Questions Concerning Chicago

I was delighted to learn that you were at Chicago in '68. I have had some difficulty finding people who were there, and I am very interested in talking to you.

Let me tell you what I am looking for... I want your accounts of what it was like to be in the city at the time. I want you to describe what you saw or didn't see when you went to the convention. What hopes did you bring with you? Did you think the world could be changed by uniting into a single voice of protest? Did you have hopes in our democratic ideals?

Where were you when the police "rioted"? Do you remember the crowds shouting, "the world is watching" as they charged on the demonstraters? How did you feel at that moment? Ashamed to be an American? Apalled? Outraged? How did you react to the "police riot"? How close was the spirit of that time to open rebellion?

Were you at any other antiwar rallies during the Vietnam era? How did they compare to Chicago? Do any recollections come to your mind that you would like to share?