gvidilo por Esperanto-instruistoj) (Psychology as a Method in Teaching Esperanto [A Guide for Esperanto Teachers]) reviewed; SECTION HEADINGS: applied linguistics-non-native language pedagogy (4112) 1/5/36 098678 8704222 The Problems of Teaching Esperanto to Japanese Elementary School Students Apartaj problemoj en la instruado de Esperanto al la japanaj elementlernejanoj Goto, Sumiko La Revuo Orienta 1987, 68, 1, Jan, 12-15. CODEN:RORIDP PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Japan LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Twelve years of experiences with conducting Esperanto instruction in an Esperanto club in Japan are related. Esperanto courses are provided for fifth & sixth graders aged 11 & 12 in which some 20 to 30 students take part. Four major problems of teaching Esperanto to Japanese learners are identified: (1) the Latin alphabet which is unfamiliar to Japanese students, (2) the "exotic" IE grammar on which Esperanto is based, (3) the lack of Esperanto instructors, & (4) Esperanto courses must compete with regular & after-class educational programs which are very demanding & time-consuming. Students' opinions on learning Esperanto & the lang's practical relevance collected by means of a questionnaire (respondents unspecified) are cited. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: Second Language Learning ; (see also Bilingualism, Plurilingualism, TESOL, FLES) (se3); International Languages (in14); Japanese (ja2); Elementary School ; (see also FLES) (el1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto as a second language instruction, Japan; fifth/sixth graders; Esperanto club experiences; SECTION HEADINGS: applied linguistics-non-native language pedagogy (4112) 1/5/37 097949 8703493 Esperanto or Internacia Lingvo-Which Is the Name of the Language? "Esperanto" au "Internacia Lingvo" (ILo)"-Kiel nomi la lingvon? Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist 1986, 22, 5(139), 105-112. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1986 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) H. Frank's proposal to rename Esperanto as Internacia Lingvo ("E-o oder ILo? Zum strittigen Bezeichnungsproblem der Internacia Lingvo [Esperanto]" [Esperanto or International Language? On a Debatable Designation Problem of Internacia Lingvo (Esperanto)], conference paper, Paderborn, 1980) is opposed & his arguments in favor of the new name & against the "confusing" Esperanto are rejected. Frank's use of the name Internacia Lingvo instead of Esperanto is found harmful to the lang's status & the Esperanto movement in general. 20 References. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto/internacia lingvo, naming debate; H. Frank's renaming proposal; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/38 093997 8606965 On Esperanto in China Pri Esperanto en Cinio ---- Der Esperantist 1986, 22, 2(136), 29. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1986 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) A description of the status & situation of Esperanto in China, occasioned by the Seventy-First Universal Congress of Esperantists in Beijing. The significant progress of Esperanto in the People's Republic of China is noted, & the favorable policies of the government toward Esperanto are discussed. Some positive developments are noted: (1) financial support for publications in Esperanto, (2) the 35th anniversary of the Esperanto journal El Popola Cinio, (3) a 20-year tradition of broadcasting of Esperanto-language programs on the Chinese radio, (4) an active participation of the Chinese delegation at Esperanto congresses & workshops, (5) the introduction of Esperanto as a teaching subject at Chinese universities, & (6) the publication of textbooks, books, & journals in Esperanto. A bibliography of books in Esperanto published in the years 1982-1985 is included. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Planning (la4a); Language Policy (la5); Chinese (ch2) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto situation/status, People's Republic of China; positive developments identified; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/39 092269 8605237 Portuguese in UNESCO? Portugala lingvo en Unesko? Uusink-Nagata, Akiko Beethovenlaan 6, NL-6865 EA Doorwerth Netherlands Language Problems and Language Planning 1985, 9, 2, summer, 130-133. CODEN:LPLPDP PUB. YEAR: 1985 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA The possibility of using Portuguese as a working language in UNESCO is examined & the major reasons for the introduction of Portuguese into this organization are identified: Portuguese (1) is the official language of seven UNESCO members, (2) is used in various forms in many parts of the world, (3) bridges cultural & racial diversities, & (4) is an official language of the Organization of American States. The present linguistic structure of UNESCO is presented & the cost of introducing Portuguese as a working language is calculated. Modified HA DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Romance Languages ; (see also Indo-European Languages, French, Italian, Spanish) (ro1); Language Policy (la5) IDENTIFIERS: Portuguese as an international language; UNESCO use; linguistic/sociocultural/financial aspects; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/40 087342 8600310 Canadian Immerson Programs: Linguistic or Linguo-Political Success? Kanadaj banprogramoj: Cu sukceso lingva au lingvopolitika? Richmond, Ian M. U Western Ontario, London N6A 3K7 Language Problems and Language Planning 1985, 9, 1, spring, 17-30. CODEN:LPLPDP PUB. YEAR: 1985 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA It is contended that the view of the phenomenal growth of French immersion programs as the educational success story of the 1980s is justified in terms of the method's popularity & political success but not in terms of the results obtained. The contention is based on a comparison & analysis of results achieved on the Laval Placement Test by 3 groups of University students: native French speakers (number of cases = 19), former French immersion students (number of cases = 27), & former "traditional" French students (number of cases = 42). Test results place the immersion group's language level (50.5%) much closer to that of the "traditional" group (26.1%) than to that of the native speakers (83.4%), although the immersion group appears to have a considerable advantage over the nonimmersion group in comprehension skills. Comparison & analysis of the test results in the light of literature on bilingualism & immersion programs show that the often extravagant claims made for the bilingualism of immersion graduates can lead to false optimism about their real command of French. A call is made for less complacency about the effectiveness of present immersion programs & for more research into alternative methods of language teaching. 14 References. Modified HA DESCRIPTORS: French ; (see also Romance Languages) (fr2); Second Language Learning ; (see also Bilingualism, Plurilingualism, TESOL, FLES) (se3); Language Teaching Methods ; (see also specific teaching methods) (la7) IDENTIFIERS: French as a foreign language; Canadian immersion vs "traditional" programs; SECTION HEADINGS: applied linguistics-non-native language pedagogy (4112) 1/5/41 086377 8507492 Are There German Words in Esperanto? Cu estas germanaj vortoj en Esperanto? Golden, Bernard Der Esperantist 1983, 19, 6(122), 128-129. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1983 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Critically examined are the methods used by M. Arnold (see LLBA 18/3, 8405071). It is argued that Arnold's list of Old German & AS words is irrelevant to the formation of the Esperanto lexicon: eg, in determining whether sultro is derived from Eng shoulder or German Schulter, it is not the history of the words but the amount of required transformation that matters (sch > s + omission of -e- for Schulter versus more drastic changes for shoulder). Discussed is the problem of deciding whether an Esperanto word is derived from German or from a loanword from German: eg, snuro `rope, cord, line': German Schnur, Russian & Yiddish sur, Polish sznur. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: German ; (see also Germanic Languages) (ge4); International Languages (in14); Lexicology (le5); Diachronic Linguistics ; (see also Sound Change) (di1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto lexicon formation, derivations traced; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/42 086376 8507491 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels on the "Universal Language" Karl Marx kaj Friedrich Engels pri la "langue universelle" Blanke, Detlev Charlottenstr 60, DDR-1080 Berlin German Democratic Republic Der Esperantist 1983, 19, 6(122), 121-126. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1983 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Explored is K. Marx's & F. Engels's possible knowledge of (1) the distinction between "universal language" (one language for all peoples) & "international language" (a second language for all), & (2) the language projects proposed in the 1860s-1880s (eg, Solresol 1866, Universalsprache 1868, Volapuk 1879, Esperanto 1887). Analyzed are statements by Engels (on the need to learn more foreign languages), resolutions by the 1866 & 1867 conventions of the International Workers Association (in favor of a universal language & orthographic reforms of French), Marx's comments on a school essay on the langue universelle by P. Proudhon (1809-1865), Engels's comments on works by W. Weitling (1808-1871), & statements on language by Marx & Engels in "Die deutsche Ideologie" ([German Ideology] in Karl Marx und Freidrich Engels. Uber Sprache, Stil und Ubersetzung [On Language, Style, and Translation], Ruschinsksi, H. & Retzlaff-Kresse, B. [Eds], Berlin: Dietz, 1974). It is concluded that (A) although knowledge of the universal/international language problem is possible, Volapuk & Esperanto are not mentioned by name, & (B) while they did not especially or systematically occupy themselves with the communication problem or a universal language, their statements reflect neither a positive nor a negative attitude toward the universal language problem. 14 References. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Planning (la4a); History of Linguistics (hi1) IDENTIFIERS: "Auniversal language," K. Marx's/F. Engels's conceptions; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/43 070676 8405077 Who Learns Why? Kiu lernas kial? ---- Der Esperantist 1982, 18, 3-4(113-114), 65-66. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1982 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Presented & discussed are results of an attitudinal study (Sociologia esploro de sintenoj al Esperanto [Sociological Study of Attitudes toward Esperanto], Prague: Ceha Esperanto-Asocio, 1981). Questionnaires sent to former members of the Czech Esperanto Association (CEA), current CEA members, & beginners/nonmembers, (total = 2,200) furnished information on demographics, leisure time, attitudes toward Esperanto, & reasons for leaving the CEA. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language and Culture (la2); Sociolinguistics (so2) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto, attitudes; questionnaire; Czech Esperanto Association; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/44 070673 8405074 Volapuk: The International Language That Doesn't Want to Die Volapuko-La internacia lingvo, kiu ne volas morti Golden, Bernard Der Esperantist 1982, 18, 3-4(113-114), 66-67. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1982 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Discussed is Volapuk's relationship to other international languages: (1) the development of both Volapuk & Esperanto in the 1870s & 1880s, (2) the relative success of international languages, (3) reasons for Volapuk's decline, & (4) attempts to keep Volapuk alive. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); History of Linguistics (hi1) IDENTIFIERS: Volapuk, relation to other international languages; decline reasons; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/45 070672 8405073 Why Does Esperanto Have the Word bedauri? Kial Esperanto havas la vorton bedauri? Golden, Bernard Der Esperantist 1983, 19, 2(118), 27-28. