~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STD INDEX ------------- CREATED ON: 01/29/2007. This file contains citations for all STDs in numeric order. Each STD represents a single Internet Standard technical specification, composed of one or more RFCs with Standard status. STD citations in this file appear in the following format: #### Title of STD. Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Issue date. (Format: ASCII) (Obsoletes xxx) (Obsoleted by xxx) (Updates xxx) (Updated by xxx) (Also RFC####, ...) For example: 0006 User Datagram Protocol. J. Postel. 28 August 1980. (Format: TXT=5896 bytes) (Also RFC0768) Key to citations: #### is the STD number. Following the number are the title (terminated with a period), the author, or list of authors (terminated with a period), and the date (terminated with a period). The format and length information follows in parentheses. It lists some combination of ASCII text (TXT), PostScript (PS), and/or Adobe (PDF), each followed by an equals sign and the number of bytes for that version. For example (Format: TXT=aaaaa, PS=bbbbbb bytes) shows that the ASCII text version is aaaaa bytes, and the PostScript version is bbbbbb bytes. Finally, the (Also RFC ##) phrase lists the RFC(s) that form this STD. RFCs may be obtained using HTTP, FTP, or email. See the RFC Editor Web page http://www.rfc-editor.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STD INDEX --------- 0001 Internet Official Protocol Standards. J. Reynolds, S. Ginoza. July 2004. (Format: TXT=148273 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC3600) (Also RFC3700) 0002 [Reserved for Assigned Numbers. See RFC 1700 and RFC 3232.]. (Not online) (Also RFC1700) 0003 Requirements for Internet Hosts. R. Braden, Ed.. October 1989. (Format: TXT=528939 bytes) (Also RFC1122, RFC1123) 0004 [Reserved for Router Requirements. See RFC 1812.]. (Not online) 0005 Internet Protocol. J. Postel. September 1981. (Format: TXT=241903 bytes) (Also RFC0791, RFC0792, RFC0919, RFC0922, RFC0950, RFC1112) 0006 User Datagram Protocol. J. Postel. August 1980. (Format: TXT=5896 bytes) (Also RFC0768) 0007 Transmission Control Protocol. J. Postel. September 1981. (Format: TXT=172710 bytes) (Updated by RFC3168) (Also RFC0793) 0008 Telnet Protocol. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=44639 bytes) (Also RFC0854, RFC0855) 0009 File Transfer Protocol. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. October 1985. (Format: TXT=147316 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0765) (Updated by RFC2228, RFC2640, RFC2773) (Also RFC0959) 0010 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. J. Postel. August 1982. (Format: TXT=120432 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0788, RFC0780, RFC0772) (Obsoleted by RFC2821) (Also RFC0821, RFC1869, RFC0974) 0011 STANDARD FOR THE FORMAT OF ARPA INTERNET TEXT MESSAGES. D. Crocker. August 1982. (Format: TXT=106299 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0733) (Obsoleted by RFC2822) (Updated by RFC1123, RFC2156, RFC1327, RFC1138, RFC1148) (Also RFC0822) 0012 [Reserved for Network Time Protocol (NTP). See RFC 1305.]. (Format: TXT=193 bytes) 0013 Domain Name System. P. Mockapetris. November 1987. (Format: TXT=248726 bytes) (Also RFC1034, RFC1035) 0014 [Was Mail Routing and the Domain System. Now Historic.]. (Not online) 0015 [Was Simple Network Management Protocol. Now Historic.]. (Not online) 0016 Structure of Management Information. M. Rose, K. McCloghrie. May 1990. (Format: TXT=82279 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1065) (Also RFC1155, RFC1212) 0017 Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets:MIB-II. K. McCloghrie, M. Rose. March 1991. (Format: TXT=142158 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1158) (Updated by RFC2011, RFC2012, RFC2013) (Also RFC1213) 0018 [Was Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC 904). Now Historic.]. (Not online) 0019 NetBIOS Service Protocols. NetBIOS Working Group. March 1987. (Format: TXT=319750 bytes) (Also RFC1001, RFC1002) 0020 Echo Protocol. J. Postel. May 1983. (Format: TXT=1237 bytes) (Also RFC0862) 0021 Discard Protocol. J. Postel. May 1983. (Format: TXT=1239 bytes) (Also RFC0863) 0022 Character Generator Protocol. J. Postel. May 1983. (Format: TXT=6842 bytes) (Also RFC0864) 0023 Quote of the Day Protocol. J. Postel. May 1983. (Format: TXT=1676 bytes) (Also RFC0865) 0024 Active users. J. Postel. May 1983. (Format: TXT=2029 bytes) (Also RFC0866) 0025 Daytime Protocol. J. Postel. May 1983. (Format: TXT=2289 bytes) (Also RFC0867) 0026 Time Protocol. J. Postel, K. Harrenstien. May 1983. (Format: TXT=3024 bytes) (Also RFC0868) 0027 Telnet Binary Transmission. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=8965 bytes) (Obsoletes NIC 15389) (Also RFC0856) 0028 Telnet Echo Option. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=10859 bytes) (Obsoletes NIC 15390) (Also RFC0857) 0029 Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=3712 bytes) (Obsoletes NIC 15392) (Also RFC0858) 0030 Telnet Status Option. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=4273 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0651) (Also RFC0859) 0031 Telnet Timing Mark Option. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=7881 bytes) (Obsoletes NIC 16238) (Also RFC0860) 0032 Telnet Extended Options: List Option. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. May 1983. (Format: TXT=3068 bytes) (Obsoletes NIC 16239) (Also RFC0861) 0033 The TFTP Protocol (Revision 2). K. Sollins. July 1992. (Format: TXT=24599 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0783) (Updated by RFC1782, RFC1783, RFC1784, RFC1785, RFC2347, RFC2348, RFC2349) (Also RFC1350) 0034 [Was Routing Information Protocol (RIP). Replaced by STD 56.]