
When I think about dedicating this collection, the first people who come to my mind are the ones who were selfless enough to recall their stories and write them down to share with the rest of us. They have brought life to this collection. Therefore, it is impossible to think about dedicating this (as yet incomplete) collection of memories to everyone who has shared their experiences -- who help us recall the ideals we all embraced so long ago, and hopefully still do.

Emi is a woman who is intent upon the pursuit of excellence. She originally inspired me to begin this collection. When I thought of naming it, Emi's Online Antiwar Anthology came to my mind. It can be easily reduced to Emi's Antiwar Anthology or simply Emi's Anthology. For some reason, the name reminded me of Alice's Restauarant Massacree (or just Alice's Restaurant). It felt like the right name to me. The friendship I've shared with her has reminded me of the camaraderie that we all shared during those difficult years. Without her influence, I may not have been inspired to begin gathering the collection and give the effort my very best.