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1983 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Presented are the five reasons offered by Esperantologists for Zamenhof's use of German-derived words (eg, bedauri < bedauern `regret, be sorry') in a largely Romance vocabulary. Evidence applicable to bedauri is examined: (1) avoidance of homonyms, (2) lack of appropriate Romance words: Zamenhof proposed regreti (< French regretter) as a substitute in 1894, & (3) Germanic roots drawn from other planned languages published before 1887: Ido, Occidental/Interlingue, Novial, Interlingua/IALA, & Neo have words based on French regretter, Volapuk's Germanic-based words are leglifon, liedon, & pidon, but Mundografie (published by H. von Gablenz in 1864) has the root bedur. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); German ; (see also Germanic Languages) (ge4); Word Formation (wo2b); Vocabulary (vo1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto vocabulary, German-derived words; Zamenhof's rationale investigated; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/46 070671 8405072 Twelve Observations about the Hungarian Movement 12 rimarkoj pri la hungara movado Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist 1983, 19, 1(117), 3-6. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1983 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Outlined are the major characteristics of the Hungarian Esperanto movement: a massive base (representation in most cities, more than 3,000 members in the national association); officially sanctioned Esperanto classes in elementary & high scools & teacher training courses at 6 colleges; scientific study of the international language problem & of Esperanto; use of Esperanto by various scientific organizations; the hosting of international tourist & educational programs; major contributions to Esperanto literature; publication of Esperanto periodicals; cultural activities; the movement's tradition (labor & Communist Esperantist societies since 1913); outstanding leaders active in various spheres; collaboration at the international level; & a high social reputation enjoyed by Esperanto in political & scientific circles. 1 Reference. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Second Language Learning; (see also Bilingualism, Plurilingualism, TESOL, FLES) (se3) IDENTIFIERS: Hungarian Esperanto movement, major characteristics; teaching, publications, tradition; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/47 070670 8405071 German or English? About German Words in Esperanto Cu germana au angla? Pri germanaj vortoj en Esperanto Arnold, Manfred Der Esperantist 1982, 18, 1(111), 9-12. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1982 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Presented are 186 Esperanto words in 3 groups: (1) those that clearly derive from German, (2) those that were probably taken from German rather than Eng, the Esperanto word being closer to the German cognate than to the Eng one, & (3) those whose Eng & German cognates are very similar but which are probably of German origin. Another 72 words, which may derive from either German or Eng, are listed in a comparative table (Esperanto-German-Old German-Eng-AS). 1 Table. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Germanic Languages ; (see also Indo-European Languages,English, German) (ge5) IDENTIFIERS: German words in Esperanto; classification; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/48 054647 8203073 A New Teaching Method: A Chance for Success! Nova instrumetodo: Sanco al sukceso! Tislar, Zlatko Internacia Kultura Servo, Amruseva 5/I YU-41000 Zagreb Yugoslavia Der Esperantist 1981, 17, 3(107), 52-54. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1981 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Examined is the problem of the small number of people who have mastered Esperanto & the poor results of Esperanto courses vis-a-vis the widely held belief that Esperanto is much easier to learn than other languages. Presented are data from 3 experiments: (1) a 1976 two-week experiment in a second-year class (number of cases = 10, ages 13 & 14), (2) the use in 1978 of new teaching materials in an adult class (number of cases = 8) for 2 hours daily for 2 weeks (total 22 hours), & (3) a 1979 weekend course (number of cases = 3) using the same material for 10 hours. Short instruction periods & new teaching materials resulted in lowering the dropout rate & achieving early speaking capability. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Teaching Methods ; (see also specific teaching methods) (la7) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto instruction, experimental programs, results; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/49 054646 8203072 Esperantist Families in Hodmezovasarhely 8-14 July 1979 Esperantistaj familioj 8.-14.7.1979 en Hodmezovasarhely Ratkai, Arpad Der Esperantist 1980, 16, 3(101), 59-60. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) At the Second International Medical Esperanto Conference in Hungary, 13 parents of 11 native Esperanto speakers from three countries shared experiences & observed the children (aged 2 to 10) interact, using Esperanto, in games, singing, storytelling, walking trips, & other activities. Common observations noted by the parents include: no handicaps among children, & only advantages experienced by parents. Applying the principle "one person-one language" (always speaking to the child in the same language) during the preschool years was seen as important in preventing language mixing (with possible psychological damage) in bi- & trilingual children. Papers on bilingualism presented at the conference are to be published by the Hungarian Esperanto Association. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Bilingualism ; (see also Plurilingualism) (bi1); Child Language ; (see also Age Differences in Language, Piaget) (ch1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto conference, child interactions described; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/50 054645 8203071 Some Thoughts on the Translation of Specific Expressions of National Languages Kelkaj pensoj pri la traduko de nacilingvaj specifajoj Knoschke, Linde Der Esperantist 1981, 17, 1(105), 14-15. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1981 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Examined are the problems involved in translating expressions which must be understood by Esperantists from diverse cultural backgrounds. Discussed are three methods used in translating culture-bound lexemes into Esperanto: (1) borrowing-adapting lexemes to Esperanto (eg, sauerkrauto, samovaro, sputniko) & supplying explanatory notes; (2) multiple parallel translations (eg, komputero, komputoro, komputilo)-used in the hope that practical application will eventually determine the preferred form; & (3) description or definition. Discussed are factors influencing the selection of an Esperanto translation. Borrowed lexemes may be used in national-but not international-circles to stress the cultural origin of the lexeme, or for comic effect. In the absence of a formula for translating culture-bound lexemes, translators are urged to carefully consider the factors involved. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Translation and Interpretation ; (see also Machine Translation) (tr5); Language and Culture (la2) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto translation method, culture-specific lexemes; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/51 054644 8203070 The Effect of Esperanto on Personality Formation Personecforma efiko de Esperanto Hussner, Hans-Joachim Ilmenau Technical High School, Bottgerstr 7b 6300 German Democratic Republic Der Esperantist 1980, 16, 5(103), 100-102. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1980 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Presented are data from a 1979 study of German Democratic Republic Esperantists (number of cases not given; average age = 46). Responses to a questionnaire revealed: two groups of motives (subjective & social) for learning & using Esperanto (Esp); extensive letter exchange & visiting, especially with Esperantists in socialist countries; improved understanding of foreign languages; application of knowledge of Esp to native language; improved memory; improved personal relationships; elimination of old prejudices; establishment of friendly relations; better understanding of foreigners' conduct; & a belief that Esp can solve all international problems. It is argued that Esp affects personality formation at a very high level, facilitates understanding of scientific & technical terms in the native language, &, because it aids in learning other languages, may serve as an interlang in language learning. I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Personality and Personality Investigation (pe7) IDENTIFIERS: personality formation; Esperanto effect, German Democratic Republic, questionnaire; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/52 051105 8105876 Why Esperanto Conquered? Kial Venkis Esperanto? Michea, Jean-Claude Critique (FR) 1979, 35, 387-388, Aug-Sept, 661-673. CODEN:CRTQAE PUB. YEAR: 1979 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: France LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Esperanto is the only universal language which has proven to be viable over a period of time. It is believed that Esperanto's success lies in its "linguistic superiority"; the "inner idea" it represents; the idea of a world in which one language is spoken by all, & the utopian vision of society which accompanies this idea. The "ideological" nature of Esperanto sets it apart from other universal language projects. Certain aspects of the political & ideological divisions involved in the development & present status of Esperanto are discussed. B. Annesser DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language and Culture (la2) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto, political/ideological aspects; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) E"3 1/5/53 049511 8104282 Esperanto: A European or Asiatic Language? Esperanto: cu europa au azia lingvo? Piron, Claude Universala Esperanto-Assoc, Nieuwe Binnenweg 176 NL-3015 BJ Rotterdam Netherlands Esperanto Documents 1977, 10E, 1-32. CODEN:ESDODS PUB. YEAR: 1977 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Netherlands LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) At the deep level-deep syntax, morphology-Esperanto is fundamentally an isolating language similar to Chinese; it also shares some characteristics of agglutinative languages, eg, Japanese. At the middle level-syntax & word order-Esperanto's main structure is that of Slavic languages. The existence of multiple radicals for a single semantic cluster corresponds to the structure of Romance languages. At the surface level-phonology & vocabulary-Esperanto forms are derived from Romance, Germanic, & Slavic languages. A. Orianne DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Japanese (ja2); Chinese (ch2) ; Indo-Iranian (in2); Comparative Linguistics (co6) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto; syntax/morphology/phonology/vocabulary comparative analysis, Chinese, Japanese, Slavic, Romance, Germanic; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 1/5/54 041813 8002653 Sociolinguistic Comparison of Two Modern Semitic Languages: Tigre and Tigrigna Paragone sociolinguistico di due lingue semitiche moderne: il tigre e il tigrigna Fellman, Jack U Bar-Ilan, Ramat-Gan Israel Lingvaj Problemoj kaj Lingvo-Planado/Language Problems and Language Planning/Problemes de Politique Linguistique 1978, 1, 3, 129-130. CODEN:LPLID4 PUB. YEAR: 1978 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, West BRD LANGUAGE: Esperanto DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA Tigre & Tigrigna (two of the five Semitic languages spoken in Ethiopia today) are linguistically similar from both a diachronic & a synchronic perspective. Sociolinguistically, however, they are very distant. Speakers of Tigrigna are Christian & have traditionally been stable farmers. It has a written code & contains few & insignificant dialect divisions. Speakers of Tigre are Muslims &, for the most part, nomadic shepherds. Tigre has no written form & there are significant dialectal divisions. Lack of interaction between the speakers of these two languages has resulted in reciprocal incomprehensibility. The facts furnish an interesting confirmation of E. Sapir's thesis (Language, New York: Harvest Books, 1921) that "language & culture are not intrinsically joined." Modified AA DESCRIPTORS: Cultural Background ; (see also Language and Culture) (cu1); Sociolinguistics (so2); Sapir ; (see also Linguistic Relativity) (sa1); Afro-Asiatic Languages (af2); Diachronic Linguistics ; (see also Sound Change) (di1); Writing ; (see also Composition, Orthography) (wo6); Dialectology ; (see also Standard Dialect, Nonstandard Dialect) (di3); Comparative Linguistics (co6); Language and Culture (la2) IDENTIFIERS: Ethiopia's Tigre/Tigrigna, language vs culture; SECTION HEADINGS: sociolinguistics-sociolinguistics (5610) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY: 2691 artikoloj EN esperanto; 193 el 1990/1991 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/5/1 9020840 90-2-13656; 90-3-11683 Tolstoj kaj Esperanto Zhu, Xueli El Popola Cinio, Beijing, People's Republic of China. 