Expiration Date: March 22, 1993 Network Working Group Dimitry Haskin Request for Comments: DRAFT Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc. September 1992 Default Route Advertisement In BGP2 And BGP3 Versions Of The Border Gateway Protocol Status Of This Memo This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet Drafts. Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months. Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a ``working draft'' or ``work in progress.'' Please check the 1id-abstracts.txt listing contained in the internet-drafts Shadow Directories on nic.ddn.mil, nnsc.nsf.net, nic.nordu.net, ftp.nisc.sri.com, or munnari.oz.au to learn the current status of any Internet Draft. Abstract This document specifies the recommendation of the BGP Working Group on default route advertisement support in BGP2 and BGP3 versions of the Border Gateway Protocol. This recommendation only applies to BGP2 and BGP3 versions of the Border Gateway Protocol since starting with the BGP4 version a default route advertisement capability is built in the protocol. 1. Overview The purpose of the default route advertisement capability is to advertise the IP address of a border gateway which can be used as the default next hop to destinations that are not listed explicitly in the BGP peer's routing table. This capability will allow routers, that are unable to maintain a complete routing table (e.g. due to its size) to learn a border gateway that is ready to handle the default traffic. Also, in contrast to static defaults, if there is more than one default gateway, this would make it possible for a BGP speaker to express a preference for one over the other. It also reduces the need to configure default routes in routers. [Page 1] RFC DRAFT (Expiration Date: March 22, 1993) 2. Default Route Advertisement A default route is advertised in an UPDATE message that carries reachability information for network A Network field of such an UPDATE message must contain the IP address as the indication that it carries a default route. The NEXT_HOP path attribute of such a message provides the IP address of a border gateway that can be used as a default next hop to destinations that are not listed in the BGP peer's routing table. The value of the ORIGIN attribute should be 2 (INCOMPLETE). The AS_PATH attribute should be constructed according to the same rules that apply to a conventional network advertisement. If multiple default routes are advertised by a BGP speaker, the INTER-AS-METRIC path attribute can be included in the corresponding UPDATE messages to express preference levels for entry points to the same AS. The UNREACHABLE path attribute is used to indicate that a previously advertised default route has become unreachable. UPDATE messages containing the default route advertisements should be handled according to the rules that apply to all other UPDATE messages. If multiple default route are acquired by a BGP speaker, a route is selected according to the local policies adopted by this BGP speaker. [Page 2]