Internet and the Free Press

The "mainstream" press will never be a check on the elites, because it's theirs. Perhaps Internet will challenge the mass press eventually, at least among the political class.

The most powerful mechanism of political corruption in the USA, in my opinion, is campaign financing. Nothing will change until there is public financing, full disclosure, equal time on radio and TV for all candidates. Politicians will never allow reforms like opening the black budgets, public input on defense procurement, or stopping the lobbyists, until they are forced to go to the electorate instead of the lobbyists. So we have to start at the root of the problem.

The second most powerful mechanism of political corruption in the USA is the "revolving door" between government and industry. Gov't employees should be barred from taking a job with a corporation they bought from or regulated for at least 10 years. The current rule is three years for the military and one year civilian, and even that is not enforced.

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