1990; 3 (378): 18-19 . PY: 1990 ISSN 0032-4361 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LOC--1800-1899; AWK--Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich; GRP--Esperanto movement; SLN--Esperanto language 8/5/2 9020839 90-2-6313 Karel Capek: Homo, artisto, humanisto Veliky, Ivo Esperantisto Slovaka. 1990; 44(2): 10-12. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Czech literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--Capek, Karel 8/5/3 9020838 90-2-6421 Post la kulisoj de la satanaj noktoj . . . Silfer, Giorgio Literatura Foiro: Kultura Revuo en Esperanto, 20122 Milan, Italy. 1990 June; 21(125): 6-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Hungarian literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--Kalocsay, Kalman; AWK--The Twelve Nights of Satan; poetry 8/5/4 9011230 90-4-164 Pri Esperanta literaturo Privat, Edmond; Mayer, Herbert, pref. Vienna: Pro Esperanto; 1990. 28 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto 3d ed. of 1912 pub. DESCRIPTORS: SJC--general literature; LWK--Esperanto language 8/5/5 9011229 90-2-10252 Li ne konfuzis anestezion kun espero . . . Ullman, Pierre Literatura Foiro. 1990 Feb.; 21(123): 4-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Spanish literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--Cela Trulock, Camilo Jose 8/5/6 9011228 90-2-15001 Cao Xueqin kaj lia romano 'Songo en la Ruga Buduaro' Mei, Zhi El Popola Cinio, Beijing, People's Republic of China. 1990; 4 (379): 39-41 . PY: 1990 ISSN 0032-4361 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Chinese literature; LOC--1600-1899 Ch'ing dynasty period ; AWK--Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in; AWK--Hung-lou meng; novel 8/5/7 9006961 90-3-11766 Denove la perenaj neologismoj Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 May; 495: 3-4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Replies to Silfer, Giorgio 'Pri la nocio de neologismo' Literatura Foiro DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics; LFE--neologism 8/5/8 9006960 90-3-11753 La tiraljoro Golden Neves, Goncoalo Monato. 1990 Feb.; 11(2): 4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also Golden, Bernard 'Ni ne omagu al apostato' DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy; GRP --Academy of Esperanto 8/5/9 9006959 90-3-11774 Malkonvena nur por Melnikova menso Schulz, Richard Speciala Cirkulero. 1990 Feb. 10; 58: 8-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Comment. on Melnikov, Valentin 'Sur la vojo de la analiza skolo' DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; stylistics; review article 8/5/10 9006958 90-3-11691 Reago Giladi, Jerahmiel Israela Esperantisto. 1990 Oct.; 106: 17-18. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Replies to Golden, Bernard 'Vortoj pri la juda kulturo . . .' DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; LFE--neologism 8/5/11 9006957 90-3-8490 Fiaskinta trudado de planlingvo sur faka tereno Golden, Bernard Fenomeno. 1990 Oct.; 22(9): 8-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Latin language; LFE--Latino sine flexione language; AWK --Peano, Giuseppe; SCH--Peano, Giuseppe 8/5/12 9006912 90-3-11799 Komerco per Interlingua (Major, Joseph) Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Sept.; 499: 4-5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Interlingua language 8/5/13 9006911 90-3-11650 Esperantistaj viktimoj de stalinismo NikSt (Stepanov, Nikolao) Sennaciulo. 1990 Sept.; 61(9 (1023)): 76-78. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--U.S.S.R.; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/14 9006910 90-3-11649 Cu SAT estis sidejo de germana sekreta polico? NikSt (Stepanov, Nikolao) Sennaciulo. 1990 Feb.; 61(2 (1016)): 18-19, 23. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--U.S.S.R.; GRP--International workers' movement 8/5/15 9006909 90-3-11682 Kiel EPC estis lancita? Zhang, Qicheng El Popola Cinio. 1990; 5 (380): 13-14. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--China 8/5/16 9006908 90-3-11728 Konsideroj pri plantnomoj Vaitilavicius, A. Heroldo de Esperanto. 1990; 66(14 (1833)): 3. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--plant names 8/5/17 9006907 90-3-11673 Esperanto kiel lingvo heredata Vaha, Blazio Literatura Foiro. 1990 Apr.; 21(124): 37-46. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--linguistic competence; GRP-- native speakers 8/5/18 9006906 90-3-11672 Denove pri Lanti Ungar, Krys Sennaciulo. 1990 Sept.; 61(9 (1023)): 81-82. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--International workers' movement ; AWK--Lanti, E. 8/5/19 9006905 90-2-5560 Goje sonu mia kanto: La vivo kaj verkoj de Marie Hankel Ungar, Krys Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 Oct.; 83(10 (1018)): 199-203. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also 1990 Oct. 10(118): 13-28 DESCRIPTORS: SLT--German literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Hankel, Marie; SJC--poetry 8/5/20 9006904 90-3-11671 Religio Oomoto, V Umesao, Tadao Oomoto. 1990 Jan.-June; 431: 28-33. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Cont. from Oomoto 1989 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Japan; LFE--Omoto 8/5/21 9006903 90-3-11704 Tabu-esprimoj Thorsen, Poul Fonto. 1990 Apr.; 10(112): 5-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; LFE--obscenity 8/5/22 9006902 90-3-11719 La 20jara laboro por la fervoja terminaro Szegedi, Maihaly Hungara Fervojista Mondo. 1990; 33(1): 6-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; LFE--railroad terms 8/5/23 9006901 90-3-3091 Pri la lingva eraro - rolo, tipo, fontoj: Kiel instrui la lingvon por malgrandigi la nombron de eraroj Szanser, Irena Mondo de Universitato. 1990; 7: 3-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto In Esperanto & Korean DESCRIPTORS: SJC--language; SJC--topics of professional interest; SJC-- teaching of language 8/5/24 9006899 90-2-14492; 90-3-11666 La vivo kaj morto de Vladimir Varankin (1902-1938) Stepanov, Nikolao Hungara Vivo. 1990; 30; 30(1; 2): 25-31; 47-56. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Varankin, Vladimir; SJC--novel; GRP--Esperanto movement ; SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--U.S.S.R. 8/5/25 9006898 90-3-11742 Profetajo anstatau argumento! Stanura, Adolf La Espero (Korea). 1990 Nov.-Dec.; 16(6 (99)): 15. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; SJC--word formation 8/5/26 9006897 90-3-11664 Capitroj el la historio de E-movado en Slovakio Slavik, I. Esperantisto Slovaka. 1990; 44; 44; 44; 44(2; 3; 4; 5): 9; 10-11; 8-9; 7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Slovakia; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/27 9006896 90-3-11741 Kion la dekstra faras, tion la maldekstra ne sciu Silfer, Giorgio Literatura Foiro. 1990 Oct.; 21(127): 35-37. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; SJC--word formation ; LFE--prefix 8/5/28 9006895 90-3-11769 Pri la nocio de neologismo Silfer, Giorgio Literatura Foiro. 1990 Feb.; 21(123): 24-26. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics; LFE--neologism 8/5/29 9006894 90-3-11755 Kiel traduki urbonomojn Silfer, Giorgio Literatura Foiro. 1990 June; 21(126): 38-41. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy; LFE --city names 8/5/30 9006893 90-3-11756 Landnoma listo, eterna tristo Silfer, Giorgio Literatura Foiro. 1990 June; 21(125): 36-38. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy; LFE --country names; LFE--Academy of Esperanto 8/5/31 9006892 90-3-11768 Margenaj rimarkoj pri 'La letero de l'Akademio de Esperanto' Schulz, Richard Speciala Cirkulero. 1990 Feb. 10; 58: 5-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics 8/5/32 9006891 90-3-11789 La Esperantigo de propraj nomoj Schulz, Richard Speciala Cirkulero. 1990 Oct. 3; 59: 4-5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; LFE--proper noun 8/5/33 9006890 90-3-11687 Interlingvistiko - bibliografiaj notoj Schubert, Klaus Informilo por Interlingvistoj. 1990; 1 (21): 1-10. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics; bibliography 8/5/34 9006889 90-3-11794 Ne fermu la fenestron al aliaj kulturoj Schnell, Roland Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 Apr.; 83(4 (1012)): 80-81. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; SJC-- orthography; LFE--proper noun 8/5/35 9006888 90-3-11788 Literaco 'r' estu arestita Samanipur, M. E. Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 July-Aug.; 83(7-8 (1015-16)): 151-152. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; LFE--proper noun 8/5/36 9006887 90-3-11658 Nia dubranca kulturo Rossetti, Reto El Popola Cinio. 1990; 7 (382). PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language 8/5/37 9006886 90-3-11657 La proleta lingvo Rossetti, Reto Sennacieca Revuo. 1990; 118: 16-18. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda; GRP --International workers' movement 8/5/38 9006884 90-3-11654 J. F. Chaloupecky Patera, Jiri Starto. 1990; 1 (136): 16-22. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SLN--Ido language; GRP--Esperanto movement; AWK--Chaloupecky, Jiri Frantisek 8/5/39 9006883 90-3-11718 Sur neutrala lingva fundamento Paff, Lucjan Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 July-Aug.; 83(7-8 (1015-16)): 139-140. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; LFE--multilingual dictionary 8/5/40 R>}9006882 90-3-11784 Noto pri fruaj interlingvistikaj eksperimentoj en Munchen Paech, Karl-Ernst GrKG/Humankybernetik. 1990 Mar.; 31(1): 29-30. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--translation; AWK--Ziegler, Siegfried; SCH--Ziegler, Siegfried 8/5/41 9006881 90-3-11785 La tradukprogram-sistemo de DLT kaj la ebleco aligi la hungaran lingvon Mohai, Lajos Budapesta Informilo. 1990; 21: 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--translation; SJC--machine translation; SDV--DLT computer system 8/5/42 9006880 90-3-11646 La vivo kaj verkoj de Erosenko Mine, Yositaka Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 Dec.; 83(12 (1020)): 225-228. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement; AWK-- Eroshenko, Vasilii Iakovlevich 8/5/43 9006879 90-3-11773 Pri gramatikoj McGill, Stefan Literatura Foiro. 1990 Oct.; 21(127): 31-34. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; LFE--Esperanto language teaching 8/5/44 9006878 90-3-11643 Kvare plej granda Esperanto-biblioteko Maul, Stefan Monato. 1990 Jan.; 11(1): 20-21. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language 8/5/45 9006877 90-3-11642 Restu tajloro ce sia laboro Martinelli, Perla Literatura Foiro. 1990 Oct.; 21(127): 38-39. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Academy of Esperanto 8/5/46 9006876 90-3-11641 Cent jaroj de la unua lernolibro por Cehoj Marik, Jaroslav Starto. 1990; 1 (136): 2-3. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto language teaching; speakers; LFE--Czech language 8/5/47 9006875 90-3-11767 Obei nur la logikon Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Mar.; 493: 3-4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics 8/5/48 9006874 90-3-11639 Cu Zamenhof estis hipokrito? Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Apr.; 494: 1-2. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; AWK--Zamenhof, L. L.; SCH--Zamenhof, L. L. 8/5/49 9006873 90-3-11765 Balastaj neologismoj Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 June; 496: 4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics 8/5/50 9006872 90-3-11772 Denove pri la disputo 'far' (fare de) Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Aug.; 498: 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; stylistics; LFE-- preposition 8/5/51 9006871 90-3-11717 Kritiko de la Plena Ilustrita Vortaro (PIV) Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Sept.; 499: 3-4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography 8/5/52 9006870 90-3-11640 Rompigis muro Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Oct.; 500: 6. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Germany; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/53 9006869 90-3-11787 La propraj nomoj denove hantas Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Oct.; 500: 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; LFE--proper noun 8/5/54 9006868 90-3-11740 La dusignifa prefikson 're' Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Nov.; 501: 2. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; SJC--word formation ; LFE--prefix 8/5/55 9006867 90-3-11721 For la fusgvidantoj! Vivu la revolucio! Golden, Bernard Monato. 1990 Mar.; 11(3): 4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Replies to Monato 1989; 12(12): 5 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--computer terms 8/5/56 9006866 90-3-11726 Akademiaj fusoj? Harlow, Donald J. Monato. 1990 Mar.; 11(3): 4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Replies to Monato 1989; 12(12): 5 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--computer terms 8/5/57 9006865 90-3-11751 Landnomoj Major, Joseph Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 July; 497: 4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Replies to 1989 Bibliog. III:11537 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy; GRP --Academy of Esperanto 8/5/58 9006810 90-3-11636 Jules Verne estis esperantisto Luez, Daniel Fonto. 1990 May; 10(113): 31. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement; AWK--Verne, Jules 8/5/59 9006793 90-3-11621 Esperanto en sciencoj kaj teknikoj: Cu vana klopodo? Halvelik, Manuel Heroldo de Esperanto. 1990; 66(10-11 (1829-30)): 7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; language; SCP--science 8/5/60 9006792 90-3-11620 Esperanto en sciencoj kaj teknikoj: Lingva problemo interna Halvelik, Manuel La Espero (Korea). 1990 Sept.-Oct.; 16(5 (98)): 8-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; language; LFE--science 8/5/61 9006791 90-3-11617 Hispana Esperanto-muzeo Goldrich, Jan Esperantisto Slovaka. 1990; 44(6): 14-15. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Spain 8/5/62 9006790 90-3-11743 Nekonsekvenca esperantigo de hispanlingvaj nomoj Golden, Bernard Boletin. 1990 Nov.-Dec.; 298: 10-13. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; LFE--Spanish language 8/5/63 9006789 90-3-11615 Pli da aludoj kaj konkludoj pri fiaskintaj periodajoj Golden, Bernard Boletin. 1990 May-July; 296: 14-16. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement; LFE-- periodicals 8/5/64 9006788 90-3-11776 Refuto de pleado por la uzo de 'ci' Golden, Bernard Boletin. 1990 May-July; 296: 9-10. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; SJC--pronoun 8/5/65 9006787 90-3-11612 Kial malsukcesis la revuo Historiaj Studoj? Golden, Bernard Boletin. 1990 Jan.-Feb.; 294: 13-15. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/66 9006786 90-3-11715 Senrespondeca leksikografio kaj akademia autoritato Golden, Bernard Esperantisto Slovaka. 1990; 44(5): 12. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; GRP--Academy of Esperanto 8/5/67 9006785 90-3-11614 Mizprezentoj kaj falsado de statistikoj pri Esperanto - fare de esperantistoj! Golden, Bernard Esperanto Teacher. 1990 Autumn; 163: 6-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/68 9006784 90-3-11711 Inverse tra la leksiko de Esperanto Golden, Bernard Fenomeno. 1990 Sept.; 22(8): 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography 8/5/69 9006783 90-3-11739 Nomiti ne anstatauos 'nomigi' Golden, Bernard La Espero (Korea). 1990 Nov.-Dec.; 16(6 (99)): 13-14. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; SJC--word formation 8/5/70 9006782 90-3-11720 Kreado de originala frazeologio en Esperanto Golden, Bernard Fonto. 1990 July; 10(115): 29-31. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--phraseology 8/5/71 9006781 90-3-11699 Vortoj pri la juda kulturo mankantaj en 'nepivaj v ortoj' Golden, Bernard Israela Esperantisto. 1990 June; 105: 5-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; LFE--neologism 8/5/72 9006780 90-3-11706 For la manojn de sur la jida lingvo! Golden, Bernard Israela Esperantisto. 1990 Oct.; 106: 9-10. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--etymology 8/5/73 9006779 90-3-11763 Oni uzu fakajn terminojn, esprimojn kaj nomojn - sed nur fake Golden, Bernard Israela Esperantisto. 1990 Feb.; 104: 12-15. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics 8/5/74 9006778 90-3-11709 La historio kaj signifo de la radiko 'ram/-' en Esperanto Golden, Bernard La Letero de l'Akademio de Esperanto. 1990 Apr.-June; 11: 5-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--etymology 8/5/75 9006777 90-3-11738 Kecalo/kvezalo: Kiel decidi, kiu vortformo estas gusta? Golden, Bernard La Letero de l'Akademio de Esperanto. 1990 Oct.-Dec.; 13: 4-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; SJC--word formation 8/5/76 9006776 90-3-11732 Esploro pri la signifo kaj uzo de 'ik' en Esperanto Golden, Bernard Letero de l'Akademio de Esperanto. 1990 Jan.-Mar.; 10: 4-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; LFE--affix 8/5/77 9006775 90-3-11707 Kimrujo estas en dangero Golden, Bernard Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Jan.-Feb.; 492: 4-5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--etymology 8/5/78 9006774 90-3-11723 Komentoj pri 'Sindikata Terminaro' Golden, Bernard Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Mar.; 493: 7-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also Worker Esperantist 1989; 367 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--labor relations terms 8/5/79 9006773 90-3-11698 Pli da donitajoj pri la verbo 'setli' Golden, Bernard Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 June; 496: 3-4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology 8/5/80 9006772 90-3-11771 Verba transitiveco: Eterna plago por esperantistoj Golden, Bernard Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Oct.; 500: 7-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; LFE--transitivity 8/5/81 9006771 90-3-11770 Cu Zamenhof pravis pri 'ci'? Golden, Bernard Nov-Zelanda Esperantisto. 1990 Nov.; 501: 7-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; LFE--pronoun; AWK-- Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik; SCH--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik 8/5/82 Q!9006770 90-3-410 Lingvaj esploroj de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Golden, Bernard Sennacieca Revuo. 1990; 118: 25-36. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SJC--language; SJC--comparative linguistics; SJC--universals of language; AWK--Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph; SCH--Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 8/5/83 9006769 90-3-11725 Piginoj kaj kreolaj lingvoj Golden, Bernard Monato. 1990 Feb.; 11(2): 24. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--language names 8/5/84 9006768 90-3-11716 Vipe al PIV Golden, Bernard Literatura Foiro. 1990 Feb.; 21(123): 45-47. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; review article 8/5/85 9006762 90-2-6450 Du plus unu libroj, kiujn vi neniam legos Ertl, Istvan Literatura Foiro. 1990 Feb.; 21(123): 11-15. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Hungarian literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--Temesi, Ferenc; SJC--novel; LTC--dialect; LTC--slang; LTH--Esperanto language 8/5/86 9006761 90-2-6420 Niaj satanaj versoj Ertl, Istvan Literatura Foiro. 1990 Oct.; 21(127): 22-25. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Hungarian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Kalocsay, Kalman; AWK--The Twelve Nights of Satan; poetry 8/5/87 9006760 90-4-2271 Al tempo fluanta vertikale Fjodorov, Aleksandr La Gazeto. 1990; 6(1 (31)): 15-20. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto On 1988 Bib. IV.2538 DESCRIPTORS: GEN--genres; GEN--poetry; LWK--Esperanto language; SAP-- structuralist approach; review article 8/5/88 9006759 90-3-2690 La lingva problemo en diversnaciaj geedzigoj Formaggio, Elisabetta Heroldo de Esperanto. 1990; 1990; 66; 66(15 (1834); 16 (1835)): 3; 3. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SJC--language; SJC--sociolinguistics 8/5/89 9006758 90-2-14013 Enrigardi universon Fjodorov, Aleksandr Literatura Foiro. 1990 June; 21(125): 9-17. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanas'evich; AWK--Master i Margarita; novel; SAP-- structuralist approach 8/5/90 9006757 90-3-11758 La influo de la slavaj lingvoj al la semantika sistemo de Esperanto Duc Goninaz, Michel Franca Esperantisto. 1990 Nov.; 415: 290-292. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--semantics; LFE--Slavic languages 8/5/91 9006755 90-3-11596 La motivado de la instruisto Dahlenburg, Till Esperanto Teacher. 1990 Winter; 161: 6-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto language teaching 8/5/92 9006754 90-3-11595 Cu la lerneja instruado malhelpas alproprigi Esperanton? Csiszar, Erno Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 Feb.; 83(2 (1010)): 21-23. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Rpt. from Internacia Pedagogia Revuo DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto language teaching 8/5/93 9006753 90-4-2262 La lingvo, la poet' kaj la cetero . . . Carr, Timothy Literatura Foiro. 1990 Oct.; 21(127): 10-18. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: GEN--genres; GEN--poetry; LWK--Esperanto language 8/5/94 9006752 90-3-11795 La ignorata kuzo Carlevaro, Tazio Literatura Foiro. 1990 Oct.; 21(127): 43-46. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Ido language; LFE--Ido language poetry; SAP--historical approach 8/5/95 9006751 90-3-11593 Lautparollio parolas Esperanton Carlevaro, Tazio Monato. 1990 Dec.; 11(12): 23-24. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto language teaching; SDV--Speaktronics Multivox computer program 8/5/96 9006750 90-3-11590 Esperanto per Europo: Vojo tute ne facila, sed nepre irenda Broccatelli, Umberto L'Esperanto. 1990 Mar.; 3: 5-6. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--European Community; LFE-- interlinguistics 8/5/97 9006749 90-2-10820 G. Mora i Arana: Poeto Botella, Antonio Marco Boletin. 1990 Nov.-Dec.; 298: 20-23. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Catalan literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Mora i Arana, Gabriel; SJC--poetry 8/5/98 9006748 90-3-11588 Ulrich Lins: La dangera Lingvo: Studo pri la persekutoj kontrau Esperanto Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist. 1990; 26(2 (160)): 38-42. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also 1988 Bib.: III.12054; III.12058 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement; AWK--Lins, Ulrich; SCH--Lins, Ulrich; review article 8/5/99 9006747 90-3-11791 Nesolvoj de neproblemo de'Giorgi, Aldo Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990; 83(7-8 (1015-16)): 151. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; SJC-- orthography; LFE--proper noun 8/5/100 9006745 90-3-11598 Leon Tolstoi, apoginto de Esperanto Delcourt, Marcel; Amoureux, Jean Franca Esperantisto. 1990 Nov.; 415: 293-294. