I Was Born in Vietnam

I have lurked through a variety of usenet groups that sound as if they might harbor some kindred spirits from bygone days. Your posts to the groups where I was lurking have led me to believe you were a member of the counterculture. Is this true?

No, I'm 18 years old. However, I am Vietnamese and was born in Saigon after the Communists took over in 1976 (I'm living in the U.S. now). My father, whome I've never met, was taken away by the Viet-Cong after he and a group of counter-revolutionaries tried to stop the Communists after they had taken over. My mother and I moved here to the U.S. in 1976.

Ironically, I have grown to hate capitalism and have taken upon myself to find an alternative to capitalism, but the solution would have to be something other than the Communism of the past which had ultimately failed as an economic system. My parents are very conservative, while I consider myself an extreme radical. If you try to look, you will not find too many radical or even liberal Vietnamese. I sometimes feel like the world's my enemy.

I'll be happy to share any of my thoughts, history, or experiences if you're still interested.

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