A draft for translation by Timo Hamalainen 12/1996 National Hymn of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics Inviolable union of free republics joined for ever the great Rus (ancient Russia) Long live created by will of the peoples Unified mighty Soviet Union! Hymn our free fatherland safe bulwark of friendship of the people Lenin's party - national power Leads us to the triumph of communism! Through thunderstorms sun of freedom was shining to us And Great Lenin lighted up us the way He raised the peoples to the right thing to labour and feats inspired us! Hymn our free fatherland safe bulwark of friendship of the people Lenin's party - national power Leads us to the triumph of the communism! In the victory of the immortal ideas of communism we are seeing future of our land And to the red flag of our glorious fatherland we will always be selflessly faithful Hymn our free fatherland safe bulwark of friendship of the people Lenin's party - national power Leads us to the triumph of communism!