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; 1800-1899; GRP--Esperanto movement; AWK--Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich; SCH--Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich 8/5/101 9006744 90-3-11586 La gazeto 'Volkerspiegel' Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist. 1990; 26(3 (161)): 56-58. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Germany; GRP--Esperanto movement; SAP--historical approach 8/5/102 9006743 90-3-11600 Recenzoj kaj recenzantoj Diego, Fernando de Fonto. 1990 May; 10(113): 5-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto language literature 8/5/103 9006742 90-3-11587 Pri esploroj de la historio de laborista Esperanto-movado farataj en GDR Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist. 1990; 26(2 (160)): 28-31. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--East Germany; GRP--Workers' Esperanto movement 8/5/104 9006741 90-3-11583 Pensoj ne nur pri la estonto Benno, Pal Budapesta Informilo. 1990; 1990; 21; 21(1 (231); 2 (232)): 2; 2. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/105 9006740 90-3-11582 Pri la hungarlingva libroeldonado de Hungara Esperanto-Asocio Benczik, Vilmos Budapesta Informilo. 1990; 21(6 (236)): 1-2. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Hungary; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/106 9006739 90-3-11790 Venku libero kaj humuro Behrmann, Herrmann; Schulz, Richard Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1990 July-Aug.; 83(7-8 (1015-16)): 149. PY: 1990 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; SJC-- orthography; LFE--proper noun 8/5/107 9006738 90-3-11581 Disertacio pri interlingvistika temo sukcese defendita Bednarik, Ales Esperantisto Slovaka. 1990; 44(1): 5-7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics; AWK--Kosecky, Stanislav; SCH--Kosecky, Stanislav; dissertation abstract 8/5/108 9006737 90-3-11564 Internacia scienca akademio kaj internacia lingvo: Projektoparo de Jan Amos Komensky (Comenius) Barandovska, Vera GrKG/Humankybernetik. 1990; 31(4): 155-158. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--International languages; LFE--interlinguistics; LFE-- language of; LFE--science; SAP--historical approach; AWK--Komensky, Jan Amos; SCH--Komensky, Jan Amos 8/5/109 9006736 90-3-11579 Kelkaj indikoj pri la fruaj atingoj de esperantistoj en la baltiaj landoj Bacskai, Istvan Hungara Fervojista Mondo. 1990; 33(1): 10-11. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Latvia; LOC--Lithuania; LOC-- Estonia; GRP--Esperanto movement; SAP--historical approach 8/5/110 9006735 90-4-2519 Prozaj tradukoj en Esperanto Auld, William Fonto. 1990 July; 10(109): 5-16. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SJC--literary forms; SJC--translation; LFE--Esperanto language translation 8/5/111 9006734 90-3-11801 El la krea ateliero de William Auld: Unitario Auld, William Fonto. 1990 July; 10(115): 33. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Unitario language 8/5/112 9006733 90-3-11746 Oficialaj informoj de la Akademio de Esperanto (Albault, Andre) Heroldo de Esperanto. 1990; 1990; 1990; 1990; 66; 66; 66; 66(4-5 (1823-1824); 6 (1825); 7 (1826); 8 (1827)): 3; 3; 3; 3. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy 8/5/113 9006732 90-3-11748 Materialoj de la Akademio de Esperanto Albault, Andre Der Esperantist. 1990; 26(3 (161)): 50-53. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy; LFE --country names 8/5/114 9006731 90-3-11685 Referencoj de Akademiaj Decidoj Albault, Andre La Letero de l'Akademio de Esperanto. 1990 July-Aug.-Sept.; 12: 4-5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Academy of Esperanto; bibliography 8/5/115 9006730 90-3-11747 Infanaj legometodoj Albault, Andre Monato. 1990 Feb.; 11(2): 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--toponymy; GRP --Academy of Esperanto; LFE--country names 8/5/116 9006729 90-3-11577 Capitroj el la historio de la kooperativa Esperanto-movado XIV XV Abonyi-Nagy, Arpad Kooperative Stelo. 1990 ; 1990; 10; 10(1-2; 3-4): 21-22; 28-30. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Cont. from 1989 Bibliog. III.11334 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement; SAP-- historical approach 8/5/117 9006728 90-3-11574 Esperanto en la Universalaj Ekspozicioj Heroldo de Esperanto. 1990; 66(16 (1835)): 3. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SAP--historical approach 8/5/118 9006694 90-2-11297 Du esperantigoj de cefverko de Mazuranic Zarkovic, Jovan; Martinov, Zlatoje Jugoslavia Stelo. 1990 Mar.; 1990 Apr.; 4; 4(1 (4); 2 (15)): 9; 9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Croatian literature; LOC--1800-1899; AWK--Mazuranic, Ivan; AWK--Smrt Smail-age Cengica; poetry 8/5/119 9006693 90-2-11281 Skizo pri la literatura portreto de Tibor Sekelj Simunic, Antun Koko. 1990 Mar.; 2 (8): 13-16. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Yugoslavian literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--Sekelj, Tibor 8/5/120 9006684 90-3-11679 Milito Cion Detruas 1912-1914 Zamenhof, L. L.; Ito, Kanji, ed. Kyoto: Ludovikito; 1990. 441 pp. PY: 1990 SERIES: Kajero 10-bis in Iam Kompletigota Plena Verkaro de L. L. Zamenhof, DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; edition; AWK--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik (1859-1917) 8/5/121 9006683 90-3-11678 Gis la Homaranismo 1896-1906 Zamenhof, L. L.; Ito, Kanji, ed. Kyoto, Japan: Ludovikito; 1990. 1050 pp. PY: 1990 SERIES: Iom Reviziita Plena Verkaro de L. L. Zamenhof, Originalaro 2 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Vol. 2 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; edition; AWK--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik (1859-1917) 8/5/122 9006682 90-3-11676 Grava kontribuo al la moderna Zamenhof-bildo Wollenberg, Fritz Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 Jan.; 1990 Feb.; 59; 59(1; 2): 9-11; 10-12. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; AWK--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik; SCH-- Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik; AWK--Murgin, Tsanko; SCH--Murgin, Tsanko 8/5/123 9006681 90-3-11729 Populara muziko: Eltirajoj el verkata libro 'Roko kaj popo' Wenergren, Bertil La Espero (Sweden). 1990 Feb.; 1990 Apr.; 78; 78(1; 2): 11-16; 23-25. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--music terms 8/5/124 9006680 90-3-10001 Nacio sen estonteco: Padianoj Vitali, Daniele Etnismo. 1990 Apr. 27; 47: 10-11. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Italian language; LOC--Padua 8/5/125 9006679 90-3-11674 Fruaj pasoj en Francujo Vedrine, Andre Iltis-Forumo. 1990; 2(1): 8-11. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--France; 1800-1899; GRP-- Esperanto movement; AWK--Demonget, Auguste; SCH--Demonget, Auguste 8/5/126 9006678 90-3-11731 Al haso sub la slogano 'for la haoson' Vaitilavicius, A. La Espero (Korea). 1990 July-Aug.; 1990 Sept.-Oct.; 15; 15(4 (97); 5 (98)): 17-19; 16-19. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--toponymy; AWK --Albault, Andre; SCH--Albault, Andre 8/5/127 9006677 90-2-14052 Rememoroj pri Vasilij Erosenko Udzaku, Akita Ukrainia Esperantisto. 1990; 1: 14-16. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Cont. from Ukrainia Esperantisto 1989 DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Eroshenko, Vasilii Iakovlevich; SJC--poetry 8/5/128 9006676 90-3-11668 Parolado ce la Nederlanda Esperanto-Kongreso Tonkin, Humphrey Fenomeno. 1990 Mar.; 22(3): 8-11. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Europe 8/5/129 9006675 90-2-14491 La vivo kaj morto de Vladimir Varankin 1902-1938 Stepanov, Nikolao Budapest: Fenikso; 1990. 32 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Varankin, Vladimir; SJC--novel 8/5/130 9006674 90-3-11735 Nomigi malgusta formo Stanura, Adolf La Espero (Korea). 1990 July-Aug.; 15(4 (97)): 9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology 8/5/131 9006673 90-3-11665 Iriza brilo de krea naturo Sobanski, Ludomir Sezonoj. 1990 Winter; 23: 19-21. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--U.S.S.R.; GRP--Esperanto movement; AWK--Berin, Beno; SCH--Berin, Beno 8/5/132 9006672 90-3-11661 Leteroj de Sebert al Ludoviko Sebert, Hippolyte; Ito, Kanji, ed. Kyoto: Ludovikito; 1990. 280 pp. PY: 1990 SERIES: 6 in Iam Kompletigota Plena Verkaro de L. L. Zamenhof DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Esperanto movement; LFE--Ido language 8/5/133 9006671 90-3-11775 Pirono Klaudo kaj la malbona lingvo Schulz, Richard , Ricardo Sulco Paderborn, Ger.: Esperanto-Centro Paderborno; 1990. 28 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; lexicology; morphology; AWK--Piron, Claude; SCH--Piron, Claude 8/5/134 9006670 90-3-11777 La sesa regulo Schulz, Richard , Rikardo Sulco Paderborn, Ger.: Esperanto-Centro Paderborno; 1990. 99 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto 2 vols. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; SJC--verb; aspect 8/5/135 9006669 90-3-11660 Rememoroj pri Vasilij Erosenko Sasaki, Takaman Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 May; 59(5): 27. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; AWK--Eroshenko, Vasilii Iakovlevich; SCH--Eroshenko, Vasilii Iakovlevich 8/5/136 9006668 90-3-11703 Ankorau pri 'konto' Salnevo Nia Bulteno. 1990 May-June; (49): 10-11. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also Golden, Bernard Nia Bulteno 47 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; translation; LFE-- Portuguese language 8/5/137 9006667 90-4-968 Kie estas Esperanta literaturo? Rodrigues Correa, Glauco La Gazeto. 1990 June 15; 5(5 (29)): 20-22. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: GRP--literary movements; LWK--Esperanto language; LFE-- Esperanto language literature 8/5/138 9006666 90-3-6007 Pripensoj pri la ebleco de internacia lingvo Poulson, David Australian Esperantist. 1990 May-June; 261: 6-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--English language (Modern); LFE-icW}-Esperanto language; SAP --statistical approach 8/5/139 9006664 90-3-11656 Fenikso tro ofta: Historio de Esperanta Finnlando Pietilainen, Jukka Esperanta Finnlando. 1990; 4: 12-13. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language 8/5/140 9006663 90-4-2290 Esperanto verstarado kaj rimado, lau verkoj de d-ro Zamenhof kaj aliaj autoroj Parisot, J.; Cart, Th. Saarbrucken: Iltis; 1990. 41 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Rpt. of 2nd ed., 1909 (Paris: Presa Esperantista Societo) DESCRIPTORS: GEN--genres; GEN--poetry; LWK--Esperanto language; LTC-- prosody; LTC--rhyme 8/5/141 9006661 90-2-14065 Ludmila Jevsejeva Neilande, S.; Palica, Stefania Latvia Esperantisto. 1990 Jan.; 4: 1-3. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Evseeva, Ludmila; SJC--poetry 8/5/142 9006660 90-3-11570 Antauuloj en Bulgario Murgin, Canko Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 Apr.; 1990 May; 59; 59(4; 5): 14-15; 6-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--International languages; LOC--Bulgaria; 1800-1899; LFE-- interlinguistics; LFE--Slavic languages 8/5/143 9006659 90-3-11648 1910: Laboristaro - la plej forta apogo en nia afero! Murgin, Canko Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 July; 59(7): 12-13. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--Workers' Esperanto movement; AWK--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik; AWK--Schlaf, Leonard 8/5/144 9006658 90-4-1468 Kien fluas roj' castalie? Muraskovskij, Julij; Muraskovska, Ingrida Survoje. 1990; 1: 8-14. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SJC--literary theory and criticism; SAP--structuralist approach 8/5/145 9006657 90-3-4179 Ho ve, Milosevic, kian sorton havos . . . vi? Moritz, Uwe Joachim Etnismo. 1990 Apr. 27; 47: 3-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Albanian language; LOC--Yugoslavia; LFE--language contact; LFE--Serbo-Croatian language 8/5/146 9006656 90-3-11686 Japanaj eldonajoj en 1989 Mine, Yositaka La Movado. 1990 Feb.; 468: 1-2. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Japan; bibliography; LOC--1989 8/5/147 9006653 90-4-2283 Memstarigi Long, Kris La Gazeto. 1990 Mar. 15; 5(3 (27)): 13-19. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: GEN--genres; GEN--poetry; LWK--Esperanto language 8/5/148 9006652 90-3-11783 Plifortigi la esploron pri praktiko kaj teoria penso de Esperanto Li, Yashu Tutmondaj Sciencoj kaj Teknikoj. 