. (Not online) 0035 ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP Version: 3. M.T. Rose, D.E. Cass. May 1987. (Format: TXT=30662 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0983) (Updated by RFC2126) (Also RFC1006) 0036 Transmission of IP and ARP over FDDI Networks. D. Katz. January 1993. (Format: TXT=22077 bytes) (Also RFC1390) 0037 Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol: Or converting network protocol addresses to 48.bit Ethernet address for transmission on Ethernet hardware. David C. Plummer. November 1982. (Format: TXT=21556 bytes) (Also RFC0826) 0038 A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. R. Finlayson, T. Mann, J.C. Mogul, M. Theimer. June 1984. (Format: TXT=9345 bytes) (Also RFC0903) 0039 [Was BBN Report 1822 (IMP/Host Interface). Now Historic.]. December 1981. (Format: TXT=187 bytes) 0040 Host Access Protocol specification. Bolt Beranek and Newman Laboratories. July 1984. (Format: TXT=129985 bytes) (Updated by RFC1221) (Also RFC0907) 0041 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernet networks. C. Hornig. April 1 1984. (Format: TXT=5697 bytes) (Also RFC0894) 0042 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over experimental Ethernet networks. J. Postel. April 1 1984. (Format: TXT=4985 bytes) (Also RFC0895) 0043 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over IEEE 802 networks. J. Postel, J.K. Reynolds. February 1988. (Format: TXT=34359 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0948) (Also RFC1042) 0044 DCN Local-Network Protocols. D.L. Mills. December 1983. (Format: TXT=65340 bytes) (Also RFC0891) 0045 Internet Protocol on Network System's HYPERchannel: Protocol Specification. K. Hardwick, J. Lekashman. February 1988. (Format: TXT=100836 bytes) (Also RFC1044) 0046 Transmitting IP traffic over ARCNET networks. D. Provan. February 1991. (Format: TXT=16565 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1051) (Also RFC1201) 0047 Nonstandard for transmission of IP datagrams over serial lines: SLIP. J.L. Romkey. June 1988. (Format: TXT=12578 bytes) (Also RFC1055) 0048 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over NetBIOS networks. L.J. McLaughlin. February 1989. (Format: TXT=5579 bytes) (Also RFC1088) 0049 Standard for the transmission of 802.2 packets over IPX networks. L.J. McLaughlin. November 1989. (Format: TXT=7902 bytes) (Also RFC1132) 0050 [Reserved for Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like Interface Types. See RFC 3638.]. (Not online) 0051 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). W. Simpson, Ed.. July 1994. (Format: TXT=151158 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1549) (Also RFC1661, RFC1662) 0052 The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS Service. D. Piscitello, J. Lawrence. March 1991. (Format: TXT=24662 bytes) (Also RFC1209) 0053 Post Office Protocol - Version 3. J. Myers, M. Rose. May 1996. (Format: TXT=47018 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1725) (Also RFC1939) 0054 OSPF Version 2. J. Moy. April 1998. (Format: TXT=447367 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC2178) (Also RFC2328) 0055 Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay. C. Brown, A. Malis. September 1998. (Format: TXT=74671 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1490, RFC1294) (Also RFC2427) 0056 RIP Version 2. G. Malkin. November 1998. (Format: TXT=98462 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1723) (Also RFC2453) 0057 RIP Version 2 Protocol Applicability Statement. G. Malkin. November 1994. (Format: TXT=10236 bytes) (Also RFC1722) 0058 Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2). K. McCloghrie, D. Perkins, J. Schoenwaelder. April 1999. (Format: TXT=89712 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1902) (Also RFC2578, RFC2579, RFC2580) 0059 Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base. S. Waldbusser. May 2000. (Format: TXT=198676 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1757) (Also RFC2819) 0060 SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining. N. Freed. September 2000. (Format: TXT=17065 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC2197) (Also RFC2920) 0061 A One-Time Password System. N. Haller, C. Metz, P. Nesser, M. Straw. February 1998. (Format: TXT=56495 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1938) (Also RFC2289) 0062 Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3). D. Harrington, R. Presuhn, B. Wijnen, J. Case, D. Levi, P. Meyer, B. Stewart, U. Blumenthal, K. McCloghrie. December 2002. (Format: TXT=823431 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC2571, RFC2572, RFC2573, RFC2574, RFC2575, RFC1905, RFC1906, RFC1907) (Also RFC3411, RFC3412, RFC3413, RFC3414, RFC3415, RFC3416, RFC3417, RFC3418) 0063 UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646. F. Yergeau. November 2003. (Format: TXT=33856 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC2279) (Also RFC3629) 0064 RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications. H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick, V. Jacobson. July 2003. (Format: TXT=259985, PS=630740, PDF=504117 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1889) (Also RFC3550) 0065 RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control. H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner. July 2003. (Format: TXT=106621, PS=317286, PDF=237831 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1890) (Also RFC3551) 0066 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax. T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter. January 2005. (Format: TXT=141811 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC2732, RFC2396, RFC1808) (Updates RFC1738) (Also RFC3986) 0067 XDR: External Data Representation Standard. M. Eisler, Ed.. May 2006. (Format: TXT=55477 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1832) (Also RFC4506)