Loyalty in Wartime -- What If It Isn't a Real War?

How did you feel about the military hierarchy and bureaucracy? Was it responsive? Adaptive to change? Accomodating? Why or why not? How did it feel about servicemen who had reservations about Vietnam?

The military always wants people involved in a war to be behind what they are doing 100%. If you're not, it will get you killed and it will get a lot of your buddies killed. I didn't think that people back home being against the war would get me killed. I hoped it would get me back home sooner. I felt from the begining that we would not be able to win that war, for a number of reasons. But once you commit, you have to put forth your best effort. There is no room in combat for a lot of self doubt. You are too busy fighting for your life. I was in the Marines at the time of the Korean War, and I carried that attitude with me when I transferred to the Air Force.

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