1990; 1-2: 57-60. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--translation; LFE--scientific language 8/5/149 9006651 90-3-11701 Krei novajn vortojn (lau-Fundament-ajn) Leereveld, Marcel Australian Esperantist. 1990 May-June; Sept.-Oct.; 261; 263: 21-25; 21-23. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; translation; LFE-- neologism 8/5/150 9006650 90-3-11634 Europa domo kaj lingvaj problemoj Laube, Jiri Espero Katolika. 1990 Mar.-Apr.; 87(3-4): 62-66. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Europe; LFE--multilingualism 8/5/151 9006647 90-2-14050 La klarvido de la 'blinda poeto': Erosenko kaj la mondo kaj la Japanio de la 90aj jaroj Huzii, Syozo La Revuo Orienta. 1990 Apr.; 71(4): 164-170. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Eroshenko, Vasili; SJC--poetry 8/5/152 9006646 90-3-11727 Juraj vortoj kaj esprimoj Holeg, Tom Arbo, ed. Oslo: Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo; 1990. 118 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--legal terms 8/5/153 9006645 90-3-11568 August Theodor von Grimm (1805-1878) forgesita prapa tro de la interlingvistiko Haupenthal, Reinhard Saarbrucken: Artur Iltis; 1990. 37 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--International languages; 1800-1999; LFE-- interlinguistics; AWK--Grimm, August Theodor von; SCH--Grimm, August Theodor von 8/5/154 9006644 90-2-10925 Sorto lia . . . Ivan Krestanov 100-jara Gorov, Hristo Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 July; 59(7): 9-11. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Bulgarian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Krestanov, Ivan H. 8/5/155 9006643 90-3-11697 La vorto Bosmano Golden, Bernard Australian Esperantist. 1990 Jan.-Feb.; 259: 7-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; semantics 8/5/156 9006642 90-3-11762 La verda stacio for en la abismon de forgeso Golden, Bernard Esperantista Vegetarano. 1990; 2 (65): 15-16. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also Starto 1988: 5 (128): 15-16 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics; LFE--Prague School of Esperanto Writers 8/5/157 9006641 90-3-11793 Sulc-igo de anglalingvaj propraj nomoj Golden, Bernard The Worker Esperantist. 1990 Sept.-Oct.; 373: 77-79. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--writing systems; SJC-- orthography; LFE--proper noun; LFE--English language (Modern) 8/5/158 9006640 90-3-11745 Senmaskigu la pseudonimojn Golden, Bernard Kulturaj kajeroj. 1990 July-Sept.; 3: 9-10. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; SJC--anthroponymy; LFE--pseudonym; LFE--Esperanto language literature 8/5/159 9006639 90-3-11744 Pli da faktoj pri la australoj kaj aliaj pseudogentoj Golden, Bernard Australian Esperantist. 1990 May-June; 261: 18-20. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--onomastics; LFE--ethnic group names 8/5/160 9006638 90-3-11760 La plago de paronimoj en Esperanto Golden, Bernard La Espero (Sweden). 1990 Sept.; 78(4): 60-63. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--semantics; LFE--paronym 8/5/161 9006637 90-3-11713 Kriterioj por kompilado de etimologia vortaro de Esperanto Golden, Bernard La Gazeto. 1990 June 15; 5(5 (29)): 23-25. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; LFE--etymological dictionary 8/5/162 9006636 90-3-11696 Koreoj kontrau koreanoj: Etna tensio en la Akademio de Esperanto Golden, Bernard La Gazeto. 1990 Jan. 31; 5(2 (26)): 22-23. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; onomastics; GRP-- Academy of Esperanto 8/5/163 9006635 90-3-11567 Kontribuajo al la interlingvistika terminologio Golden, Bernard Internacia Lingvo. 1990 Apr.; 2: 20-23. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--International languages; LFE--interlinguistics 8/5/164 9006634 90-2-3024 Kiuj estas la homoj malantau la kasnomoj? Golden, Bernard La Kancerkliniko. 1990 Apr.-June; 54: 30-31. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--French literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Mahe, J. L.; AWK--Neologisme; novel 8/5/165 9006633 90-3-11712 Kiel registri neologismojn Golden, Bernard Kajeroj de la Sudo. 1990 Jan.-Mar.; 5: 6-8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; LFE--neologism 8/5/166 9006632 90-3-11710 Informo pri la Comprehensive English-Esperanto Dictionary Golden, Bernard The Worker Esperantist. 1990 Mar.-Apr.; 370: 30-31. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--lexicography; AWK--Benson, Peter; SCH--Benson, Peter 8/5/167 9006631 90-3-11694 Hazardaj kaj planitaj neologismoj Golden, Bernard Esperanto Aktuell. 1990 Feb.; 9(1): 23-25. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; LFE--neologism 8/5/168 9006630 90-3-11693 Grafitioj: Gusta traduko de graffiti en Esperanto Golden, Bernard Dia Regno. 1990 Feb.; 2 (702): 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; translation 8/5/169 9006629 90-3-11692 For la nebulecon . . . Golden, Bernard La Gazeto. 1990 Mar. 15; 5(3 (27)): 5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Replies to Albault, Andre LaGazeto 1989; 24: 13-15 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; onomastics; GRP-- Academy of Esperanto 8/5/170 9006628 90-3-11708 La etimologio kaj historio de 'slagro' en Esperanto Golden, Bernard Esperanta Mormonaro. 1990 June; 21: 14-15. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--etymology 8/5/171 9006627 90-3-11724 La esperantigo de eksterteraj loknomoj Golden, Bernard Tutmondaj Sciencoj kaj Teknikoj. 1990; 1-2: 85-86. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--terminology; LFE--astronomical terms 8/5/172 9006626 90-3-11733 La dusignifa prefikso 're' en Esperanto Golden, Bernard Dia Regno. 1990 May; 5 (705): 3-4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; LFE--prefix 8/5/173 9006625 90-3-11781 Akcio: Falsa amiko de ruslingvuloj Golden, Bernard Eksciu ke . . .. 1990 June 25; 10: 3-4. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--translation; LFE--Russian language (Modern) 8/5/174 9006624 90-3-11609 Historio de Esperanto en la Valencia komunumo Gimenez, Johano A. Internacia Lingvo. 1990 Apr.; 2: 14-20. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto In Esperanto & Sp. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Spain; LFE--Esperanto movement 8/5/175 9006622 90-1-3971 Marjorie Boulton: Vigla kaj bonkora Georgiev, Evgeni Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 Mar.; 59(3): 23-24. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--English literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Boulton, Marjorie; interview 8/5/176 9006621 90-3-11778 Aspektismaj reguloj, cu gramatikaj au stilistikaj? Garcia Blazquez, Felix Venezuela Stelo. 1990 July; 17(46): 7. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--syntax; SJC--aspect 8/5/177 9006620 90-3-11566 Projektoj de universalaj lingvoj en la epoko de la Franca Revolucio Frangeul, Andre Kulturaj kajeroj. 1990 Jan.-Mar.; 1: 9-10. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--International languages; 1700-1799; LFE-- interlinguistics 8/5/178 9006619 90-3-11606 De Bonaeroj gis Novjorko per biciklo Fontecha Soto, Johano Internacia Lingvo. 1990 July-Aug.; 3: 4-9. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto In Esperanto & Sp. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LOC--Argentina; GRP--Esperanto movement 8/5/179 9006618 90-3-11603 Europo kaj Esperanta literaturo Ertl, Istvan Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 Apr.; 59(4): 25-27. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language 8/5/180 9006617 90-3-11761 Cu 'dankema' au 'danka'? Dimov, Georgi Bulgara Esperantisto. 1990 Jan.; 59(1): 13-14. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--stylistics 8/5/181 9006616 90-2-10535; 90-3-11601 El mia kajero Dil, Avia La Movado. 1990 Jan.; Feb.; Mar.; Apr.; May; June; July; Aug.; 467; 468; 469; 470; 471; 472; 473; 474: 6; 5; 6-7; 5-6; 6; 6-7; 6; 8. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Cont. from La Movado 1989 DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Spanish literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Mangada Rosenorn, Julio; SLN--Esperanto language; LOC-- Spain; GRP--Esperanto movement; SCH--Mangada Rosenorn, Julio 8/5/182 9006614 90-3-11700 Publika letero al la Akademio de Esperanto Jesus, Carlos I. de La Gazeto. 1990 Jan. 31; 5(2 (26)): 9-10. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; onomastics; GRP-- Academy of Esperanto 8/5/183 9006613 90-3-11737 La Zamenhof radikaro Cherpillod, Andre Courgenard, Fr.: The Author; 1990. 32 pp. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; SJC--word formation ; AWK--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik; SCH--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik 8/5/184 9006610 90-3-11584 El la GDR-eldonoj de 'Paco' 1966-1989 Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist. 1990; 26(4 (162)): 90-93. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language 8/5/185 9006609 90-4-967 Preskau cent romanoj Benczik, Vilmos La Revuo Orienta. 1990 June; 71(6): 233-235. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SJC--general literature; SJC--novel; LWK--Esperanto language 8/5/186 9006608 90-3-11580 Motivado per ekzamenoj en lerneja Esperanto-instruado en Hungario Barcsay, Zsuzsa Internacia Pedagogia Revuo. 1990; 20(2): 1-5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto language teaching 8/5/187 9006607 90-3-11573 Der Esperantist 1965-1989 Der Esperantist. 1990; 26(5 (163)): 97-110. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--Esperanto periodicals 8/5/188 9006606 90-3-11572 Alveno kaj evoluo de Esperanto en Sabadell El butlleti de l'esperanto. 1990; 2 (191): 12-13. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto Incl. text of letter DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; AWK--Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik; SCH-- Zamenhof, Lazar Ludwik 8/5/189 9006605 90-2-14051 Vasilij Erosenko Andrianova, Nadija Ukraina Esperantisto. 1990; 2; 3: 14-15; 18-19. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--Russian literature; LWK--Esperanto language; LOC-- 1900-1999; AWK--Eroshenko, Vasilii Iakovlevich 8/5/190 9006604 90-3-11757 Fonetikaj interferoj inter la kataluna kaj Esperanto Alos i Font, Hektor Kataluna Esperantisto. 1990 Feb.; 266: 4-5. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--phonology; LFE--phonological interference; LFE--Catalan language 8/5/191 9006603 90-3-11689 La Pirona kontraufundamentismo Albault, Andre La Gazeto. 1990 Apr. 30; 5(4 (28)): 24-26. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto See also Piron, Claude, "Pri landnomoj" La Gazeto 1989 DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; onomastics; SCP-- Academy of Esperanto; AWK--Piron, Claude; SCH--Piron, Claude 8/5/192 9006602 90-3-11730 Skoldi krizigan Albaultan Akademion Ahn, Song-san La Espero (Korea). 1990 May-June; 15(3 (96)): 17-19. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--lexicology; SJC--toponymy; GRP --Academy of Esperanto; AWK--Albault, Andre; SCH--Albault, Andre 8/5/193 9000701 90-2-5501 La mitaj lingvoj de Stefan George Verloren Van Themaat, W. A. Literatura Foiro. 1990 Apr.; 21(124): 16-19. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLT--German literature; LOC--1900-1999; AWK--George, Stefan; SJC--poetry; LTC--Invented languages --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANGUAGE ABSTRACTS: 11 artikoloj PRI esperanto KAJ interlingvistiko --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4/5/1 134798 9104089 Interlinguistics in the GDR. A Summary Interlinguistik in der DDR. Eine Bilanz Blanke, Detlev Sektion Germanistik Humboldt U, D-1086 Berlin Federal Republic Germany Der Esperantist 1990, 26, 5(163), 110-117. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: German DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Reported are the stages in the acceptance process of Esperanto in the pre-Oct 1990 GDR. In Stalin's time, the concept of international languages such as Esperanto was rejected & viewed as the expression of reactionary cosmopolitanism. It was not until after Stalin's death that Esperanto began to be generally accepted. Also described is the work of the Cultural Union in furthering the spread & knowledge of Esperanto in the GDR. It is hoped that interlinguistics can be strenghtened within the framework of a unified Germany. 105 References. W. Levin (Copyright 1991, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); History of Linguistics (hi1) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto acceptance process/history, pre-Oct 1990 German Democratic Republic; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 4/5/2 125061 9004219 The Ninth Interlinguistic Seminar in Ahrenshoop 9. Interlinguistik-Seminar in Ahrenshoop Janz, Christina Sektion Germanistik/Geschichte/Kunsterziehung Padagogische Hochschule "Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander," Dresden German Democratic Republic Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1990, 27, 1, 53-54. CODEN:DFSPAZ PUB. YEAR: 1990 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: German DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) The Ninth Interlinguistic Seminar devoted to the general theme Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft und Esperantologie-Beziehungen-Ergebnisse-Probleme (General Linguistics and Esperantology: Relations, Results, Problems), held in Ahrenshoop, East Germany, 30 Oct-3 Nov 1988 is reported. The basic problems of interlinguistics, the development of planned languages, & the language-theoretical, sociolinguistic, grammatical, & lexicological aspects of international & planned languages were the major areas of interest. Some of the specific issues discussed were Esperanto as an international & second language, a Latin-based functional planned language ("Eurolatinum") as an international medium of communication, international terminology & its normalization, translation theory, practice, & machine translation, the sociolinguistic aspects of planned languages, glottodidactic research & practice, linguistic interference between German & Esperanto & between English & Esperanto, & Esperanto as a living, evolving language. Z. Dubiel (Copyright 1990, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.) DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Planning (la4a); English (en2) IDENTIFIERS: international/planned languages, 1988 interlinguistic seminar, Ahrenshoop (East Germany) report; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 4/5/3 120188 8908229 The Basic Aspects of International Linguistic Communication from an Interlinguistic Perspective O zakladnych aspektoch medzinarodnej jazykovej komunikacie z interlingvistickeho pohl'adu Kosecky, Stanislav Sklabinska 8, Bratislava Czechoslovakia Jazykovedny casopis 1988, 39, 1, 69-78. CODEN:JZCSAY PUB. YEAR: 1988 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Czechoslovakia LANGUAGE: Slovak DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Multilingualism has impeded international communication; the recent intensification of international contacts necessitates the selection of languages that could serve as media of international communication. From a historical perspective, political, cultural, & socioeconomic factors were always decisive in the use of a given language as a medium of international communication. There is now the tendency to increase the number of national languages functioning as media of international communication. The role of the International Auxiliary Language Assoc (IALA) in the promotion of a planned language for that purpose is noted. Interlinguistics is the discipline that addresses the extralinguistic, interlinguistic, & sociolinguistic aspects of international communication & studies languages that can perform as media of international communication. A typology of planned languages is discussed, & the values of Esperanto as an international language are stressed; the major characteristic features of Esperanto are outlined. 26 References DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Sociolinguistics (so2) IDENTIFIERS: international communication, international languages, natural vs planned, Esperanto; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 4/5/4 108901 8806481 The Term "Planned Language" Blanke, Detlev Otto-Nagel-Str 110 PF 113-05, DDR-1141 Berlin German Democratic Republic Language Problems and Language Planning 1987, 11, 3, fall, 335-349. CODEN:LPLPDP PUB. YEAR: 1987 COUNTRY OF PbohUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: English DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy repr{>{oduction available from SA A variety of terms have been used in linguistics & its subfield of interlinguistics to describe Esperanto. These include "world language," "universal language," "artificial language," & "international lang." These terms describe very different aspects of the language, including origin & communicative function. The term "planned language" is found to be preferable as it refers to the origin & intended goals of the language. 95 References DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto description; term "planned language" proposed; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics- international languages (5118) 4/5/5 093992 8606960 Basic Issues of the Development of Planned Languages-With Special Consideration of Esperanto Grundfragen der Entwicklung von Plansprachen-unter besonderer Berucksichtigung des Esperanto Blanke, Detlev q c/o der esperantist, Charlottenstr 60 DDR-1080 Berlin German Democratic Republic Der Esperantist 1985, 21, 3(131), 57-61. CODEN:ESPEDO PUB. YEAR: 1985 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: German DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Thirty-eight theses related to planned languages (PLs) are presented & the following are the major statements made: (1) PLs are consciously created languages for international communication; (2) linguists do not devote enough attention to the study of PLs; this is caused by (A) a lack of theory of the relationships involved in international communication, (B) an underestimation of the complexity of PLs, (C) terminological confusion ("artificial language," "support language," "world language"), (D) dilettantism in the PL movement, & (E) ignorance of the history, structure, development, & communicative achievements of PLs; (3) interlinguistics is an interdisciplinary scientific discipline interested in international linguistic communication with all its political, economic, social, & information-theoretical aspects; & (4) the distinction between dead & living languages & between natural & artificial languages hinders an objective understanding of the role & function of PLs. It is noted that there were some 1,000 projects concerning PLs motivated by philosophical, pacifistic, nationalistic, & practical considerations. Z. Dubiel DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Language Planning (la4a) IDENTIFIERS: planned languages development, basic issues; Esperanto; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 4/5/6 076848 8503722 Interlinguistics and Interlinguistic Research Interlinguistik und interlinguistische Forschungen Blanke, Detlev Bundessekretariat Kulturbundes, 108 Berlin German Democratic Republic Zeitschrift fur Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 1977, 30, 6, 619-629. CODEN:ZPSKBR PUB. YEAR: 1977 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Germany, East DDR LANGUAGE: German DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Interlinguistics is defined as a linguistic discipline that explores all questions & problems of international linguistic communication with all its political, economic, linguistic, & other aspects & has the task-with special consideration of planned languages-to point the way to the most effective & rational solution of the international language problem. An important part of interlinguistics is Esperantology, which must work descriptively & prescriptively. Named are five interlinguistic problems that should be worked on. Special attention is drawn to Esperanto, a large-scale linguistic experiment that touches a series of basic questions of linguistics. Several areas are mentioned where knowledge has or should be gained, especially with Esperanto: Language planning, language standardization, Esperanto as tertium comparationes for language comparison, automatic language recognition, a preparatory course for foreign-language instruction. 69 References. AA Tr & Modified by I. Kocher DESCRIPTORS: Language Planning (la4a); International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: interlinguistics, objectives/methods outlined; Esperanto; SECTION HEADINGS: sociolinguistics-language planning (5611) 4/5/7 066960 8401361 New Positions in Romanian Linguistics Pertaining to Constructed Languages Noi pozitii in lingvistica romaneasca privind limbile construite Dobre, Mioara-Lacrima Analele Universitatii din Timisoara, Seria stiinte filologice 1982, 20, 88-91. CODEN:ATSFA2 PUB. YEAR: 1982 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: Rumania LANGUAGE: Romanian DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) Esperanto, a "constructed" as opposed to "synthetic," language is examined by Romanian scholars. Tests such as I. Bociort's Lucrari practice de esperanto-interlingvistica ([Practical Works in Esperanto-Interlinguist ics], first edition, University Timisoara, 1979) & his work Curs de gramatica limbii esperanto ([Grammar Course for Esperanto], 1981) & the publication of several Romanian-Esperanto dictionaries are noted. T. Adams Muranaka DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Romance Languages; (see also Indo-European Languages, French, Italian, Spanish) (ro1); Dictionary (di4) IDENTIFIERS: Esperanto studies, Romanian scholars, recent research review; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-international languages (5118) 4/5/8 023093 7702151 Relative Merits of Esperanto and Interlingua Verloren van Themaat, W. A. 626 Vandelstr Amsterdam 1013 The Netherlands Eco-logos 1975, 21, 78, 1, 8-11. CODEN:ECLGBW PUB. YEAR: 1975 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: English DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA In answer to Esterhill's "Interlinguistics: Some Historical Perspectives" (See Esterhill, Frank Eco-logos 1975, 76 & 77.), the relative merits of Esperanto & Interlingua are discussed technically, interlinguistically, & against the background of the history of Esperanto & other constructed languages. Constructed languages are mostly judged according to their ease of acquisition. But the question, "Easy for whom?" should be asked. The 2 chief categories to be distinguished are those of people with & without prior knowledge of a Romance language. For the 1st group, Interlingua is indeed easier to read. But for the 2nd group, ease in using polymorphemic words results primarily from: (1) the transparency of a word's meaning, based on the meaning of its morphemes; & (2) the ease of forming compounds & derivatives. This is proved by the resistance of worker & Japanese Esperantists against naturalistic tendencies in Esperanto. That the Esperanto table of correlatives is easier to learn was proved by an experiment. The cardinal & ordinal numeral systems of Esperanto are also probably easier to learn than that of Interlingua, even for native French speakers. The dualism of international & autonomous word formation in Esperanto does not indicate a basic defect of Esperanto, but indicates that the language still needs improvement. AA DESCRIPTORS: Sociolinguistics (so2); International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: merits of Esperanto vs. Interlingua; SECTION HEADINGS: sociolinguistics-language planning (5611) 4/5/9 023088 7702146 Bicentennial Status Report: The Interlanguage Situation as It Appears at Present Ragsdale, John W. Eco-logos 1976, 22, 80, 1-3. CODEN:ECLGBW PUB. YEAR: 1976 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: English DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA Evidence of the interlanguage movement's viability is the volume of response to Frank Esterhill's "Interlinguistics: Some Historical Perspectives" (See Eco-logos 76 & 77.). Although Esterhill focused his attention on Interlingua, several of those responding wrote about the flexibility of Esperanto. But, as Alexander Gode has pointed out, the linguistic problems symbolized by the tower of Babel were not brought about by diverse languages, but by the fact that ".#the carpenters began thinking and speaking as carpenters, and the bricklayers no longer understood them" (See "The Devil's Advocate" International Language Reporter 53.). When "men shall again speak the same language," that "language" will stand for something much more intrinsic than Esperanto or Interlingua. D. Burkenroad DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: present interlanguage situation; SECTION HEADINGS: sociolinguistics-language planning (5611) 4/5/10 023086 7702144 Interlinguistics: Some Further Comparative Aspects Esterhill, Frank Eco-logos 1976, 22, 80, 3-4. CODEN:ECLGBW PUB. YEAR: 1976 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: English DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA Any comparison between Interlingua & Esperanto needs to take into account that these languages were devised for different uses & users. In any case, neither profits while English continues as the world's universal language. Interlingua's goal is more modest than Esperanto's, in that it can be used, for example, to impart information at medical congresses to people who have not studied it. Interlingua is also more limited in its application, being the lexicon of science & technology; in its scientific sphere, however, it has won an acceptance which Esperanto has not. A criticism directed at Interlingua is that it "is more irregular than the Romance languages themselves"--this is completely false. Finally, the premises upon which Interlingua was based in 1887 can be modified. D. Burkenroad DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14); Special Languages (sp1) IDENTIFIERS: Interlingua vs. Esperanto; science/technology lexicon; SECTION HEADINGS: sociolinguistics-language planning (5611) 4/5/11 018057 7601752 Interlinguistics: Some Historical Perspectives, Part II Esterhill, Frank PO Box 126 Canal Str Station NY 10013 Eco-logos 1975, 21, 77, 3-4. CODEN:ECLGBW PUB. YEAR: 1975 COUNTRY OF PUBLICATION: United States LANGUAGE: English DOCUMENT TYPE: Abstract of Journal Article (aja) AVAILABILITY: Hardcopy reproduction available from SA Since the interlinguistic movement began around 100 years ago, scores, even hundreds, of planned languages have been developed. Today, `natural selection` has eliminated most of these, leaving only Esperanto (the schematic school) & Occidental & Interlingua (the so-called naturalistic school). Both languages of the naturalistic school are dialects of the same tongue. All other planned language systems are either defunct or moribund. The first successful interlanguage was Volapuk (1880), a highly artificial system which used a `negative` approach. Words were randomly selected from different natural languages & then mutilated & truncated to produce an unrecognizable vocabulary. Nonetheless, it was a truly `neutral` language & enjoyed a good deal of popularity. In 1887 Esperanto began to be popular. In this language, pre-existing international roots, mostly greco-latinate, were used. Therefore, in addition to neutrality, some element of familiarity was added. However, enforced simplicity and rigid schematization rendered it a difficult and obscure language. Interlingua, formulated at the end of a 75 year period of experimentation, incorporated the successful elements of all earlier systems. Familiarity is its guiding principle & it thereby allows maximal fluency after minimal practice. The test of any interlanguage lies not in its theoretical foundations, but in its usage. Esperanto, accessible only to those who have studied it, is limited to Esperantist circles. Interlingua, on the other hand, has been applied successfully in sociology, demography, molecular spectroscopy, botany, &, especially, medicine. It seems, then, that Interlingua, an easily comprehended interlanguage, can be used in place of costly translations into several different languages. AA DESCRIPTORS: International Languages (in14) IDENTIFIERS: historical perspectives on interlinguistics; SECTION HEADINGS: descriptive linguistics-descriptive linguistics (5110) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLA BIBLIOGRAPHY: 24 artikoloj PRI esperanto KAJ interlingvistiko --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6/5/1 9006750 90-3-11590 Esperanto per Europo: Vojo tute ne facila, sed nepre irenda Broccatelli, Umberto L'Esperanto. 1990 Mar.; 3: 5-6. PY: 1990 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; GRP--European Community; LFE-- interlinguistics 6/5/2 9006007 90-3-11644 IEMW: La Universala biblioteko de Esperanto Mayer, Herbert Esperanto, 3015 BJ Rotterdam, Netherlands. 1989; 82(1): 7-9. PY: 1989 ISSN 0014-0635 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Polish DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics 6/5/3 9005992 90-3-11585 Kiel organizi sciencan esploron pri Esperanto? Taktikaj kaj organizaj aspektoj: Surbaze de spertoj en GDR Blanke, Detlev Der Esperantist. 1989; 25(3 (155)): 50-55. PY: 1989 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics 6/5/4 8906382 89-3-11324 Bibliografio de disertacioj pri Esperanto kaj interlingvistiko/Dissertation s sur l'esperanto et l'interlinguistique/Dissertations on Esperanto and Interlinguistics Symoens, Edward Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio; 1989. 159 pp. PY: 1989 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): English; French; Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Auxiliary languages; LFE--Esperanto language; LFE-- interlinguistics; bibliography; dissertations 6/5/5 8433813 84-3-9750 Rimarkoj al fonologia sistemo de Esperanto Ziman, Jiri; Lukac, Andrej, ed. 20-29 IN Kontribuo al lingvaj teorio kaj praktiko, II. Poprad: Slovakia Esperanto-Asocio; 1984. 79 pp. PY: 1984 DOCUMENT TYPE: book article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto NOTE(S): Papers from Interlinguistics Seminar, Nitra, 1983. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--phonology 6/5/6 8433803 84-3-9644 Genro kaj sekso en la etnaj lingvoj kaj en Esperanto Spitz, Erich; Lukac, Andrej, ed. 5-19 IN Kontribuo al lingvaj teorio kaj praktiko, II. Poprad: Slovakia Esperanto-Asocio; 1984. 79 pp. PY: 1984 DOCUMENT TYPE: book article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto NOTE(S): Papers from Interlinguistics Seminar, Nitra, 1983. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--grammar; lexicology; semantics 6/5/7 8433710 84-3-9715 Struktura tipologio de Esperanto Gasinec, Eduard; Lukac, Andrej, ed. 54-66 IN Kontribuo al lingvaj teorio kaj praktiko, II. Poprad: Slovakia Esperanto-Asocio; 1984. 79 pp. PY: 1984 DOCUMENT TYPE: book article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto NOTE(S): Papers from Interlinguistics Seminar, Nitra, 1983. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SJC--morphology; phonology; syntax; LFE--linguistic typology 6/5/8 8433709 84-3-9579 Signoj de la vivanteco de Esperanto Gregor, Vladimir; Lukac, Andrej, ed. 30-41 IN Kontribuo al lingvaj teorio kaj praktiko, II. Poprad: Slovakia Esperanto-Asocio; 1984. 79 pp. PY: 1984 DOCUMENT TYPE: book article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto NOTE(S): Papers from Interlinguistics Seminar, Nitra, 1983. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; SAP--diachronic approach 6/5/9 8433708 84-3-9594 La loko de Esperanto en la kategorio 'homa lingvo' Kosecky, Stanislav; Lukac, Andrej, ed. 67-78 IN Kontribuo al lingvaj teorio kaj praktiko, II. Poprad: Slovakia Esperanto-Asocio; 1984. 79 pp. PY: 1984 DOCUMENT TYPE: book article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto NOTE(S): Papers from Interlinguistics Seminar, Nitra, 1983. DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--linguistic typology 6/5/10 8229230 82-3-8065 Esperanto kaj gia analiza skolo Mimo (Espinalt), Luis Europa Dokumentaro. 1982 Oct.-Dec.; 36: 63-64. PY: 1982 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics 6/5/11 8229214 82-3-8056 Pri Esperanto el lingvistika vidpunkto Kosecky, S. Esperantisto Slovaka. 1982 Jan.; 1: 4-5. PY: 1982 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics 6/5/12 8225793 82-3-8050 Cu Esperanto estas plibonigebla Hurtta, S. P. Laute. 1982 Feb.-Mar.; 40(58): 17-18. PY: 1982 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article LANGUAGES(S): Esperanto DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics 6/5/13 8218265 82-3-8010 Esperanto und Wissenschaft: Zur Plansprachenproblematik Blanke, Detlev Berlin, E. Germany: Kulturbund der DDR, Esperanto-Verband; 1982. 88 pp. PY: 1982 DOCUMENT TYPE: book LANGUAGES(S): German DESCRIPTORS: SLN--Esperanto language; LFE--interlinguistics 6/5/14 7346259 73-3-10348 Proceedings of the Symposium on the Teaching of Esperanto at United States Universities and Colleges. La Monda Lingvo-Problemo. 4(1972):159-74. PY: 1972 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/15 7346255 73-3-10344 Esperanto as a Social and Linguistic Movement. Forster, Peter G. Pensiero e Linguaggio in Operazioni/Thought and Language in Operations, 20122 Milano, Italy. 2(1971):201-15. PY: 1971 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article Foll. by Ital. tr., 216-30. DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/16 7339287 73-3-3362 Esperanto and Icelandic:Two Contrasting Lexical Systems. Gutmans, Theodore La Monda Lingvo-Problemo. 4(1972):89-95. PY: 1972 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--linguistics, comparative--contrastive analysis-- Contrastive Analysis; linguistics--Indo-European--Germanic--North Germanic--Icelandic--Modern Icelandic; linguistics--nonverbal-- Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0304010003; 0307020003; 0318010003 6/5/17 7244114 72-3-10926 Esperanto and International Language Problems:A Research Bibliography. Tonkin, Humphrey Wash., D.C.: Esperantic Studies Foundation. 18 pp. PY: 1972 DOCUMENT TYPE: book NOTE(S): 3rd ed., rev.. DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/18 7244113 72-3-10925 The Problem of Linguistic Communication in the Modern World:Proceedings of the Second Plenary Session of the 56th World Esperanto Congress. La Monda Lingvo-Problemo. 3(1971):129-76. PY: 1971 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics; linguistics-- linguistics, general--sociolinguistics--General and Miscellaneous; linguistics--Indo-European--Germanic--English--Modern English--General and Miscellaneous; linguistics--Indo-European--Germanic--West Germanic --German--New High German--General and Miscellaneous; linguistics-- Indo-European--Italic--Romance--French--General and Miscellaneous DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003; 0302060002; 0307040004; 0307030006; 0305020005 6/5/19 7244111 72-3-10923 Esperanto und die Literatur im europaischen Raum. Steiner, Hugo Festschrift article in AN 72-3-107, 325-30. PY: 1972 DOCUMENT TYPE: book article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/20 7244107 72-3-10919 Esperanto:Catalogus van de Boekerij der Nederlandse Esperantisten-Vereniging La Estonto Estas Nia en van de Esperanto-collectie in de Universiteitsbibliotheek. Amsterdam: Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam, 1969 PY: 1972 DOCUMENT TYPE: book NOTE(S): 2 vols. With Introd. in Dutch.. DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/21 7139400 71-3-8879 Some Ideas about Idiom in Esperanto. Gutmans, Theodore La Monda Lingvo-Problemo. 2(1970):165-70. PY: 1970 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/22 7139394 71-3-8873 Esperanto and the Ideology of Constructed Languages. Broadribb, D. Internat. Lang. Reporter. 16(1970):1-9. PY: 1970 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0318010003 6/5/23 7029706 70-3-8642 Caracteristicas estruturais do Esperanto. Nogueira, R.P. La Monda Lingvo-Problemo. 2:45-52. PY: 1970 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0316010003 6/5/24 7029701 70-3-8637 Giovanni Peterlongo e una versione in esperanto del poema dantesco. Corsini, Umberto Studi Trentini di Scienze Storiche, 38100 Trento, Italy. 48(1969):113-18. PY: 1969 DOCUMENT TYPE: journal article DESCRIPTORS: linguistics--nonverbal--Interlinguistics DESCRIPTOR CODE(S): 0316010003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------